Buster Bronco

1903 W. Michigan Ave•Kalamazoo,MI49008•269-387-1000•

Additional Notes - Delete when Finished

•This is meant to be a sample of the basic information. Some degrees require additional information on their resume.

•Omit all high school data (education, work experience)

•Font can be changed using the "Style Resume" option, remember to keep it professional

•Use Print Preview to make sure your content meets your page requirements (Typically 1 page with a few exceptions)

•Be sure to Rename the Document "Resume_YourName

•When finished with your resume, select the garbage can to the right for this section to delete it.


An objective is a brief statement that is very specific. Inform the reader of what industry, field, or position you are interested in. Indicate what you can offer the employer related to the position you are applying for; skills, experiences, or personal characteristics. Refrain from explaining what the employer can offer you or what you want out of the job. The objective is 1-2 lines.


Bachelor of ______Expected Graduation: Month Year

Western Michigan University Kalamazoo, MI

Major, Minor, GPA

Relevant Coursework or Academic Projects

•Course Name: Brief summary of skills gained, projects completed, research conducted, results and outcomes of case study experiences, presentations delivered, etc. The employer is interested in what you gained from this course. Avoid using the course description or course number

•Project Team: Describe the purpose of project, your role on the team, materials or methods used, outcomes, presentations, etc. Your teamwork and leadership skills can be highlighted here as well as content or consulting skills.


Postition TitleMonth Year - Month Year

Company Name City, State

•Start with the most recent job and list backwards

•If you no longer employed in the postion, use the past tense

•Each bulletpoint should follow the same format: Action Verb | What you did | How/Why

•Action verbs can be selected by clicking on the action verbs button or by viewing page 13 of the Career Development Guide

•Avoid using the phrases, "Responsible for..." and "Responsibilities included..."

•Provide examples of skills developed or enhanced

•Provide quantitative information when possible to provide context. Supervised ____ cashiers, Programmed events using a $____ budget

•Try to have 3-5 bullet points for each position that describes your work

•This section can be titled: Related Experience, Work Experience, Internship Experience, etc. (If you want, you can create a new section that seperates Internship Experience from Work Experience)

Postion TitleMonth Year - Month Year

Company Name City, State

Honors And Activities

Member of Student OrganizationYear - Year

•Make sure experiences are in reverse chronological order, starting with the most recent.

•If space is available, take the same approach as the job description to describe what you did as a part of the Organization

Additional Section Options

These sections are optional, but include the following: Academic Achievements, Awards, Computer Skills, Volunteer Experience, Organizations, Professional Memberships

Be sure to include type of involvement and/or dates of involvement

If you do not want to include anymore sections, please just select the garbage can to the right for this section to delete it.