(Please use this TEMPLATE and insert your abstract not exceeding two pages)

Please select one category of the conference themes for the abstract of your paper:

□ Advances in analytical methods; □ Fate, transport and transformation; □ Occurrence;

□ Removal and treatment technologies; □ Ecotoxicology; □ Regulations and policy; □ Others

Please also select the paper presentation preference: □ Oral; □ Poster; □ No preference

The First Letter of Each Word in the Article Title Is Capitalized

First A. Author1, Presenting Author1, Third C. Author2

1Department of XY Engineering, University of ABC, City & Zip code, Country

2Center for Unknown Research, Green Remediation Group., City & Zip code, Country



This template has been prepared to help authors prepare their one-page abstract(s) for The 2nd International Conference on Emerging Contaminants (emcon forum 2015). Authors are asked to follow the page layout, formatting and styles shown in this template. Paper size is A4 (21x29.7cm); margins are 2.5cm on all sides. Font is always Times New Roman. Font is 12 point for body text, except article title (font is 14 point, bold, the first letter of each word in the article title is capitalized). All text is justified, except for title and Authors’ names (centered). The affiliations of all authors should be indicated. However, only the presenting author needs to give his/her email address. Before submission of each abstract, please check whether the category of conference themes and preference of presentations have been selected. Abstract files should be submitted via email attachment to .

Materials and Methods

To ensure the correct style is used throughout the document, authors are asked to replace the existing text in the template with their own materials. The heading shown in this section is the style of a first-level heading. First-level heading font is 12 point, bold, and each of the first character of words is capitalized. There is no indenting in the paragraphs, and there are no lines between paragraphs.

Second-level heading style

Please apply the appropriate styles to different level headings shown in the template. For a second-level heading, only the first letter of the first word is capitalized. Second-level heading font is 12 point and bold.

Third-level heading style

In the case of a third-level heading, only the first letter of the first word is capitalized. Third-level heading font is 12 point, bold, and italic.

Results and Discussion

Generally, the format here is the same as above. For tables and figures, please follow the styles shown below.

Table 1. Center each table on the page. Font size for each table caption is 12 point.

Row 1 / Row 2
(h) / Row 3
(mg/kg) / Row 4
(mg/L) / Row 5
AB / 1.0 / 3.50 / 2.85 / 12
CD / 2.5 / 6.02 / 5.72 / 21
EF / 5.0 / 11.50 / 11.03 / 43
GH / 10.0 / 20.10 / 19.88 / 80

Fig. 1. Center each figure on the page. Font size for each figure caption is 12 point.


Place your main findings here.


Fent, K., A. A. Weston, D. Caminada, Aquat. Toxicol. 2006, 76, 122–159.

Gobel, A., A. Thomsen, C. S. McArdell, A. C. Alder, W. Giger, N. Theiß, D. Loffler, T. A. Ternes, J. Chromatogr. A 2005, 1085, 179–189.

Snyder, S. A., S. Adham, A. M. Redding, F. S. Cannon, J. DeCarolis, J. Oppenheimer, E. C. Wert, Y. Yoon, Desalin. 2007, 202, 156–181.