Advanced Community Care for OCD Application
The Frederick W. Thompson Anxiety Disorders Centre is developing long lasting partnerships with clinicians interested in treating OCD. As part of this partnership, we are offering exclusive and intensive training through an accredited and highly subsidizedUniversity of Toronto certificate course. This certificate course is aimed at building your capacity to effectively and confidently care for patients with OCD.
We will be selecting a small cohort of clinicians to participate in training, including comprehensive workshops (across 2 weekends) and extensive small groupsupervision(over 6 months). The course will foster expertise in the assessment and diagnosis of patients with OCD, and the formulation of biopsychosocial management plans. You will learn to deliver effective evidence-based psychopharmacologic treatment; to provide a course of Cognitive Behaviour Therapy (CBT) specific to OCD; and to address related family and work-place issues. Upon completion of this course, you will have the opportunity to be recognized as a preferred partner with ongoing opportunities for specialized education, supervision and support.
The heavily subsidized cost per person is only $995.00 and space is limited to 12 MD participants.
- Full Name: ______
- Phone Number: ______
- Email address: ______
- What is your professional designation? Please note: For this first course offering we are restricting applicants to MDs. Other healthcare professionals are encouraged to contact us for additional educational opportunities
General Practitioner Psychiatrist GP Psychotherapist
Other Health Professional ______
- If you are part of an organization, which one are you affiliated with?
Private Practice Trillium Health Partners CAMH
Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre University Health Network Scarborough Hospital
Women’s College Hospital Markham Stouffville Hospital Southlake Regional
Mount Sinai Rouge Valley Hospital Humber River
North York General Hospital St. Michael’s Hospital Mackenzie Health
Michael Garron Hospital Other, please specify: ______
- How many years having you beenpracticing?
Senior Resident <10 years 10-20 years 21-30 years 30+ years
- Which clinical setting do you work in (please check all that apply)
Psychiatry Department, ambulatory Hospital, ambulatoryPrimary Care
Psychiatry Department, inpatient Hospital, inpatientPrivate Practice
University/College affiliated Family Health TeamCommunity Clinic Community Agency Other, please specify: ______
- What services do you provide (Please select all that apply)?
Consultation Pharmacotherapy Individual CBT
Ongoing care Psycho-education Group CBT
- Do you have experience with treating OCD patients?
If yes, how many years of experience?
0-5 years 6-10 years 11-20 years 20+ years
- Do you have experience with CBT?
If yes, how many years of experience?
0-5 years 6-10 years 11-20 years 20+ years
- Approximately how many patients do you see with OCD in a year?
0-5 6-10 11-20 20+
- Approximately how many patientsdo you see with OC and related disorders (e.g. hoarding, hair-pulling, skin-picking, or body dysmorphic disorder)in a year?
- What are the barriers to seeing more OCD patients in your practice?
- Would you be interested in seeing more clients with OCD if you had access to expert support?
YesUnsure/ I need more information No, I am not interested
- Following the completion of this course, would you be interested in 6 months of FREE individualized supervision?
Yes No
- Does being recognized as a preferred partner with the Thompson Centre interest you?
Yes No
- This course will cover the following areas: Assessment and diagnosis; Treatment formulation; Basic group CBT; Advanced psycho-pharmacotherapy; Psycho-education; Individual CBT; Basic psycho-pharmacotherapy; Understanding novel biological treatments; and Psychosocial supports e.g. dealing with family accommodation. Are there any other topics you would like to see covered?
Thank you for your application!
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