May 2011 Deerfield, Wisconsin Volume 16 Number 49
Pet owners are reminded that it is unlawful to allow pets, cats or dogs, to run at large in the Village of Deerfield. Pets must be contained to the owner’s property or under the owners control at all times.
The Village of Deerfield has a three-dog per household limit; however, only two dogs may be outside at the same time.
All pet owners must remove feces from public and private property to maintain healthy conditions.
The Village will be picking up leaves and compost on Mondays starting April 18thand continuing through May 23rd. Items should not be bagged but separated into two piles, one being the leaves and the other woody vegetation, such as tomato plants, ect. No large sticks or branches please. The Village will NOT pick-up lawn clippings. Village residence may dispose of their clippings by taking them to the transfer site, which is located at 733 London Road.
Tree and brush pick-up is on the second and fourth Thursday of each month. Call John Doyle at 608-764-5497 with questions.
The Town of Deerfield Compost Site located at 733 London Road hours of operation:
Mon. - Thurs. 7:30 AM – 8:00 PM
Friday 7:30 AM – 3:30 PM
Saturday 8:00 AM – 3:00 PM
The site is for Village residents to dispose of lawn clippings, tree and brush and any other clean wood. Wood chips are also available, free of chargeto residents at the site. If you have any questions please contact Village Public Works at 764-5497.
Women’s Building
Residents - $100.00 per day
Non-Residents - $125.00 per day
Community Park Shelter w/o kitchen
Residents - $90.00 per day
Non-Residents - $125.00 per day
Community Park Shelter with kitchen
Residents - $100.00 per day
Non-Residents - $135.00 per day
Fireman’s Pavilion –
Contact Fire Department at 764-5343
During the week of the following Holidays, garbage and recycling will be picked up on Friday instead of Thursday:
Memorial Day
4th of July
Labor Day
For a schedule of meetings visit the Village Web Site Calendar at:
Village President
Mary Chadwick-Kiefer*******764-8367
E-Mail :
Village Trustees
Heather Smith**************764-1462
Scott Tebon****************764.2710
Greg Frutiger***************764-5505
Diane Wilkinson************764-5205
Dalton Schreiber************764-8702
Pat Smythe-Eagle***********852-6523
Village Departments
Village Hall****************764-5404
Monday - Thursday 7:00 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.
Friday 7:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.
Web Site:
Hours: Monday 12:00 p.m. - 8:00 p.m.
Tuesday 9:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.
Wednesday 9:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.
Thursday 12:00 p.m. - 8:00 p.m.
Friday 9:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.
Saturday 9:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m.
Public Works/Water Utility****764-5497
Sewer Utility***************764-5820
Utility Hours:
Monday – Thursday 7:00 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. Friday 7:00 a.m. – 11:00 a.m.
After Hours Emergency****** 209-0572
Building Inspector******1-800-422-5220
Cable Commission***********764-2514
Community Center***********764-5935
Web Site:
HoursDuring School Year:
Monday - Friday 9:00 a.m. - 5:30 p.m.
Hours During Summer:
Monday-Friday 9:00 a.m - 5:30 p.m.
Deerfield Food Pantry @ DCC**764-5935
Hours: 2nd Saturday 9:00 a.m. – 11:00 a.m.
4th Thursday 6:00 p.m. – 7:00 p.m.
Fire Department*************764-5343
Veolia-garbage collection*1-800-248-2373
Anyone interested in becoming a volunteer Fireman should contact the Deerfield Fire Department at 764-5343.
Anyone interested in serving on the EMS staff should contact the Deer-Grove EMS at 608-839-5658.
Village of Deerfield is now on Facebook!
Click “Like” for the Village’s Page! /


Full Speed Ahead during Tough Times
The Village of Deerfield has worked very hard in the recent years to keep the local portion of your property tax bill under control. The Village Board has developed fiscal and operational strategies to maintain essential public services, while being sensitive to the continuing economic struggles of our nation and state.
You’ve likely seen or read in the news about the changes taking place in Madison to control spending in Wisconsin. The proposed 2011-12 State Budget includes items that will force local governments to carefully review their organizations and make important priority choices for the future. The budget proposal includes reductions in shared revenue, road aids and recycling grants. All three of these programs are key sources of Village revenue. Besides property taxes, these state resources represent the second highest amount of revenue that Deerfield relies upon each year. Below describes each program and its projected cut for 2012:
-Shared Revenue: this is unrestricted aid provided from the State of Wisconsin to counties, cities and villages to assist in property tax relief. The Village of Deerfield will see a 9.4% reduction in shared revenue next year.
-Road Aids: this program provides funds to communities to maintain streets. The reduction to Village Road Aids for 2012 will be 15%.
-Recycling Program: the State of Wisconsin provides an annual grant to each community that operates a recycling program. The current state budget proposes to eliminate this mandate and the grant that goes with it. The Village generally received about $10,000 each year in a grant for our recycling program.
All together, the reduction from the State amounts to nearly a 4% cut to Village revenue for next year. While this makes for budget challenges, it’s also a great opportunity to carefully examine the Village’s needs to ensure effective management and the efficient delivery of services.
On the sunnier side of things, the Village is seeing positive activity in many areas. Once again, the Savannah Parks development continues to progress by being named a Parade of Homes site for the second consecutive year. If the Parade equals the interest and turnout of last year, the Village will again see a nice influx of visitors all over Dane County and surrounding region. All those who visit Deerfield will see how welcoming and attractive it is - hopefully convincing some to stay and enjoy what we have to offer. On the south side of the Village, you will see a flurry of activity in The Heritage subdivision. There have been a number of new building permits issued there in 2011.
Any kind of new development, whether residential, commercial or industrial, helps the Village increase its tax base – which will help offset the reductions in revenue in other areas.
As the Deerfield Village Administrator, please feel free to contact me at Village Hall anytime with any questions or concerns about the operations and plans for the Village. The Village Hall phone number is 764-5404 and my email address is . It has been great meeting many of you in the first two years on the job. I hope I get the chance to meet many others down the road. Enjoy Spring!
Patrick Vander Sanden, Village Administrator
The Village of Deerfield Utility can now take payments electronically! On the same date each month, payments can be taken directly from your bank account via electronic transfer. No more writing checks, mailing payments or running to Village Hall. This simple way to pay your bill can save you time and hassle. In order to sign up for the electronic payment method, just obtain an enrollment form at Village Hall or on the Village website: If you have any questions about utility electronic payment, feel free to call the Village Hall at 764-5404.
On Saturday, May 21, 2011 from 2:00 PM to 4:00 PM the Deerfield Police Department, along with the Dane County Sheriff’s Office will host the 8th annual Bike Rodeo. The bike rodeo will be held at the Deerfield Elementary School. A bike rodeo is designed to be a fun, educational and hands-on way for children and parents to learn about bike safety. A bike rodeo is a great resource to introduce young bike riders and their parents to necessary skills to operate a bike safely.
This year’s bike rodeo participants will receive free bike helmets donated by Habush, Habush and Rottier. Come and join the fun on May 21, 2011!
If you have any questions, please contact Deputy Tony Reynolds at (608) 423-8076.
The Deerfield Public Library is winding up for the Summer Library Program, “One World, Many Stories”, coming in June. This year’s registration begins on Monday, June 13, with crafts, snacks, and lemonade provided on Monday only from 1:00 to 3:00 p.m. Registration continues for the rest of that week. Mondays’ spectacular program line-up begins June 20, and includes the Bassmeister, the Black Light Camp Show, Wayne the Wizard, the Zoomobile, and a fun ‘Round-the-World HotDog Picnic to celebrate the last week of the program. Don’t forget to sign up for the weekly Wednesday crafts and Thursday activities!
Maintain your brains, kids! Sign up for the Summer Library Program!
The Deerfield Dog Youth Football Registration will be held Wed., May 4, 2010 at the Deerfield Community Center. You must register in person on Wednesday,
May 4 between 5:30-7:00 PM.Registration is open to:
Students going into 5th, 6th, 7th & 8th grade(2011-2012 school year).
The Deerfield Community Center Food Pantry will be starting aCommunity Garden. If you would likemore information or would like to volunteer, please contact Shannon at 608-764-5935 or
Deerfield Community Center is now accepting registrations for Summer Day Camp and Sunshine Club for grades 4K-6. For more information and a registration form, visit or contact Julie at 608-764-5935 or
Bucky Schmidt Memorial Fund – May 6th & 7th
Community Garage Sale - May 12th- 14th
Deerfield Dash – May 14th
Firemen’s Festival June 10th - June 12th
Parade of Homes June 11th – 26th







4 N. MAIN ST., P.O. BOX 66