(through June 30, 2014)

ADDRESSDepartment of Modern Languages and Literatures

State University of New York

Oswego, New York 13126

telephone 315-312-2456 or -2196


3722 Black Brant Drive

Liverpool, New York 13090

telephone 315-652-6493



Ph.D., Brown University, Providence, Rhode Island, 1983. Dissertation topic, work of José María Arguedas

of Peru; title, Invocation in the Novels of José María Arguedas.

M.A., Brown University, 1975. Thesis area, Caribbean literature.

B.A., Dartmouth College, Hanover, New Hampshire, 1970.


Distinguished Teaching Professor of Spanish and Portuguese, May 2014-present, State University of New


Interim chair, Dept. of Modern Languages, spring, 2007, State University of New York, Oswego, New

York, during regular chair John Lalande’s sabbatical.

Full Professor of Spanish, 2002-present, State University of New York, Oswego, New York.

Teacher of Portuguese, 2002-present, State University of New York, Oswego, NY. (See “Course and

Program Development”)

Associate Professor of Spanish, 1992-2002, State University of New York, Oswego, NY. Coordinator of Spanish Program, 1993-present, State University of New York, Oswego, NY. Advisement Coordinator of Spanish Program, June, 1995-present, SUNY-Oswego.

Coordinator, First-Year Student Preceptor Program, 1999-2005, SUNY-Oswego. (Preceptor Program was

folded into larger First Choice Program, which was put under supervision of a full-time person.) Associate Coordinator of summer ESL program (duties year-round), 2000-2003, SUNY-Oswego.

(Academic coordinatorship which I held-see below-was discontinued as a separate position, and blended with a full-time position which I was unable to take.)

Interim chair, Dept. of Modern Languages, June-July, 1995, June-July, 1996, SUNY-Oswego.

Assistant Professor of Spanish, 1984-1992, SUNY-Oswego.

Teacher of Brazilian culture and Portuguese language, summers, 2008-2010, SUNY-Oswego, as part of

National Science Foundation grant to send students to do scientific work in Brazil. (See “Course and Program Development”)

Teacher of English-as-a-Second-Language, summers, 1985-present, SUNY-Oswego. Academic Coordinator of summer ESL program (duties year-round), 1987-2000, SUNY-Oswego. (See

“Course and Program Development,” “Presentations IV,” “College and University Service”)

Assistant Professor of Spanish, French, and Language Teaching Methods, 1983-84, Lycoming College,

Williamsport, Pennsylvania.

Teacher of Spanish (and French for 1 year), grades 9-12, 1977-83, Brooks School, North Andover,

Massachusetts. Also employed there as athletic coach (6 years) and dormitory supervisor (2 years).

Teacher of Spanish, grades 9-12, 1974-77, Darrow School, New Lebanon, New York. Also employed there

as athletic coach (3 years) and dormitory supervisor (1 year).

Apprentice Teacher of Spanish when a senior at Dartmouth College, 1969, in program coordinated by Prof.

John Rassias.


Named Distinguished Teaching Professor by the State University of New York, May 2014. DTP is a

SUNY-wide honor, and is the highest professorial rank in the system.

Awarded Albert Camus Prize of Universidad del Norte, Paraguay, Sept., 2013, for service to Paraguayan

higher education. (See “Presentations I”)

Awarded medal by Paraguayan Ministry of Education, Aug., 2012, for contributions to Paraguayan culture.

(See “Presentations I and III”)

Named to editorial board of renewed literary journal Discurso Literario: Revista de Humanidades (nueva

época) (Asunción, Paraguay), summer 2012. (See this sec. below)

Accepted invitation to observe planning meeting of various leaders of Liberal Party, one of two major

parties of Paraguayan politics, Aug., 2012.

Invited guest at formal dinner with Paraguayan Minister of Education and diplomatic personnel of various

countries, Asunción Paraguay, Aug. 2012.

Recipient, State University of New York Chancellor’s Award for Excellence in Teaching, April, 2012.

By invitation, acted as one of jury members for Edward and Lily Tuck Award for Paraguayan Literature,

sponsored by the PEN-American Center, a major international organization of writers, July-Oct, 2010. Also wrote citation in Spanish, English and Guarani, and presented award at ceremony in New York. (See “Presentation I”)

Invited guest at diplomatic dinner in honor of new Paraguayan ambassador to United Kingdom, Asunción,

Paraguay, Nov., 2009.

Guest of honor at a performance of opera Cavalleria rusticana, Asunción, Paraguay, Nov., 2009.

Included in 2010 Who’s Who in America.

Invited to write support letter in nomination of poet Renee Ferrer for Nobel Prize in Literature, spring,

2008. Accepted invitation.

Awarded Society for Humanistic Anthropology Poetry Prize at Conference of American Anthropological

Association, New Orleans, LA, Nov., 2002, for series of poems titled “Five Poems in Three Languages.” (See “Publications III,” “Presentations IV”)

President, Paraguay Section of Latin American Studies Association, March, 2003-present. Re-elected Oct.,


Elected vice-president of Paraguay Section of Latin American Studies Association, Sept., 2001-March,

2003. By rules of section, became president automatically at end of term as vice-president. Service Recognition Award from Phi Iota Alpha Latino fraternity, for contributions to SUNY-Oswego

Latino community, April, 1998.

Named profesordehonor by Universidad del Norte, Asunción, Paraguay, August, 1997, for contributions

to university’s programs in education and the humanities. (See “Presentations I”)

One of teachers given awards of appreciation by students of English-as-a-Second-Language program,

SUNY-Oswego, summers, 1995 and 1996.

Named as tie-breaking judge (only one in country) in nationwide scholarship competition of Sigma Delta

Pi, national Spanish honorary society, 1994 and 1995.

Nominated by LEAD Center of SUNY-Oswego for Advisor Leadership Award, April, 1994.

Member, commission of New York State Education Department to revise teacher certification examination

in Spanish, 1993-1994.

Member, NY State Educ. Dept. group to grade teacher certification examination in Spanish, 1994.

Named to editorial board of Latin American literary journal Discurso Literario, Oct., 1993. (See this sec.


Nominated for President’s Award for Creative and Scholarly Activity and Research, SUNY-Oswego, Feb.,


Honorable Mention, Radio Cáritas Essay Competition, Asunción, Paraguay, June, 1988, for an essay on

Paraguayan writer Augusto Roa Bastos. (See “Publications II,” “Presentations I”)

Service Award, New York State Association of Foreign Language Teachers, 1988, for chairing SUNY-

Oswego’s regional language fair. Also received this award for 1989. (See “Community Service”)

Honorable Mention, Essay Division of the 1987 annual Plural Literary Prize offered throughout the

Spanish-speaking world by the Mexican journal Plural, for an essay on Julio Cortázar and José María Arguedas. Plural is one of Latin America’s best-known journals. (See “Publications II,” “Presentations I and III”)

Granted Kenyon Fellowship for graduate study at Brown University, 1972-74.

Graduated magnacumlaude, Dartmouth College, 1970.

Co-recipient, Pray Modern Language Prize, Dartmouth commencement, 1970.

Inducted into Phi Beta Kappa, Dartmouth, 1969.

Course citations at Dartmouth for work in English 1, Spanish 1-2, Math 3, and Spanish 65.



Sept., 2013: Book of poetry in Spanish, Guarani and English Piel de latitudes published by Servilibro

Press, Asunción, Paraguay. (See “Presentations I”)

Sept., 2013: My critical edition of novel El invierno de Gunter by Juan Manuel Marcos published by

Servilibro Press, Asunción, Paraguay. (See “Presenttions I and II”)

Aug., 2011: My translation, From the Burning Heart of the Forest, of Paraguayan writer Renée Ferrer’s

book of short stories for young adults Desde el encendido corazón del monte published by Fausto Ediciones, Asunción, Paraguay. (See “Presentations I”)

Nov., 2009: Second edition (bilingual with Spanish original) of my English translation Gunter’s Winter of

novel El invierno de Gunter by Paraguayan writer Juan Manuel Marcos published by Criterio Ediciones, Asunción, Paraguay. (See this sec. below and “Presentations I, II, and III”)

Nov., 2009: Book of poetry in Spanish, Guarani and English Desembocando en palabra published by Uninorte Press, Asunción, Paraguay. (See “Presentations I”)

Nov., 2009: Book of essays and poetry Tojojuhu ñe’ê: meditaciones de un norteamericano sobre el Paraguay published by Arandurã Press, Asunción, Paraguay. (See “Presentations I”) Project was initiated by Arandurã, 2007.

March, 2009: My book-length translation of Renée Ferrer’s volume of children’s poetry Cascarita de nuez (Little Nutshell) published by Fausto Ediciones, Asunción, Paraguay.

Nov., 2005: My book-length English translation of Paraguayan poet Renée Ferrer’s two collections, Peregrino de la eternidad and Sobreviviente, published by Uninorte Press, Asunción, Paraguay.

Feb., 2001: My English translation, Gunter’s Winter, of novel El invierno de Gunter by Paraguayan writer Juan Manuel Marcos, published by Peter Lang Books, New York. (See this sec. above and “Presentations I, II, III”)

Fall, 1994: Fragments of the Age of Objects, my translation of work of Chilean poet Andrés Morales, published in bilingual chapbook by Red Internacional del Libro, Santiago, Chile.


Summer, 2013: “Hacia el Otro a la sombra de la globalización: traduciendo El invierno de Gunter de Juan

Manuel Marcos,” Discurso Literario (nueva época) vol. 2, pp. 273-291. (See “Presentations I”)

Jan., 2012: My article “Karai omombe’u: mito y originalidad en las novelas de Augusto Roa Bastos y Juan Manuel Marcos” published in appendix of 3rd ed. of Juan Manuel Marcos’ novel El invierno de Gunter (Asunción, Paraguay, Criterio). (Article was previously published in my book Tojojuhu ñe’ê—see above, and was originally a conference paper in English—see “Presentations I”)

Jan., 2012: My introduction to 2009 second Spanish edition of Juan Manuel Marcos’ novel El invierno de Gunter also published in 3rd ed. of novel (Asunción, Paraguay, Criterio). (See this sec. below and “Presentations I”)

Jan., 2012: “Translator’s Note” from my English translation (Gunter’s Winter) of J.M. Marcos’ novel El invierno de Gunter included in 3rd Spanish ed. of novel. (See “Publications I”)

April, 2011: My introduction to 2009 second Spanish edition of Juan Manuel Marcos’ novel El invierno de Gunter translated into French and published in Alain Saint-Saens’ French translation of novel (Paris: L’Harmattan). (See this sec. above and below)

July, 2010: “La Palabra en su hábitat: reflexiones sobre las letras en Paraguay y los Estados Unidos”

published in book La función social de la literatura en el Paraguay, ed. Emi Kasamatsu, PEN Club

of Paraguay and Arandurã Press, Asunción, Paraguay. (See “Presentations I”)

July, 2010: “Poetry’s Expository Function in Contexts of Linguistic Inequality: the Guarani Verse of Augusto Roa Bastos” published in book Postmodernism’s Role in Latin American Literature: the Life and Work of Augusto Roa Bastos, ed. Helene Weldt-Basson, New York: Palgrave Macmillan. (Article is a reworking and updating of paper “The Expository Functions of Poetry in Non-European Languages: the Guarani Verse of Augusto Roa Bastos,” see “Presentations I”)

Nov., 2009: My introduction published in second Spanish edition of novel El invierno de Gunter by Juan Manuel Marcos, Criterio Ediciones, Asunción Paraguay. (See “Publications I” and “Presentations I and III”)

Nov., 2007: “Escribiendo los pájaros: guyra purahéi en los versos de Miguelángel Meza y Carlos Martínez Gamba” published in Paraguayan magazine Ñe’engatú (Asunción, Año XXV, no. 152). (See “Presentations I and II”)

Oct., 2007: “Paraguay en el mapa: reflexiones sobre Manuel Ortiz Guerrero” published in culture journal Takuapu (Asunción). (See “Presentations I”)

Aug., 2005: “Epistemología paraguaya: la palabra/fuego en la poesía de Susy Delgado,” as one of

introductions to Susy Delgado’s poetry volume Ñe’e Jovái: palabra en dúo (Asunción, Arandurã). Had been previously published in condensed form, and also given as paper at Latin American Studies Association conference, Oct., 2004. (See “Publications IV” and “Presentations I”)

May, 2005: “El fundamento guaraní de la poesía de Augusto Roa Bastos,” in culture journal Takuapu

(Asunción, no. 2). Invited as part of tribute to Roa upon his death. (See “Presentations I and II”)

Aug., 2003: Extensive portion of my paper “Ecos de una eco-literatura: traduciendo al guaraní textos de

Renée Ferrer y de Manuel Ortiz Guerrero” printed in arts magazine of Paraguayan newspaper La Nación. (See “Presentations I”)

Nov., 1999: “Visions of the Millennium: Translating the Eschaton in the Languages of the New World,”

published in On the Eve of a New Millennium: Belief and Unbelief as Expressed in Literature, Philosophy, Theology, and the Visual Arts, selected papers of the 1998 Conference on Christianity and Literature, Saint Anselm College (Manchester, New Hampshire: Saint Anselm College Press). (See “Presentations I”)

Spring, 1992: “Indígena e indigenista en la literatura guaranítica paraguaya: ¿un fracaso de etiquetas?,”

published as part of Past, Present, and Future: Selected Papers on Latin American Indian Literatures (Culver City, California: Labyrinthos). (See “Presentations I and III”)

April, 1990: “El antropólogo como forastero: el principio de Heisenberg aplicado a unos textos guaraníes

bolivianos,” published as part of LAIL Speaks!: Selected Papers from the VII International Symposium on Latin American Indian Literatures (Culver City, California: Labyrinthos). (See “Presentations I”)

1990: “El Atusparia de Alberto Mego: dinámica de un drama andino bilingüe,” Chiricú (Indiana University), Vol. 6, no. 1. (See “Presentations I”)

June, 1989: “El naranjal ardiente de Augusto Roa Bastos: cifra textual de la biculturalidad paraguaya,” published as part of a volume of proceedings of the 1988 International Symposium on Latin American Studies, Asunción, Paraguay. (See “Honors,” “Presentations I”)

April, 1989: “Intimaciones míticas: el lenguaje indígena en los cuentos de Roa Bastos y Arguedas,”

published in anthology of papers on Roa Bastos, Las voces del karaí: estudios sobre Augusto Roa Bastos (Madrid: Edelsa). (See “Presentations I”)

Fall, 1988: “The Mind of the Prisoner: Ancient Sources and Modern Echoes in the Literature of the

Andes,” Latin American Indian Literatures Journal (Geneva College, Pennsylvania) Vol. 4, no 2. (See “Presentations I”)

March, 1987: “Cortázar y Arguedas: una síntesis a través del lenguaje artístico,” Plural (Mexico City), Vol.

XVI-VI, no. 186. (See “Honors,” “Presentations I”)

Fall, 1985: “Arguedas the Invocator: Yawar fiesta and Tupac Amaru kamaq taytanchisman,” Discurso

Literario (Oklahoma State University) Vol. 3, no. 1. (See “Presentations I”)


Summer, 2012: Poem “Watching a B Movie While Flying Over the Andes” published in Discurso Literario: Revista de Humanidades (nueva época) (vol. 1, no. 1). Submission was invited.

Aug, 2008: Poem “Independence Eve” published in Elysian Fields Quarterly (vol. 25, no. 2).

Fall, 2007: Poem “The Night the Red Sox Won the Series” published in Elysian Fields Quarterly (vol. 24,

no 3).

Spring, 2006: Four of my poems in Guarani, “Ñe’ënduti,” “Peteï chóferpe ojejapo’akue che angirü,”

“E=mc2,” and “Reho,” published along with Spanish translations in Confluencia (vol. 21, no. 2). My poems and those of Susy Delgado comprised a special section on Guarani poetry.

April, 2006: Three poems, “Night Rain in Late Summer/Ama pyhare arahakúpe/Lluvia nocturna en pleno

verano,” “Al ver una litografía de Solano López en el Museo Seward, Auburn Nueva York,” y “Auto-elegía,” published in culture journal Takuapu (Asunción, no. 13).

April, 2006: Two poems, “Maitei paha Zenón Bogado Rolón-peguarã/Despedida para Zenón Bogado Rolón” and “En una playa de Puerto Rico, paraguayamente pensando,” in Paraguayan magazine Ñe’ëngatú (Asunción, Año XXIV, no.146). First poem was part of special commemorative section upon the death of Bogado Rolón.

Spring, 2005: Three poems, “Thoughts on the Essential Heterogeneity of Being” (tribute to Antonio Machado), “I Dare You,” and “A Polyglot Returns to the Study of a Tongue He Knew in Childhood,” variously in English, Spanish, Guarani, and other languages, in refereed journal International Poetry Review (vol. 31, no. 1).

May, 2005: Poem “Lección de geometría en homenaje a Augusto Roa Bastos,” in Takuapu (Asunción, no. 2). Invited as part of tribute to Roa upon his death.

Oct., 2003: Poem “Garza de alto vuelo” published in Spanish and Guarani in Paraguayan magazine

Ñe’ëngatú (Asunción, Año 21, no. 136).

Aug, 2003: Poem “Here in This Bloat of Syllables...” published in English, Spanish and Guarani in arts

magazine of Paraguayan newspaper La Nación.

Dec., 2002: “Five Poems in Three Languages,” series of poems in English, Spanish and Guarani, published

in refereed journal Anthropology and Humanism, vol. 27, num. 2. (See “Honors,” “Presentations IV”)

June, 2002: Poems “September 11” and “Not the Frauds of...” published in special issue of the refereed journal Qualitative Inquiry, vol. 8, num. 3.

Dec., 1998-Jan., 1999: My poem “Ára ro’y paha Nueva Yórkpe” in Guarani original, with Spanish

translation “Fin de invierno en Nueva York,” published in Ñe’ëngatú (Asunción, Año 16, no. 119).


Spring, 2014: My English translations of Susy Delgado’s short story “Jevy ko’ê” and her long poem “Desalma” published in her chapbook 2 x 4: edición cuatrilingüe de “Jevy ko’ê” y “Desalma” (Asunción: Arandurã Press).

Summer, 2012: “Guaraní Poetry” in The Princeton Encyclopedia of Poetry and Poetics, 4th ed., ed. Roland

Greene (Princeton, NJ, Princeton Univ. Press). Article was invited.

Dec., 2010: My review “Peregrinaje paraguayo: La princesa triste del Mercado Cuatro de Rubén Sapena

Brugada” published in Suplemento literario of newspaper ABC (Asunción) and in on-line version.

Fall, 2008: My translation of Renée Ferrer’s poem “Galope” (“Gallop”) published in anthology of poetry

for children 11 and up Side by Side, ed. Jan Greenberg, New York: Harry N. Abrams, Inc.

April, 2006: My Spanish translation of Zenón Bogado Rolón’s Guarani poem “Nde” (“Tú”) reprinted in

Paraguayan magazine Ñe’ëngatú (Asunción, Año XXIV, no. 146). Had been previously published

in same magazine. (See this sec. below)

April, 2005: “Epistemología paraguaya: la palabra/fuego en la poesía de Susy Delgado,” in culture

supplement to newspaper Última hora (Asunción). Somewhat abbreviated version of paper I later published in entirety and had given originally at Latin American Studies conference, Oct., 2004. (See “Publications II” and “Presentations I”)

April, 2004: My Spanish translation of Paraguayan poet Carlos Federico Abente’s Guarani poem “Teko

pukavy” published in Paraguayan magazine Ñe’ëngatú (Asunción, Año 22, no. 139).

Summer, 2000: 4 short articles of mine published in Encyclopedia of Contemporary Latin American

Culture (London: Routledge Publishers): “Paraguay” (general survey), “Guarani Language,” “Discurso Literario,” and “Marshal Estigarribia.”

Aug., 1999: My Spanish translation of David Galeano Olivera’s Guarani story “Pombéro

ojehechaukárõguare” published in anthology Narrativa paraguaya de ayer y de hoy, vol. I, ed. Teresa Méndez-Faith (Asunción: Intercontinental).

Summer, 1997: My translations from Guarani to Spanish of five poems, published in bilingual anthology

Poesía paraguaya de ayer y de hoy: tomo II, guaraní-español, ed. Teresa Méndez-Faith (Asunción: Intercontinental)

April, 1997: 5 articles of mine published in Encyclopedia of Latin American Literature, gen. ed. David

William Foster (London: Fitzroy-Dearborn Publishers): “Rafael Barrett” (sole authorship), “’Lo que son los yerbales’” (sole authorship), “Paraguayan Literature” (co-authored with Teresa Méndez-Faith), “Augusto Roa Bastos” (co-authored with T. Méndez-Faith), and “Yo el Supremo” (co-authored with T. Méndez-Faith).

Dec, 1996: My review of Teresa Méndez-Faith’s Breve diccionario de la literatura paraguaya and Breve

antología de la literatura paraguaya (Asunción: El Lector, 1994) published in Hispamérica (Año 25, 75). Review re-printed in 2nd edition of Breve diccionario…, 1997.

May, 1996: “En honor a la verdad: Rubén Rolandi y la narrativa oral paraguaya,” my review of

Paraguayan writer Rolandi’s Guarani story collections Kásos: ahendu ahai and Opáicha oñemombe’u ha Rubén Rolandi péicha ombyaty, published in Paraguayan magazine Ñe’ëngatú (Asunción, Año XIV, no. 96).

Fall, 1994: “Tú,” my Spanish translation of Paraguayan poet Zenón Bogado Rolón’s Guarani poem “Nde,”

published in anthology Breve antología de la literatura paraguaya, ed. T. Méndez-Faith (Asunción: El Lector). (Translation had been previously published--see this sec. above and below)

May-June, 1994: “Muerto el poeta, viva su palabra: pensamientos sobre los versos de Juan Maidana,” my

review of Maidana’s Guarani poetry, published in Paraguayan magazine Ñe’ëngatú (Asunción, Año XII, no. 77).

May-June, 1994: My Spanish translation of sections of Juan Maidana’s Guarani poem Mba’eicharupi

orekuéra okaraygua published in Ñe’ëngatú (Asunción, Año XII, no. 77).

Fall, 1994: Brief biographical description of poet Miguelángel Meza published in T. Méndez-Faith’s

anthology Breve antología de la literatura paraguaya (Asunción). (This had appeared previously--see next item)

Dec., 1993: “Poeta y profeta: reflexiones sobre unos versos de Miguelángel Meza,” my review of Meza’s

Guarani poetry, along with biographical paragraph, published in Ñe’ëngatú (Asunción, Año XI, no. 73). (See previous item)

Oct., 1993: “De pomberos y prosas paraguayas: reflexiones sobre una novela en guaraní,” review of the

Paraguayan Guarani-language novel Kalaíto Pombéro by Tadeo Zarratea, along with brief

biographical entry, published in Ñe’ëngatú (Asunción, Año XI, no. 71).

Aug., 1993: “Zenón Bogado Rolón: poeta indagador del Apeiká-Paraguay,” review of Bogado’s poetry,