Ignition Device Evaluation

Aerial Plastic Sphere Dispenser(PSD)

An aerial ignition device used to inject and propel a plastic sphere

Product Information

  1. Name:List manufacture product name
  2. Manufacture: Attach orlist manufacture name, address, website, email, phone # and contact name if available
  3. Description:Attach or list manufacture product description (composition, materials, dimensions, weight, etc.)
  4. Application: Attach or list manufacture application information
  5. Transport: Attach or list manufacture transport instructions
  6. Maintenance: Attach or list manufacture maintenance instructions
  7. Storage: Attach or list manufacture storage instructions
  8. Personal Protective Equipment (PPE):Attach or list manufacture recommended PPE
  9. MSDS Information:Attach manufacture and agency MSDS sheets
  10. Hazard Assessment Information: Attach manufacture and agency hazard assessments
  11. Cost / Aerial Plastic Sphere Dispenser Unit:Use manufacture suggested retail price
  12. Cost / Aerial Plastic Spheres:Use manufacture suggested retail price
  13. Availability: Attach or list retail optionsand pricing

Product Assessment and Testing Criteria

  1. Meets Agency Standard:☐ Yes☐ No ☐ Not Applicable
  2. Agency Training Requirements:☐ Verbal Instruction☐ Formal Training☐Certification
  3. Manufacture Training Material Provided: ☐ Yes ☐No
  4. Manufacture Training Provided: ☐ Yes☐ No
  5. Easily Transportable in Field: ☐ Yes ☐ No
  6. Evaluation By: Name of evaluator
  7. Evaluation Date: Date of actual evaluation
  8. Location: Geographic description and GPS location
  9. Fuel Materials Ignited During Testing: Describe fuel size, arrangement and continuity
  10. Preparation Time: Describe & Evaluate preparations and express timelines needed
  11. Aerial PSD Unit Weight (Empty): Expressed in kilograms
  12. Aerial PSD Unit Weight (Loaded): Expressed in kilograms
  13. Mounting: Describe & Evaluate PSD mounting procedure
  14. Emergency Safety Features: Describe & Evaluate safety features e.g. Harness, release, extinguishment, etc.
  15. GPS Tracking Capability: Describe & Evaluate GPS tracking capability (if applicable)
  16. Power Supply:Describe & Evaluate power source and connections
  17. Controls: Describe & Evaluate PSD controls
  18. Container: Describe & Evaluate sphere container e.g. capacity
  19. Chemical Reservoir: Describe & Evaluatereservoir and liquid capacity (litres)
  20. Water Reservoir: Describe & Evaluate reservoir and liquid capacity (litres)
  21. Dispenser:Describe & Evaluatesphere dispenser system e.g. feed chutes, timing, adjustments, etc.
  22. Injection: Describe & Evaluate injection system
  1. Air Speed & Drop Pattern: Describe & Evaluate airspeed and drop patterns used
  2. Ignition Time: Describe & Evaluate sphere ignition e.g. time lapse (seconds)
  3. Flame Length: Sphere flame length (centimeters)
  4. Burn Time: Open flame expressed in minutesand seconds
  5. Burn Area Ignited: Expressed as area (ha)
  6. Production Range per Load: Expressed in metres of line / minute
  7. Production Costs: Cost / Metre = Unit Cost + Fuel Cost ÷ Length of line in Metres
  8. Safety Issues: List safety issues encountered
  9. Advantages:List product advantages
  10. Disadvantages:List product disadvantages
  11. Potential Improvements:List product shortfalls and suggestions for product improvement
  12. Recommended Use: Listfield applications and conditions that the product may be best suited for


  1. Reference Material: Site reference material used in product evaluation
  1. Pictures Taken:Include product evaluation pictures
  1. Video Taken:Include product evaluation video
  1. Text: Record notes or expand on information being collected e.g. # 18 Easily Transportable in Field