Advanced Exercise Physiology
HPA 2371
Fall Term 2016
Faculty: Elizabeth Nagle, Ph.D.
107 Trees Hall
Course Description This course will provide a current understanding of the physiology of exercise, and help to better prepare you for your career in clinical exercise physiology or health and fitness! Our aim is explore the regulation of homeostasis during acute and chronic exercise as it relates to biochemical, cardiovascular, respiratory and neuromuscular changes that occur in the human body.
Objectives: Objectives achieved at the conclusion of this course are to:
1. Explain mechanisms responsible for acute and chronic physiological adaptations to physical activity and exercise.
2. Demonstrate and practice procedures to measure cardiorespiratory, metabolic (aerobic and anaerobic) responses to sub-maximal and maximal exercise.
3. Assess physiological responses to exercise and provide recommendations on methods that prompt adaptations to training
Lack of activity destroys the good condition of every human being, while movement and methodical physical exercise saves it and preserve it. ~Plato
Class Times: Tuesdays 5:30-8:10 pm Room 129 Trees Hall
Laboratory Dates 9/13, 9/27, 10/25^^, 11/8, 11/15
Early Laboratory 4:00-5:15 pm/Late Laboratory 6:45-8:10 pm
Lecture 5:20-6:40 pm
Location: Lecture Room 129 Trees
Laboratory Human Energy Lab Room A149B
Office Hours: For appointment, Call Donna Farrell at (412) 648-8251
Text: For HPA 2371 and HPA 2267 the required materials (Smartbook as well as assignments) will be available online through McGraw Hill’s Connect platform (Exercise Physiology 8th edition by Powers and Howley). You will have two options for purchasing Smartbook:
Option 1: Purchase Smartbook with a credit/debit card for $75 (6 month access) or $95 (one year access) direct from the course in Blackboard once the semester begins. There will be an option of upgrading and adding on a loose leaf version of the text for $25. Please do this as you will need to reference the text during class and for future exams. (Most cost effective option.)
Option 2: Purchase a package containing a loose leaf version of the text with a one year access code for Connect from the University bookstore that you will then enter into the course in Blackboard once the semester begins to gain access to Smartbook and your assignments.
Notes: Course Web (Advanced Exercise Physiology)
Grading Exam 1 35%*
Exam 2 35%*
Laboratory Reports (6 total) 20%^
LearnSmart Assignments 5%~
Connect Chapter quizzes 5%~
JParticipation- To accomplish our class objectives, you participation is needed! Reviews and Class discussions will occur each class. Class engagement promotes positive learning environment and enhances learning!
* Exams are multiple choice, T/F, and short answer format. Exam 2 will be similar format and somewhat comprehensive in nature. No exam make-ups. In the event of a serious emergency (i.e. medical, family, etc), Dr. Nagle must be contacted prior to an exam.
^You will be assigned to a Lab group of 3-4 classmates. There will be 6 laboratory classes where participation is required. A group laboratory report will be due two weeks following the day lab was conducted. 3 pts penalty for each day report is turned in late. 5 pts deducted from report if you are absent day of lab.
~You are required to complete a LearnSmart online assignment prior to each lecture which assists and compliments chapter reading. Also you are required to complete a Connect online chapter quiz prior to exams.
If you have a disability for which you are or may be requesting an accommodation, you are encouraged to contact both your instructor and Disability Resources and Services, 140 William Pitt Union, (412) 648-7890 [(412) 383-7355 for TTY], as early as possible in the term. DRS will verify your disability and determine reasonable accommodations for this course.
Cell Phone Ringers must be turned off for class!! For consideration to the faculty, no texting please!
HPA 2371 Course Outline
Chapter Reading
August Powers
30 Introduction, Control of Internal Environment 0, 2
Common Measures in Exercise Physiology 1
Exercise Prescription For Health and Fitness 16
6 Bioenergentics** /Exercise Metabolism 3, 4
Prep For Lab #1
13 Exercise Metabolism (Cont’d)/Circulatory Responses** 4,9
Lab # 1 Cardiorespiratory/Aerobic Metabolic Responses
20 Circulatory Responses**/Respiration** During Exercise 9, 10
Prep. For Lab #2
27 Respiration During Exercise (Cont’d) 9,10
Lab #2 Ventilatory Breakpoint/Lactate Threshold 20
4 Skeletal Muscle**, Exam Review/Prep For Lab #3 7, 8
11 Exam 1
18 Fall Break- NO CLASS
25 Lab #3 Maximal Oxygen Uptake (Aquatic)*^^
Physiology of Aquatic Exercise Assigned article
Physiology of Training 13
1 Physiology of Training (Cont’d)
Preparation for Lab #4/5 20
8 Factors Affecting Performance 19
Preparation for Lab #6
Lab #4 Maximal Oxygen Uptake (Land) Part 1
Lab #6 Part 1 Anaerobic Power
15 Lab #5 Maximal Oxygen Uptake (Land) Part 2
Lab #6 Part 2 Anaerobic Power 20
Perceived Exertion Assigned article
22 Training for Performance 21
Hormonal Responses to Exercise 5
29 Hormonal Responses to Exercise (Cont’d) 5
Temperature Regulation 12
Exercise and the Environment 24
6 Temperature Regulation 12
Exercise and the Environment 24
Exam Review
13 Exam 2
**It is assumed you have some previous coursework in these content areas. Should you need additional background or review on these chapters, an introductory brief video segment (7-15 minutes) will be posted to assist with this content. An online quiz will be provided to test your knowledge on these chapters (this quiz is optional and different from assigned quizzes above). If you are unable to successfully pass the optional online quiz, it is strongly suggested you use the video segment to review this content. I am available for additional help as well should you need. Please don’t hesitate to ask!
^^This laboratory & class will be held at the Pitt Neuromuscular Research Laboratory on the Southside (near Southside works). Directions and details to be discussed.