Adirondack School Counselors’ Association
April 7, 2017 Mini-Conference Registration Form
“School Counselors: Spring Into Action”
Six Flags Great Escape Lodge and Indoor Waterpark
State Route 9
Lake George, NY 12845
Complete this registration form PRIOR TO MARCH 28and mail with registration fee to :
Registration Fees:
ASCA Member$35Non-member$50
Other NYSSCA Affiliate member $35Amount enclosed: ______
Receipts will be provided at the conference
NAME: ______SCHOOL: ______
GRADE LEVEL: _____PK-5 ______6-8 ______9-12
Indicate choice of workshop preference by indicating 1st Choice with a #1, 2nd Choice with a #2, etc.
Workshops will be assigned and guaranteed in order of preference by date received.
Workshop I:____1.Eyes Behind the Data- Carolyn Stone will demonstrate an easy approach to implementing an accountable school counseling program to show how local school counselors
effectively impact student success and can report hard data to show how students are different because they have a school counselor.
____2. RAMP Schools – an update from Shen staff on how they were approved as a RAMP School and how to proceed if you want to do the same.
____3. Study Abroad in Scotland – Dr. Bob Clougherty from Glasgow Caledonian University will discuss what school counselors need to know to advise their students about international study. Information will be provided about a summer program for school counselors at Glasgow Caledonian University in Scotland.
____4. Therapy Pets in Schools – Lois Brownell and Lora Bacharach will explain how their trained therapy dogs have been used in schoolsfor the Tail Waggin Tutor program, where students read to the dogs to improve their reading skills. Also used to reinforce social skills, increase self-esteem, and stress reduction for students. In addition how the dogs are trained; how to get involved in the program.
Workshop 2:____5. Updated Regs/ Guidance Plans – Gloria Jean from NYSSCA will update us on the status the proposed revised regulations pertaining to school counselors and guidance in schools, as well as tips on improving and implementing your guidance plan.
____ 6. WAVE/RAVE and Bullying in Schools – Chris Castrio of Corinth and Topher Montville of Whitehall will present their anti-bullying programs currently in use. The WAVE program (Working Against Violence Everywhere) is a program that incorporates the use of high school peer leaders working with middle school students on how to identify and prevent violence in our world and schools.
____7. College for All? – Jerry Ellner,National Director of High School Development at UTI, will present findings and analysis of labor market trends and College Scoreboard data that challenges the myth that college degrees are the only path to the American Dream.
____8. NCAA Update – an overview of changes in NCAA information and requirements and what school counselors need to know to help their student athletes.
The Conference program is as follows:
8:00-8:55Registration and Hot Breakfast
9:05-10:00Welcome, Introductions and Announcements
Keynote – Dr. Carolyn Stone: Legal and Ethical Update for School Counselors
10:00-10:15Mid-morning break – refreshments
10:18-11:00Workshop I
11:15-12:00Workshop II
12:00-1:00Sumptuous Hot Buffet – Kristen Shearer, NYSSCA President-Elect
1:15-2:00Keynote #2 – The Osborne and Fredette Foundations
School Involvement and Participation
2:00-2:15Afternoon break and refreshments
2:30-3:00Grade Level Roundtables – A chance to discuss Issues with your colleagues
3:00Conclude, Certificates , and Evaluations