AED National Membership Application 2018
Please review the following requirements for national membership before completing the application. This page must be signed and stapled as page one of your application. Applicants who do not meet these requirements will not be considered for membership.
General Requirements:
- The student must be taking courses leading to a career in the health professions.
- Character, general ability, and personality must be considered carefully in the selection of every member.
- Members shall be elected without any discrimination on the basis of race, sex, religion, creed or national origin.
- The student shall be an associate member of AED when applying for active national membership.
Specific Requirements:
- Must be a sophomore or above.
- Must have been a pre-health student for at least 3 semesters and must have been attending Auburn University for at least one semester.
- Must have at least a 3.2 cumulative, ungapped BCPM (Biology/Chemistry/Physics/Math) GPA and a 3.2 cumulative, ungapped GPA. Use the AMCAS Course Classification Guide for this process.
- Must have a record of attending at least 7 AED Meetings.
- Must have acquired at least 4 AED Service Points.
Requirements for Retaining National Membership after Induction:
- Must have a record of attending at least 4 AED Meetings per academic year.
- Must acquire at least 3 AED Service Points per academic year.
I have read, understand, and fulfilled all requirements for national membership. I also understand the requirements for retaining national membership after induction, and I intend to fulfill those requirements.
Print name
Signature Date
AED National Membership Application 2018
Due:Monday, February 19, 2018, by 4:00 p.m. in SCC 247-A (Mrs. Childress’s Office)
Notification of Acceptance:Monday, March 5, 2018 by 5:00 pm via email
Spring Initiation: Tuesday, April 10, 2018, at 6:00 p.m. in SCA
Instructions:Fill out all pages of this application. Please type or write legibly, and attach a 2x2” photograph in the designated area. Bring completed application to Mrs. Childress’s Office (SCC Room 247-A). All applicants will be notified by email whether they are or are notselected for membership. Send any questions to Peyton Camp, AEDpresident, at . If you need more space for your answers, attach an additional page to the application. Thank you for applying and good luck!
Basic Information
Name: ______Photo:
AU Email Address: ______
Banner ID: ______
Phone Number: ______
Local Address: ______
Major: ______
Concentration: ______
Classification (Circle one): SO JR SR
Semester and Year entered Auburn University: ______
Have you paid the associate member dues for 2017-2018? (Circle one): Yes No
BCPM GPA: ______*Overall GPA: ______*
*See note on page 4 about the GPA Calculation Worksheet.
Number of Meetings Attended:
Fall 2017: 0
Spring 2017: 0
Fall 2016: ____
Spring 2016: _____
Fall 2015: _____
Spring 2015: _____
Fall 2014: _____
Spring 2014: _____
AED Service Points
List the event name, semester, and point value of all AED volunteer events in which you have participated.
Membership Questions
How have you have benefited from AED?
What do you hope to gain from national membership?
How do you plan to give back to and impact AED as a national member?
Please state anything else you feel the selection committee needs to know about your application.
GPA Calculation Worksheet
See directions at Email the Excel GPA worksheet to Mrs. Childress at . If you completed a PPAC GPA Worksheet this year and it was approved, you can submit that one.