Advanced Nutrition and Foods

Teacher: Mrs. Nikki Heflin - Family and Consumer Sciences

Room: 1264


Phone Number: (317) 867-6842


This one trimester advanced course is designed to build upon the foundations established during Nutrition and Wellness (prerequisite course). You will be learning advanced cooking methods and techniques while studying and preparing international cuisine. A major goal of this course is to foster an appreciation of cultural differences by studying food customs, etiquette, historical and geographical influences on food, and the nutrition guidelines of several countries around the world including the United States. You will explore various cultures and food-related customs through class assignments, projects, food lab experiences and guest speakers.


  • Guide to Good Food (2012)textbook- classroom set
  • Notebook paper
  • Pen/pencil
  • 1.5 inch 3-ring binder
  • divider tabs
  • A flash drive is highly recommended for saving electronic work

Class Binder

Each student is required to take notes and keep any resources given to them in a notebook specifically for this class. The binder is to contain all notes, lab documents, assignments, and handouts. The notebook should be kept in sequential order by unit. We will be using various cooking techniques and methods throughout the trimester, and it is imperative that all students are able to refer back to their resources on short notice. In addition, when it is time for the final exam, everything needed to study will be readily available. This also aids in grade clarification should the need arise. It is the student’s responsibility to keep all graded papers.

Class Expectations:

  • Respect the teacher, classmates, and classroom materials/equipment.
  • Classroom furniture and equipment is for the students benefit and use. Misuse or abuse of it will not be tolerated. Please show pride in the care of this facility.
  • Adherence to the policies and procedures titledLab Procedures, Safety, and Sanitationwill be followed at all times.
  • I expect every student to take pride in their work, including the delicious meals that are cooked!

Class Policies

  • All WHS handbook rules will be followed.
  • Be prepared. Each student must bring their own binder, book, pencil, and all materials to every class. Passes to lockers will NOT be given out.
  • The use of cell phones and IPODS will not be permitted in class, unless specific permission is given. A detention will be given for breaking this policy.
  • Passes- Students are expected to use the passing period to use the restroom, make appointments, get materials from locker, etc. Each student will receive three passes to use throughout the semester if needed.
  • *Follow Advanced Nutrition and Wellness Lab Procedures, and Lab Safety and


Absence/Makeup Work/Participation

  • If a student is absent during a lab, a make-up lab assignment will be given. The student has 10 school days to turn in the make-up lab assignment. It is the student’s responsibility to acquire the necessary ingredients for lab. Please see Mrs. Heflin if the lab cannot be made-up at home.
  • The student is responsible for obtaining any makeup work and rescheduling any missed tests or labs. The makeup work will be in the class file. One day for each absence will be given to turn in the make-up work, unless noted by Mrs. Heflin.
  • All make-up assignments will be in the class file. It is the student’s responsibility to go to the bin, find the day missed, READ through the entire lesson for the day, and collect any makeup work. Not all days will have a missed assignment that is for a grade, but you may have missed important notes, activities, etc.

Late Work

  • Late work will be accepted up until the day before the test for each unit. Each assignment will have a specific due date. If an assignment is turned in after that due date, a 20% deduction will be taken for each class period it is late. An assignment is considered late if it is not ready to turn in at the time of collection (ex: if it is due at the beginning of class, you may not use the period to complete the assignment and turn in for full credit). Late work must be handed in directly to Mrs. Heflin.
  • Incomplete or partially completed work will be returned to the student with a 20% deduction and is expected to be completed and resubmitted.

Please note, work is assigned a due date to correspond with what we are learning and doing in class. It is imperative that you make every effort to complete your work on-time to keep up with the pace and skills needed to be successful during class and lab time.


  • Each unit of study will include basic components to make up the students cumulative grade for the class. The WHS grading scale will be followed. The basic components of the trimester grade will consist of:Individual Assignments/Projects, Group Assignments/Projects/Labs, Tests- A test will be given at the end of each unit; Final Exam- A comprehensive final exam worth 20% of the trimester grade

Units Include (subject to change): Review: Nutrition and Wellness; Diversity at the Table and The World Food Supply; North America: Regional USA; Asia; Europe; South America; Africa