Adjudicator Comment Sheet
Date: / Festival Level: / Site:
Adjudicator’s Name: / Production:
In each of the following categories comment on Acting, Directing, and Technical Aspects of the production addressing the success of the play’s execution and overall effect. Offer suggestions on what might be done during the next rehearsal. The questions listed are suggestions you may consider in your critique.
Physicality &
Vocal Work / Ø  Where have actors created appropriate or inappropriate physical choices or mannerisms?
Ø  Are actors’ physical choices natural & organic? Where did contrived choices appear?
Ø  Discuss the appropriateness of transitional scene moves as performed by the company.
Ø  How successful were the projection skills of the actors?
Ø  Where were vocal choices appropriate or inappropriate for characters? Discuss the diction & articulation of actors.
Ø  Were dialect choices appropriate and consistent?
Commitment Believability
Focus / Ø  Discuss the objectives chosen by the characters.
Ø  Where were the actors’ objectives clear or unclear?
Ø  Where were the actors’ tactics successful or needing attention?
Ø  Where might the actors gain a better understanding of subtext?
Ø  Discuss the choices that actors are making for their characters.
Ø  Where are actors choices well-supported or unsupported by the text?
Ø  In what instances are actors truly talking & listening to one another and vice versa?
Ø  Where might actors heighten their focus and concentration?
Ø  Does the company work together as a team?
World of
the Play / Ø  How has the director shown a clear understanding of the playwright’s intent?
Ø  In which ways are the conceptual choices appropriate & consistent and where are they not?
Ø  Does the director tell a clear & compelling story through the production?
Ø  Do all actors & their choices inhabit the same world?
Ø  Does the pacing build to a theatrical event?
Ø  How did technical & acting elements blend to create a unified event?
Ø  How does the director use stage pictures in the production?
Ø  In what ways are opportunities for creative blocking choices used and missed?
Ø  Are the blocking choices motivated and executed with precision?
Technical Aspects
(Set, Lighting,
costumes, sound,
props) / Ø  In which ways do the design elements support the director’s vision?
Ø  How might some design elements be inappropriate?
Ø  Is there a clear relationship between performance and the technical elements of the piece?
Ø  Is there accuracy in any historical context?
Ø  Did any technical transitions interfere with the action?
Ø  Are opening and closing moments strong?
Additional comments