Advent 2014 - Travelling Light

Kennymas! Sketch for Advent 3 - Sunday 14th Dec

Dorothy getting things ready for a party, eg balloons, streamers packets of crisps etc.

Kenny comes along and the following conversation takes place.

K - Hi Dorothy, this looks fun! What are you up to?

D - Hi Kenny, I’m getting ready for a party! It’s very exciting!

K - Lovely! When’s the party?

D - It’s tomorrow.

K - Really?……(Looking hopeful) It’s actually my birthday tomorrow!

D - Well Obviously - Everyone knows it’s Kennymas tomorrow. It’s been a really big thing for years now.

K - (looking pleased) Ah “Kenny -mas.. meaning Kenny Celebration! or Kenny Festival! Wow! So Dorothy, did invitations get sent out?

D - Of course. Why do you ask?

K - Well, it’s just that, em, I’m Kenny and I don't seem to have received an invitation to the Kennymas Party!

D - Ah well… this is a little awkward, you see the thing is we realised a few years ago, we don’t really need you.

K - You don’t?

D - Well no, you see you have to understand, it’s all taken on a bit of a life of it’s own lately and it’s got so big and expensive, to be honest you’re quite lucky not to be involved.

K - I see. Why is it so expensive?

D - Well it’s all the extras, you know the new clothes, the work nights out, the special food, the drinks, and that’s before you even get to the presents.

K - (slightly hopeful) There are presents?

D - Of course there are presents, but don’t you worry about any of that, we’ve got it all organised so that we buy all the presents and we just give them to each other! No problem at all for you!

K - Right…. Ok…. Understood…. No presents for Kenny…. at Kennymas!

D - You know, funnily enough, lately there’s been this great guy coming along who is such fun! What a character, he always wears red and white, and he gives presents to absolutely everyone. As you can imagine, we all love him. He’s called Sandy and he is everywhere. You must have seen him in the shops, red and white always, he’s on loads of decorations, wrapping paper, cakes, there are songs about him, TV cartoons and movies about him, Good old Sandy, that’s what its all about!

K - I’m sorry, did you just say that “Kennymas" is all about Sandy?

D - Yea, I suppose so.

K - I wonder why you don’t just call it “Sandymas” then?

D - (deeply shocked) Certainly NOT! Have you no sense of tradition?

Both now walk off, Kenny looking sad and Dorothy offended!


Follow up!

What happened there?

It was Kennny’s birthday and he wasn't invited to the party, or given any gifts, in fact worse than that, everyone else had a party (with his name in it) without him, and Sandy got all the attention. Most people probably didn't realise it was his birthday at all.

We don’t want to do that to Jesus on His birthday, but we do! We have parties where Jesus doesn't get mentioned, we give gifts only to our friends but not to Jesus, Santa gets all the attention. It would be easy to forget whose birthday it is.

What does Jesus want for His Birthday? How can we give Jesus a gift?

idea - Wrapped presents each of which has a different thing written on it, and a label which says “To JESUS”

1 For us to remember Him.

2 Talk to Him

3 Read, listen to music or watch DVD’s about Him

4 Come to services to worship Him (leaflet)

5 Be in Nativity plays about how He was born

verse - when you do these things for the least of these, you do it for me.

for us to be His hands and feet, going where He is needed, sharing, caring for people that no one else cares about.

6 Show love and care to someone who doesn't expect it

7 Talk about what Christmas is about for us

8 Put other people’s needs ahead of our be super patient with Aunty Joan? Share with your wee cousin.

9 Have some decorations which remind us about Him, and choose our cards carefully.

10 Give time or money to a charity to help others who have less than we do.

Idea - the presents could then make a windowsill or vestibule table display.