Opening Business / Motion / Second
Approve tonight’s agenda / Lee / Latella
Approve prior month minutes / Oct. 29, 2013 / Dietz / Latella
Public comments
Shameless bragging / Stacey Arnold has led CRES to statewide recognition (1st) in the VFW Mail for thr Troops csampaign. Mrs. Latella sees huge gains for students that take part in Barton. AR participation during the first trimester has been great.
December events / See attached calendar
Budget Report
Monthly MUNIS report / reviewed
Monthly Activity Fund report / reviewed
New Business
Wellness Policy / Outcome: Discuss the following language from the Wellness Policy and recommend changes.
Birthday Treats
Treats to celebrate a student’s birthday are allowed provided:
- Advance notice has been provided to the classroom teacher,
- Parents are highly encouraged to send snacks in single/individual servings that preferably come from the Healthy Snack List above or healthy, homemade alternatives.
- Non-food treats (pencils, stickers, etc) are highly encouraged to celebrate birthdays.
Motion: No motion needed.
Date: November 19, 2013
Time: 5:30pm
Type of meeting: Regular Minutes
SBDM Members: / Anthony Mazzei, Stacey Wilke, Erica Latella, Evelyn Dietz, Jessie Lee
Location: CRES SBDM Conference Room
Writing I & I Check / Outcome: Council will discuss next steps after reviewing SIP activity - “ Plan for and implement purposeful writing strategies, including the use of working writing folders, responding to reading through writing, and using writing to explain problem solving in math as measured by lesson plans, walkthroughs, PLC agendas and minutes.”
Council reviewed teacher responses on CR writing samples from their classes. Providing details and evidence, including academic vocabulary, and fully explaining responses are areas needing further work at CRES. Council would like to see more opportunities for live scoring and Mr. Mazzei is going to collect more CR to examine for trends.
Gifted & Talented Planning / Outcome: Council will review current G/T planning progress and provide input on next steps.
- Students have been identified and notification letters have been sent home.
- Awaiting parent and teacher survey responses.
- G/T Committee will review, make recommendations, and complete service plans prior to Dec. 6th.
- G/T BookFest at grade 5 – books are in
- Project Excel at Cline was last week.
- Grade 5 – 7 students; Grade 4 – 9 students.
2012-2013 KPREP Results / Outcome: Council will review 13-14 targets
Motion: No motion needed, Council reviewed KPREP targets.
Next month agenda items - November 19, 2013, 5:30 / Agenda items: G/T update
Motion: To adjourn the meeting. / Latella / Dietz