Advertise Your ACS Event and Post Announcements to Members

The Georgia Local Section of ACS has several platforms for distributing information to its members. These platforms are available to our committees, councilors, and members for sharing information. Details regarding information distribution are below.

Types of information that can be posted include, but are not limited to:

Announcements for events, awards, or anything of interest to our members

Photos and information from prior events

General interest articles related to chemistry

Links to surveys that are relevant to our members

Job postings and career development opportunities

Facebook Posts – For posting chemistry-related and ACS-related information

Facebook page address:

The section’s Facebook page is a great place to advertise your events and make announcements to our members and associates. Consider using this opportunity, along with emails, to increase event attendance, increase volunteers for an event, and to celebrate honors and awards.

How to have your event or announcement posted on the section Facebook page

Please email all relevant information (date, time, event title, summary, links to outside webpages, photos, etc.) to the ACS Georgia Local Section Public Relations Chair, Antara Dutta, at at least 48 hours before you would like the post made. Antara will confirm receipt of your email and let you know when the information has been posted.

Georgia Local Section ACS Webpage – For posting ACS Georgia Section-related information and job postings

Georgia Local Section ACS Webpage:

To utilize this platform, please send all relevant information to the following people:
Section Webmaster, David Gottfried, at
Section Chair, Jennifer Knaack, at .
Requests for information posting should be made at least 3 days before you would like the posting made.

Email Newsletter – For posting ACS Georgia Section-related information

Our section’s email newsletter reaches all of our members and affiliates (more than 3,500 people!). Information can be included in a newsletter email with approval of the section’s Chair and Secretary.Email newsletters will be sent out at a maximum of once per month. To have your information posted in this email, please contact the following people:

Section Chair, Jennifer Knaack, at
Section Secretary, Stephanie Kofsky Wofford, at ,

They will discuss newsletter distribution dates and provide approval of your posting.