Math 2

Course Information, Fall 2016

Teacher: Mr. Bledsoe, Class website:

Materials Needed – Students are expected to bring the following materials to class each day:

·  3-ring loose leaf notebook (at least 1 inch wide, 1½ inches recommended)

·  College ruled notebook paper

·  Pencil

In addition, we will be using the TI84 graphing calculators extensively in this course. I have a set for students to use in class, but students are also encouraged to check out one from the media center which they can keep at home for the duration of the school year.

Students will also need a youtube account or USB drive (for video assignments).


Tests 40% A: 90-100

Quizzes 30% B: 80-89

Homework/Classwork 20% C: 70-79

Notebook 10% D: 60-69

Total 100% F: below 60

Homework and classwork will be graded on a 0/60/100 scale. If the student has made a legitimate attempt to complete the assignment, he or she receives a 100. If the student has only partially completed the assignment, or has not completed it on time (see Student Absences below), he or she receives a 60. If the student has not completed the assignment, he or she receives a zero.

There are no test re-takes in this class, though students who make below an A on any test are invited to correct all missed problems and turn them in for an additional 5 points added to their test grade.

The final exam counts for 20% of a student’s overall course grade, so a student’s overall course grade is weighted as follows: 1st quarter grade, 40%; 2nd quarter grade, 40%; final exam grade, 20%.

Student Absences – Students who miss a test or a quiz due to absence must arrange to come after school to make it up. Students who miss a homework or classwork assignment due to absence may turn in the missing work when they return to school, and will have one day grace period for each day they were absent (i.e., if they missed two class days, they will have two class days grace period). After the grace period, students may still turn in the assignment but it will receive a lower grade.

Lecture videos – Short class lecture videos are available on the class website, along with downloadable versions of notes, practice problems, and other assignments.

After School Tutoring – Tutoring is available after school in the media center for students who have questions or need additional help with their coursework. I am also available after school on some days; more details on my availability for after school tutoring will be provided after the first few days of school. Please see me if you need additional help and we will get you back on track.