AEC Project and Permit Application
Use of Animals for Scientific Purposes
To be used by all Investigators undertaking work using animals including:
· Researchers applying for, or seeking renewal of, ethics approval in order to undertake research involving the use of animals;
· Coordinators of units with teaching activities which involve the use or care of animals.
All Investigators and Particpants must be familiar with the appropropriate legislation covering their work and the ‘Code of Practice for the care and use of animals for scientific purposes’.
Please refer to the ‘Guideline for Completing the Applications to the CDU Animal Ethics Committee’ prior to completion of this form.
Please note: the AEC includes members from a range of different backgrounds, please avoid unnecessary scientific terminology and give a plain English (lay) description of scientific procedures.
1. Title of Project
2. Investigators and Participants
NB Postgraduate research or other students cannot be the first Principal Investigator
Principal Investigator
List of other Investigators/Participants (insert new rows if required)
Declaration/Disclosure Attached?Participant Category / Name
Lecturer / Yes No
Yes No
Yes No
Choose an item. / Yes No
Choose an item. / Yes No
3. Renewals, Resubmissions and Reapplications
Is this project:
i) A new project? / Yes / Noii) A renewal of an existing project? / Yes / No
iii) The resubmission of a revised/rejected project? / Yes / No
If ‘yes’ to ii) or iii), what was the AEC Project title and number for the original submission?
iv) Has an application for this project/experiment previously been submitted to another AEC? / Yes / No
If yes to iv), what was the name of the AEC?
What was the outcome of the project’s review (approved/rejected/other)?
4. Lead Institution’s NT Animal Research Licence No/Expiry:
Choose an item.
5. Type of Project: Choose an item.
6. Research Category: Choose an item.
See Appendix 1 for explanation of categories.
7. Project Duration:
(Up to 4 years approval can be requested)
Preferred commencement date:
Duration of project (years):
8. Funding of Project:
Source of Funding: Click here to enter text.
Duration of Funding: Choose an item.
Status of Funding: Choose an item.
If the funding application is not successful, will the project still go ahead? Yes
9. Are the results to be published? Yes
If not, please explain why not.
10. Other Licenses and Permits
i) Does this project involve the use of native species? / Yes / NoIf ‘Yes’ provide the Parks and Wildlife or Fisheries (or equivalent if taking place in another state) Permit No. or status of a Permit application.
ii) Does this project involve the importation of animals or other biological agents or carriage of native animals across state borders? / Yes / No
If ‘Yes’ provide the Biosecurity Australia or wildlife importation/export permits No. or status of the application.
iii) Are prescription or controlled drugs (S4 or S8) used in this project? / Yes / No
If ‘Yes’ provide the Medicines and Poisons Control approval(s) and list the drugs approved for use:
iv) Does this project involve the use of genetic technology or genetically modified organisms? / Yes / No
If ‘Yes’ provide the Biosafety Committee approval no. (NLRD,DNIR etc)
v) Is any part of this project carried outside of the Northern Territory?
If ‘Yes’ list all states, territories and countries where work will be carried out. / Yes / No
The “Australian Code of Practice for the Care and Use of Animals for Scientific Purposes” states that animal studies may only be performed when the scientific merit justifies the use of animals. Your answers in this section should be given in lay terms. The answers provided are crucial for the assessment of the scientific merit of the project and the justification of animal use.
11. What is the aim of the project? What do you hope the project will establish or achieve?
12. Describe the project. Briefly, what are you proposing to do?
(ie ‘Methods’, more details can be provided in Section 4)
13. Comment on the significance of this project. Why is it important?
14. Why is it necessary to use/capture animals in this project? If alternatives exist, why can’t they be used?
15. Detail what consideration has been given to each of the 3Rs (Replacement, Reduction and Refinement) in developing this project.
16. If the project repeats previously reported experiments/studies, please summarise the reasons why this repetition is necessary. If available, include references to justify this.
CDU Animal Ethics Committee / Signature of PI:Animal Ethics Project Application: Wildlife Version 01.2013 / Date:
17. What animal species and numbers are to be used/captured?
Using the excel spreadsheet available on the CDU AEC Website, provide details of the animals to be used, including the numbers of each animal required. Delete any columns that are not applicable to the description of the animals on your project (eg strain, age or sex). Once completed, submit the spreadsheet as a separate electronic file via email to and write the name of the excel file in the box below. When your project is approved you will receive a version of your spreadsheet back which you can use to keep track of animal use, update and attach to your Progress and Final Reports.
Spreadsheet Filename:
18. For wildlife surveys (only):
a) What type of traps will you be using?
b) Describe the trap/survey methods including how many traps you will be using?
c) What impact will this have on the animal population(s), ecosystem or the environment?
19. Justify, in terms of experimental or teaching design, educational outcome or survey requirements, why you need to use/capture the number and type(s) of animals that you have requested. Statistical justification is required where applicable, or refence to previously published work or industry standards are also required.
20. Is there a chance you may need to collect any voucher specimens?* Yes
If the answer is ‘Yes’, please provide the following information:
a) Is this a targeted or unforseen / opportunistic collection?
b) Estimate the number of voucher specimens you nitend to collect?
c) Why do / may you need the voucher specimens?
(You will need to justify the taking of each voucher specimen in your progress/final report.)
d) Have you made contact with a museum or publically available reference collection to take any voucher specimens? If so, provide details.
e) What do you estimate will be the impact on the population(s) of these species and/or their ecosystem?
* Voucher Specimen – Any specimen, usually but not always a dead animal, that serves as a basis of study and is retained as a reference. ‘Type’ specimen is a particular voucher specimen that serves as a basis for taxonomic description of that subspecies.
For guidelines on acceptable techiniques and animal care please refer to the:
‘NHMRC Guidelines to promote the wellbeing of animals used for scientific purposes: The assessment and alleviation of pain and distress in research animals’ and
‘A Guide to the use of Australian Native Mammals in Biomedical Research’ Sections 1-3 and Section 4.
List all the (known) locations where this project will take place. If this is a blanket approval, list any known locations but add locations at a later date using a Letter of Notification.
Add new ROWS if required
GPS* / Name of Site / Area Region / State** / Country***1
21.1 For each site number above, outline what will happen to the animals at that site.
21.2 If animals to be used may have been caught in previous studies, describe what may have previously done to the animals (include project number).
If animals are to be held, housed post-capture at any of the sites listed above, or transported between sites complete the following Quesitons in 22-24
22.1 What is the maximum time the animals will be ‘held’?
22.2 If the animals are to remain a part of the study after release, how long will they be participating in this project?
22.3 Describe the housing / containment to be used (e.g. please state dimensions of cage, bag etc):
22.4 What will be the maximum and minimum number of animals per cage / container / yard and why?
22.5 What measures will be taken in order to provide for the animals wellbeing /make comfortable while contained? Justify your answer. For example, moisture, darkness, warmth or cool, space for exercise or expression of normal behaviour and environmental enrichment. Such provisions should be appropriate for the species and the time they will be in captivity.
22.6 If the animals are to be transported, provide a reason for the transport, describe how this will be done and how you will ensure their wellbeing during this time
23.1 Will animals be held for a period of time such that they require food or water? If so, describe the how and what will be provided.
24.1 Sequence of Events – Provide step-by-step details of what happens to the animals from the time you obtain them until they are released, no longer used for the project or they are euthanased. A flow chart or table may assist in portraying this process.
24.2 Identify and describe each step or procedure in this proposal that may compromise the animal’s well-being. State how adverse effects will be minimised. This list may include capture, handling, housing, as well as experimental or teaching procedures such as injections, surgery, blood sampling. Details should include treatment substances, including anaesthetics and analgesics that are used, their dose and each route of administration.
24.3 How will animal wellbeing be monitored at each stage of the project including: observation, capture, holding, transport, post-arrival procedures and processing and release. (Include frequency of monitoring and methods used)
24.4 Who will perform the experiment or teaching procedures stated in this application and where will these procedures be performed?
25.1 What will be the fate of the animals at the end of their involvement in the project?
25.2 What course of action will you take if any animals are injured during the course of the project?
25.3 What criteria will be used to determine the end-point of the experiment (conclude an animal’s involvement in the project):
a) under normal circumstances?
b) in case of unexpected circumstances?
(for example after an injury as outlined in Q26.2 above)
25.4 If animals are to be euthanised as part of the project or because they are seriously injured:
(Please note: this section is mandatory and ‘NA’ will not be accepted as a valid response. Should administration of euthanising agents/drugs be proposed, the individual administering the agent must be licenced to do so.)
a) how will this be done? (for euthanising drugs, include agent used, route of administration, and dose (eg mg/kg) )
b) where will the euthanasia take place?
c) who will euthanise the animal(s) and what is their experience?
d) could animal tissue be shared with other researchers for another research project?
Delete this page if not carrying out a teaching project
27. Course / Unit / Practical Class Name:
28. What is the estimated number of students undertaking the unit / course:
a) per session?
b) per semester?
29. What is the student to instructor/supervisor ratio?
30. Please specify the minimum and maximum number of animals to be used in a relevant time frame (eg. number of times per class or per week) by each student?
31. Will the students be handling live animals? Yes
If you answered ‘Yes’, please explain what students will be doing with the animals and what steps have been or will be taken to ensure that the students are trained in animal handling techniques, and adequately supervised while handling the animals:
32. What is the maximum number of times each animal will be used?
33. How would students be disadvantaged if animals were not used in this course/project/procedure?
34. What are the learning outcomes for the unit / course?
35. Describe how the attainment of the educational objectives will be assessed?
Attach a student assessment, course feedback sheet etc
36. Is animal use compulsory for students of the above course? Yes
If you answered ‘Yes’:
a) How and when were the students made aware of animal use in this unit / course?
b) Are students given the opportunity to abstain from using animals without it affecting their candidature?
37. Do the students receive instruction in their ethical and legal responsibilities involved in the use of animals for scientific purposes, as well as in the appropriate methods for animal care and use?
If ‘Yes’ describe the instruction provided.
CDU Animal Ethics Committee / Signature of PI:Animal Ethics Project Application: Wildlife Version 01.2013 / Date:
NOTE: the Principal Investigator (PI) is required to accept accountability for the conduct and outcome of the project, therefore their role requires them to supervise, direct and coordinate the other investigators and steer the direction of the project. This means that the PI needs to have authority over the other participants on the project, and must be someone who has the knowledge and experience to make the ultimate decisions regarding the project. The PI cannot be a student, peripheral participant or someone who is subordinate to another participant in regards to the conduct of the project. The organisation employing the PI will be the Lead Organisation responsible for the project and must therefore hold a Licence for animal research and teaching in the Northern Territory.
The PI may not be able to/want to coordinate and oversee the administrative duties of the animal ethics process, so can delegate this role to another investigator. If this is the case provide the name and contact details of this person at the bottom of this page. NB However, the PI will remain the only person who can sign off on the ethics paperwork.