ADSTF Meeting Minutes December 13, 20171

1.Welcome, Call to Order, Introductions

Jameson Thornton, Anchor Data Set Task Force (ADSTF) Chair, called the meeting to order at 9:01 a.m. A quorum was present for the conducting of business. A list of attendees is attached as Exhibit A.

2.Antitrust Policy

Vijay Satyal, Senior Policy and Outreach Advisor, read aloud the WECC Antitrust Policy statement. A link to the posted Policy was provided in the meeting agenda.

3.Approve Agenda

Mr. Thorntonintroduced the proposed meeting agenda. Additional clarity was added to the discussion on the Issue List.

On a motion by Ron Schellberg, the ADSTF approved the agenda.

4.Review of Previous Action Items

Shelli Nyland, Project Specialist, reviewed action items carried over from the November 1, 2017meeting of the ADSTF. Action items that are not closed and will be carried forward are:

  • ADSTF will verify the owner and committee responsible for each data stream so the owner of the data can be contacted.
  • Studies Subcommittee (StS) will run some studies to compare the load and dispatch the Final ADS PF and Exported ADS PF cases.
  • ADSTF will come back with a recommendation on assigned issue list question.
  • ADSTF will review the questions in the issues list to see if there are underlying issues behind multiple questions.
  • Regional Planning Groups (RPGs) will explore the option of an alternate pf case with the RPS assumptions.

5.ADS Project Update from WECC

Mr. Satyal provided an update on the status of the Anchor Data Set (ADS) and the work being done. The RPGs and WECC have met several times and WECC has dedicated time and resources to the ADS effort.

The project plan is posted to the WECC Website.

6.2028 HS PF – Update on ADS PF case and related review

Nick Hatton, System Stability Engineer, provided an update on the 2028 Heavy Summer (HS) power flow (PF) case. There were some concerns on the generation in the case, which slowed the process, but is now resolved.

The preliminary 2028 heavy summer PFcase and Western Planning Region (WPR) seed PF casewere compared. The ADSTF discussed the differences found and possible causes.

The comparison is posted to the WECC Website.

7.RPS Verification and/or Next Steps (ADS PF and PCM Consistency)

The ADSTF discussedthe need formeeting Renewable Portfolio Standards (RPS) requirementsin the ADS.Initial review of the 2028 HS1PF case reflects lack of clarity in modeling of RPS resources. Further efforts are required with assistance of ADSTF to determine a process for implementing the same.

The RPS recommendation is posted the WECC Website.

8.Follow-up Issue List Items

Jamie Austin, PCM (Production Cost Model) Data Work Group (PDWG) Chair, shared a list of PCM data elements that need to be included in the ADS PCM and the sources for that data.

The PCM 1 document is posted to the WECC Website.

9.January 25-26 Agenda Items

Mr. Satyal led a discussion of agenda topics for the January 25, 2018 ADSTF meeting. A draft agenda will be sent to the ADSTF for input.

10.Public Comment

No comments were made.

11.Review of New Action Items

  • Resolve whichpower flow will be included in the production cost modelcreation, the 2028 HS1 or a modified version, and identify near-term and long-term steps to reflect the decision.
  • Assigned To: Jamie Austin, Heidi Pacini, Ron Schellberg, Carl Zichella, Jonathan Young, Gary DeShazo, Mudita Suri, Tom Miller, and WECC Staff
  • Due Date: January 25, 2018
  • Send a draft agenda to the ADSTF members.
  • Assigned To: Vijay Satyal
  • Due Date: December 20, 2017

12.Upcoming Meetings

January 25-26, 2017...... Salt Lake City, UT


Mr. Thornton adjourned the meeting without objection at 11:37 a.m.
Exhibit A: Attendance List

Name...... Affiliation

Members in Attendance

PhilipAugustin...... Salt River Project

JamieAustin...... PacifiCorp

AndrewChristensen...... Bonneville Power Administration - Transmission

GaryDeShazo...... California Independent System Operator

PaulDidsayabutra...... ColumbiaGrid

Ping-KwanKeung...... Alberta Electric System Operator

JohnLeland...... Northern Tier Transmission Group

Jim Li...... British Columbia Hydro & Power Authority

HeidiPacini...... WestConnect

CharlieReinhold...... WestConnect

Vijay Satyal...... WECC

RonaldSchellberg...... Northern Tier Transmission Group

RadhaSoorya...... Transmission Agency of Northern California

JanStrack...... San Diego Gas & Electric

MuditaSuri...... California Independent System Operator

JamesonThornton...... Pacific Gas and Electric Company

JonathanYoung...... ColumbiaGrid

Others in Attendance

Tom Carr...... Western Interstate Energy Board

Larry Furumasu...... ColumbiaGrid

Chris Hagman...... American Transmission Company

Nick Hatton...... WECC

Stan Holland...... WECC

Tito Inga-Rojas...... British Columbia Hydro & Power Authority

Colby Johnson...... WECC

Bhavana Katyal...... WECC

Peter Mackin...... Utility System Efficiencies, Inc.

Tom Miller...... Pacific Gas and Electric Company

Bryan Mills...... EPIS, LLC

Shelli Nyland...... WECC

Branden Sudduth...... WECC

Chifong Thomas...... Smart Wires Inc.

David Tovar...... El Paso Electric Company

Doug Tucker...... WECC

Byron Woertz...... WECC

Carl Zichella...... Natural Resources Defense Council

Western Electricity Coordinating Council