8th February 2007 / AGENDA ITEM 6
1.0 Matter for consideration
1.1 To consider an additional Horse Drawn Hackney Vehicle Licence condition requiring all licensed Landaus to be fitted with a Council approved device which has the effect of preventing at least 90% of the horse dung from being deposited on the highway.
1.2 To decide, in the event of the above condition being adopted, whether to fund the fitting of the dung catchers via Council funds or via Licensing fees.
2.0 Recommendation(s)
2.1 The Sub-Committee is requested to consider the imposition of the additional condition to the Horse Drawn Hackney Vehicle Licence .
2.2 In the event of the inclusion of the additional condition, to consider whether funding of the fitting of the device should be from Council Funds or via Licensing fees.
3.0 Information
3.1 The Sub-Committee is reminded that following consideration of the information below at its meeting on 14th December 2006 it was agreed to defer the item to the February meeting, to allow a report to be submitted on how a trial could feasibly take place prior to a further report to the Sub-Committee mid 2007.
3.2 Landaus are licensed under the Town Police Clauses Act 1847 and the Public Health Act 1875.
3.3 There are 44 licensed landaus in Blackpool and 93 licensed landau horses. Often two horses per day are employed to keep a landau operating between the hours of 9am and 11pm. The working day of a horse is restricted to 7 hours per day. They are not afforded a statutory day off, however , the majority of horses are rotated and rarely work seven days per week.
3.4 Complaints from residents and visitors to Blackpool concerning landau horse droppings on the Promenade and popular routes between stables and the Promenade are at an all time high. The voluntary scheme requiring the picking up of dung from landau ranks has only proved partially successful and does not address droppings left along the usual working routes, at traffic lights, or routes between stables and the Promenade. These deposits are foul smelling, attract flies, have an adverse affect on sea-water quality and on the road surface from a road safety viewpoint.
3.5 A device has been found which offers a complete solution to the problem . It has been evaluated in Blackpool and has proved successful. The device is expected to last several years and can easily be adjusted to fit all types of carriage and works for horses of either sex. The cost would be £65 per licensed landau vehicle.
3.6 Ideally, the system would be fitted to every landau presented for inspection prior to the commencement of the 2007 season.
3.7 In Great Yarmouth the device is currently fitted to all 17 landaus without problems.
3.8 The Council’s Streetscene has agreed to the provision of 7 bins in addition to the original 3 bins, with lids and hitching posts, to be sited along the Promenade between Coral Island and the Pleasure Beach, at an estimated cost of £6000 , and to provide a scheduled collection regime to ensure regular emptying and disposal of the manure. They are also to explore the provision of an extra water source at the watering troughs, which are to have covers, to facilitate hand washing and aid rinsing of the dung catchers.
3.9 The Council’s Licensing Department conducted a survey in 1999/2000 involving, the tourism industry, the local press, Hotel and Guest House Association, Blackpool Transport. The Pleasure Beach, Leisure Parcs and as many interested parties as possible to invite comments or criticism of landau operations, including the Blackpool Landau Owners Association. The main repetitive criticism/comment was that the manure deposited on the highway was unacceptable.
3.10 The Licensing Service has now contacted insurers of landaus, The British Horse Society and eminent Veterinary Surgeons regarding the proposal before the Sub-Committee today.
3.11 If the proposal is agreed in principle further wider consultation will take place.
3.12 The Secretary of the Blackpool Landau Owners Association is the only person to raise objections to the proposal. The Blackpool Landau Owners Association does not speak for all the Landau owners.
3.13 Blackpool Council’s Licensing Service is prepared to act as contact between the supplier of the device and the landau owners and to negotiate discount on their behalf. The Council are also prepared to stock a small number of spare devices to cater for breakages etc.
3.14 It is recommended that only the device which has been tried and tested in Blackpool be approved for use.
4.0 Financial considerations
If the Sub - Committee decides to fund the devices from Council funds it would cost £2860.00 plus VA.T. for 44 devices and it would be considered prudent to purchase 50 devices at cost of £3250 plus V.A.T.
Costs incurred to the Council’s Streetscene for additional bins £6,000.
5.0 Legal considerations
The Head of Legal and Democratic Services will be represented to advise the Committee.
Relevant officer:
Head of Legal and Democratic Services
Tel: (01253) 477400 e-mail
Appendices attached:
Background papers: None
Websites and email links for further information: