Curriculum Vitae
Address: Bloc 11, Appt. 199, Cité Bahi Ladgham, Bourj Louzir 2073 - Ariana – Tunisie.
Tel. (Office): +21671602894/+21671600982
Tel.(Mobile): +21698942843
Contact address: 6, rue de l’Egypte, Cité des jasmins, CRDA Manouba 2010, Tunisie.
1. Surname: Ben Mohamed
2. First name: Mouldi
3. Date of birth: April, 05, 1962
4. Nationality: Tunisian
5. Marital status: Married, 2 children
6. Education
Establishment:¶ / United Nations University/ Geothermal Training Programme in Iceland (National Energy Authority).Dates:¶ / From April to October 1997.¶
Diploma:¶ / Diploma in the utilization of the geothermal energy (direct application).
Establishment:¶ / The International Center for Advanced Mediterranean Agronomic Studies (CIHEAM) - The Mediterranean Agronomic Institute of Montpellier - France (IAMM).
Dates:¶ / From September 1992 to may 1995.¶
Diploma:¶ / Diploma ‘‘Master of Science’’ in Agricultural policies and Administration of Development; option: Rural and Agricultural Development; Mention: CUM LAUDE.
Establishment:¶ / The International Center for Advanced Mediterranean Agronomic Studies (CIHEAM) - The Mediterranean Agronomic Institute of Montpellier - France (IAMM).
Dates:¶ / From September 1992 to June 1993.¶
Diploma:¶ / Specialization Post-university Diploma (DSPU) in Agricultural policies and Administration of Development; option: Rural and Agricultural Development; Mention: CUM LAUDE.
Establishment:¶ / The Agronomic High School of Mograne, Zaghouan -Tunis (ESAM).
Dates:¶ / From September 1984 to June 1989.¶
Diploma:¶ / Diploma of Agronomic Engineer; option: Agro-economics.
Establishment:¶ / The KÉBILI Secondary school.
Dates:¶ / From 1975 to 1984.¶
Diploma:¶ / Baccalaureate in science and mathematics.
7. ¶Level of the known languages:¶(by competence from 1 to 5, 5 being the maximum) ¶
Language / ¶Reading Reading / Speaking¶SpeakingS / ¶Writing ¶Arabic / 5 / 5 / 5
French / ¶5 / ¶5 / ¶5 ¶
English / ¶4 / 4¶4 / ¶4 4¶
8. Professional affiliations and activities
· Previous member of the International Geothermal Association (IGA) in 1997.
· Previous member of the Regional Engineering council from 2002 to 2005.
· Member of the selection committee in the Regional Commissariat for Agricultural Development of Manouba, Tunisia (CRDA).
· Member of the selection committee of engineer’s candidates for recruitment in the Ministry of agriculture and water resources (section of agricultural statistics, years 2008, 2009 and 2010).
9. ¶ Other qualifications (Computers)
· Very good computer literacy in writing (WORD), tabulations and data management and diffusion results (EXCEL, ACCESS, STATITCF, CSPRO and SPSS),
· Good in the utilization of expert systems in agricultural research and production (ISAFUMURE, ISAMARGE, ISACOMPTA, QUO VADIS, GAMS...).
10. Current position: Engineer in Chief, Agro-economist (Master of Science), Deputy Director of the Agricultural Studies and development Division in the Regional Commissariat for Agricultural Development of Manouba, Tunisia.
11. Number of years in the company: (14 years in the southern part of the country and 6 years in the northern part).
12. Principal qualifications (fields of specialization)¶
· Extensive experience in agricultural and rural development (Regional and local development) and establishment of local plans (Rgim Maâtoug locality in southern Tunisia and Algeria border, Lansarine locality in northern Tunisia…etc.),
· Good experience in the establishment of database in agriculture and information system. More than 5 years in agricultural statistics (establishment of agricultural surveys, treatment and data analysis, production and diffusion of information) with a good knowledge of statistical treatment tools (SPSS, EXCEL),
· Agricultural policies and planning, follow-up and evaluation of agricultural projects, especially rural development projects (oasis system, greenhouses heated by geothermal energy, irrigated areas …etc.),
· Agro-economy, social and economics agricultural studies,
· Extension and promotion of agricultural production,
· Large experience in writing professional papers and making presentations to national and international audiences,
· Agricultural production system and production circuits commercialization analysis,
· Geothermal energy utilization in agriculture and development of geothermal projects,
· Proven ability to coordinate multi-disciplinary teams and to work in a multi-cultural, multiethnic environment with respect for diversity.
13. ¶ Specific country experience: large experience in Tunisia (20 years experience)
Country / ¶Datefrom period ¶ / FieldsTunisia ¶ / From September 2004 to 2010 (northern Tunisia) / Regional plans, local development plans (LDP) Agricultural studies and statistics, database establishment in agriculture, data analysis and reports production.
From June 1990 to August 2004 (southern Tunisia) / Agricultural policies and development (oasis and greenhouses sectors).
Indonesia / From 25 to 30 April 2010 / Lecturer in geothermal energy utilization «Geothermal Direct Application and its Development in Tunisia»
Iceland / From 25 to 28 August 2008 / Lecturer in geothermal energy utilization.
U.S.A / From 01 to 18 November 2006 / Agricultural trade policy.
Turkey / From 24 to 29 April 2005 / Lecturer in geothermal energy uses.
Iceland / From 11 to 17 September 2003 / Lecturer in integrated uses of geothermal resources.
Turkey / From 02 to 15 June 2003 / Lecturer in direct application of geothermal energy.
Greece / From 01 to 07 September 2002 / Lecturer in geothermal energy development.
Italy / From 25 May to 01 June 2002 / Conservation agriculture.
Germany / From 17 to 22 September 2001 / Geothermal energy development.
Spain / From 12 to 23 March 2001 / Lecturer in economics of natural resources.
Iceland / From 27 April to 25 October 1997 / Research report on geothermal energy utilization.
France / From 1992 to 1995 / Agricultural policies and administration of development (LDP of Ardeche region, rural development, economics of agricultural farms).
France / Summer (from 1981 to 1986, 1993, 1994 and 1995) / Work in agricultural farms (Fruit trees, vegetable crops, livestock…).
14. Professional experience record:
Date/place: / Since first September 2004 at / The Regional Commissariat for Agricultural Development – Manouba (North of Tunisia).
Post: / Deputy Director (Master of Science), of the Agricultural Studies and development Division, Head of department of Agricultural Studies and Statistics.
1. Agricultural planning
ü Agricultural production system analysis,
ü Concretization of the national strategies on regional scale,
ü Achievement of the regional plans of development (from 2005 to 2010),
ü Achievement of the economic budgets (from 2006 to 2010),
ü Establishment of local plans of development.
2. Studies and Agricultural Development
ü Achievement of studies related to projects (Regional Capacity Building Initiative), Cross-Border Cooperation in the Mediterranean Italia-Tunisia (2007-2013),
ü Achievement of studies related to the agricultural sector,
ü Participation in the monitoring and evaluation of studies of the agricultural projects (study of the modernization of the Medjerda valley irrigated areas, study of the water irrigation cost…), co-financed by the German Bank of development (KFW),
ü Establishment of the agricultural situation reports,
ü Contribution in the monitoring of public irrigated areas committee,
ü Follow-up and evaluation of the agricultural campaigns,
ü Follow-up and evaluation of the development projects,
ü Monitoring of the presidential agricultural map project.
3. Agricultural Statistics
ü Achievement of seasonal agricultural surveys (survey of the agricultural campaign: cropping system, livestock, agricultural employment … etc.),
ü Achievement of the irrigated areas survey,
ü Achievement of the production estimation surveys with the objective measurements (cereals, tomatoes, olive oil, potatoes…etc.),
ü Achievement of the structural survey (every 10 years).
Date/place: / From 1995 to 31 August 2004.
company: / The Regional Commissariat for Agricultural Development – KÉBILI (South of Tunisia).
Post: / · Principal Engineer (Master of Science), Coordinator of extension activities, Extension and Promotion of Agricultural Production Division; section: Rural development.
· Principal Engineer, Chief of follow and evaluation cellule for extension activities and rural development projects.
· Principal Engineer, Chief of the Territorial Cellule for extension activities of KÉBILI-EAST area (Law N° 97-885 of 15/05/1997).
1. Agricultural planning
ü Concretization of the national strategies on regional scale,
ü Achievement of the regional plans of development,
ü Coordination of the regional administration upgrade programs (procedural manual),
ü Elaboration and monitoring of the extension budget,
ü Elaboration and monitoring of dates sector strategy.
2. Studies and Agricultural Development
ü Achievement of studies related to the agricultural sector,
ü Elaboration of the socioeconomics integrated rural projects,
ü Participation in the monitoring and evaluation of studies of the agricultural projects (study of the Douz-Lazala, Behaier, Debabcha rural projects …),
ü Coordination of agricultural extension activities (oasis system and greenhouses heated by geothermal energy),
ü Program and monitoring of the agricultural extension activities of the Kébili area,
ü Monitoring of the Presidential program related to farmers training,
ü Monitoring of the Presidential program related to oasis sanitary and plant prospecting ,
ü Program, monitoring and evaluation of the oasis cropping system (three floors: palm dates, trees in between, grass and vegetables)
ü Program, follow-up and evaluation of the greenhouses heated by geothermal energy,
ü Establishment of the agricultural situation reports,
ü Contribution in the monitoring of oasis irrigated system,
ü Follow-up and evaluation of the agricultural campaigns,
ü Follow-up and evaluation of the development projects,
ü Follow-up of the integrated rural projects farmers (Douz-Lazala, Debabcha, and Behaier projects),
ü Contribution to the natural resources management ( water and soil exploitation),
ü Contribution to the identification of necessary water quantities for oasis irrigation,
ü Contribution to the identification of necessary oasis fertilization (program with the collaboration of the Kef high school of agriculture),
ü Monitoring of the presidential project of Rjim Mâatoug area (co-financed with EU),
ü Participation to the evaluation of the first step of presidential project of Rjim Mâatoug (1152 ha of oases),
ü Following and assistance of national and international consultants, experts and students.
Date/place: / From June 1990 to September 1992.
company: / The Regional Commissariat for Agricultural Development – KÉBILI (South of Tunisia).
Post: / · Engineer, extension and Promotion of Agricultural Production Division (DVPPA), section: Rural development.
· Engineer, Chief of cellule of follow and evaluation of extension activities (project financed by the World Bank BIRD 3217 TUN).
· Engineer, Chief of Audio-video cellule.
ü Coordination of the regional administration upgrade programs (procedural manual),
ü Achievement of the national strategies and plans of development on regional scale,
ü Follow-up and evaluation of development projects (Rural development) and agricultural campaigns,
ü Achievement of studies related to the agricultural sector,
ü Elaboration of the socioeconomics integrated rural projects,
ü Establishment of the agricultural situation reports,
ü Program, coordination of the extension activities (oasis system and greenhouses heated by geothermal energy),
ü Program, monitoring and evaluation of the oasis cropping system (three floors: palm dates, trees in between, grass and vegetables)
ü Contribution in the monitoring of oasis irrigated system,
ü Elaboration and monitoring of dates sector strategy,
ü Monitoring of dates product filial,
ü Contribution to the research methods of dates protection against rainfall,
ü Contribution to the research for dates amelioration productivity and quality,
ü Contribution to the natural resources management (water and soil exploitation)
ü Program, monitoring and evaluation of the greenhouses heated by geothermal energy,
ü Contribution to the research methods of greenhouses heated by geothermal energy against nematodes,
ü Contribution to the introduction of new varieties and techniques under greenhouses heated by geothermal energy for the amelioration of productivity objectives,
ü Analysis of greenhouses production system and identification of farmers under homogeneous groups,
ü Follow-up and evaluation of the greenhouses experience in southern Tunisia,
ü Development of different agricultural skills to farmers in the southern part of the country (oasis production system, greenhouses heated by geothermal energy…).
15. Others:
Working papers and reports
Since September 2004 at present (work in CRDA of Manouba): many reports on different subjects:
· Results of agricultural surveys,
· Achievement and evaluation Plans of Development,
· agricultural situation of Manouba region,
· Development local plan,
· Agricultural statistical data of the Manouba region,
· Agricultural campaign evaluation,
· Natural resources management,
· Agricultural perspectives of development,
· Development indicators of the agricultural sector,
· Agricultural structures farms.
Since June 1990 to August 2004 (work in CRDA of Kébili): many reports on different subjects:
· Geothermal Resources Application in the Kébili Region, southern Tunisia,
· Development of geo-thermally heated greenhouses production systems,
· Geo-thermally heated greenhouses Tunisian experience,
· Conserving agriculture and preserving natural resources,
· Management of natural resources,
· Oasis system,
· Date palms.
Participation in trainings, seminars and workshops
2010: Participation in the world geothermal congress WGC2010 on “Geothermal: the energy to change the world”, Bali-Indonesia, from 25 to 30 April.
2008: Participation in the 30th anniversary workshop (UNU-GTP 2008) held in Reykjavik, Iceland, from 25 to 28 August 2008.
2006: Participation in the Cochran Fellowship Program on the Agricultural Trade Policy, USA, from 1 to 18 November 2006.
2005: Participation in the world geothermal congress 2005 on “Geothermal Energy: the Domestic, Renewable, Green option”, Antalia - Turkey, from 24 to 29 April.
· Participation in the international geothermal conference on “Multiple Integrated Uses of Geothermal Resources”, Reykjavik – Iceland, from 14 to 17 September.
· Participation in the international short course on “Sustainable Use and Operating Policy for Geothermal Resources”, Reykjavik – Iceland, from 11 to 13 September.
· Participation in the international Summer School on Direct Application of Geothermal Energy and Geothermal Geochemistry, Izmir - Turkey, from 02 to 15 June.
· Participation in the international workshop on possibilities of geothermal energy development in the Aegean islands region (International Geothermal Days), Milos Island - Greece, from 05 to 07 September.
· Participation in the international course on the district heating, agricultural and agro-industrial uses of geothermal energy (International Geothermal Days), Thessalonica-Greece, from 01 to 04 September.
· Participation in the international course on conservation agriculture (CA), Vasto-Italy, from 25 May to 01 June.