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Dear Addressee


I write to ask for your approval and support in my establishing a [location] Mother’s Day Classic on Sunday 13 May 2018, raising funds for breast cancer research.

The Women in Super Mother’s Day Classic is Australia’s largest breast cancer research fundraiser, and regional Australia has shown they are keen to get on board in the fight against a disease that impacts 1 in 8 women.

In 2017, $2.8 million was raised by over 100,000 supporters at 92events around Australia including 82 regional events. These regional events are organised by local volunteers andcommunity groups, with advice and support from the national organisers, and play a very important part in raising the awareness and providing support for people in your local community. Improved research means better treatment options and more awareness of early detection.

Since inception the event raised $33.2 million for its beneficiary, the National Breast Cancer Foundation, and is a truly national event providing the community with a great way to celebrate Mother’s Day and also support breast cancer research.

To assist in the fight against breast cancer, I would like to establish a local Mother’s Day Classicin [location]. The proposed location is [i.e.Civic Park] with an expected participation of [200] people and the course [enter course description ie. will follow the existing walkway in Civic Park]. Please let me know if there are any restrictions or permits required for use of this land for a public event.

As you would be aware these fundraising efforts rely on the generosity of local businesses and the community in general so any support that the [name of the Council] could provide to make this event even more successful would be appreciated. We would be happy to promote the council as a sponsor of the event in return for the waiver of any local permits.

The Women in Super Mother’s Day Classic national office will provide a copy of their Public Liability Insurance Certificate of Currency to the value of $20 million minimum, once I have confirmed the details of the Local Council or authorities that need to be included as a listed interest party.

I am available to meet with you to discuss this event in further detail. Alternatively, please contact me on [9999 9999]. I look forward to working with you to encourage our local community to be physically active and in turn support breast cancer research.

Yours sincerely

(Name of organiser)

Women in Super (name of town) Mother’s Day Classic Committee