Family name:...... First Name:
Title/Position:...... Organization:
Address:...... City:
Post code:...... Country:
Telephone:...... Fax:
E-mail:...... Website:
The World Ocean Network is officially registered under Belgian lawas a non-profit organization (AISBL). Itsobjective is “Acting together for the Future of the Blue Planet” (…) by inspiring behavioral changes in individuals and in society towards achieving a healthy and productive world ocean and to encourage sustainable use of its resources.
Desired membership in 2016-2017 (*):
Full Member(1):Annual subscription of 200 EUR
(On application to the Board only)
Associate Member(2):Annual subscription of45 EUR
Sustaining Member(3):
Corporate businessesAnnual subscription of250 EUR
Authorities / public organizationsAnnual subscription of (from45 EUR to 1280 EUR(According to size of organization. Please contact the office).
(*) Subscription adaptation:
Please replace my contribution fee by the following contribution to the activities of the World Ocean Network.
(Please describe): ......
I would like to register my organization in the World Ocean Network members’ directory.
(1)(2) (3) Please see next page for membership and payment details.
- Full members
Full membership is open to all organizations with objectives akin to the objectives of the World Ocean Network.
The candidatures for full membership are approved by the Board; an appeal against a Board decision may be made at the General Assembly.
Full members have full voting rights and can be elected to the Board of the Network.
- Associate members
Associate membership is open to institutions and individuals considered by the members to be able to contribute towards the aims and objectives of the organization.
The candidatures for associate membership are approved by the Board; an appeal against a Board decision may be made at the General Assembly.
The associate members have no vote, and can be elected to the Board of the Network.
The associate membership is open to the 2nd representative of a full member organization.
- Sustaining members
Sustaining membership is open to organizations, associations, private enterprises, and government enterprises and other organizations that demonstrate a strong interest in and support for the objectives of WON. The sustaining members have no vote and cannot be elected to the Board of the Network.
By bank transfer:
EUR payable to our bank account:
IBAN FR76 1670 6050 9216 3690 9860 189 CODE SWIFT AGRIFRPP867
Please annotate the transfer with:Full member 2016-2017, or Associatemember 2016-2017, or sustainingmember 2016-2017.
By credit card:
Please charge EUR to the following credit card:
Cardholder’s Name:
VISA card
American Express Card N°
Date of expiry/ Card verification code
Other, please state:......
Cardholder’s signature:
For more details on membership, statutes or subscription, please contact:
WorldOcean Network, Secretariat: c/o Nausicaá, Boulevard Sainte Beuve, BP 189,
62203 Boulogne-sur-Mer Cedex, France - Tel.: + 33 (0)3 21 30 99 93 – Fax: + 33 (0)3 21 30 93 94
E-mail: Website:
World Ocean Network, Registered Office: Réseau Océan Mondial c/o Ecsite Avenue Louise 89, 7ème étage 1050 Bruxelles (Ixelles) Belgique