Additional costs or ‘top-up’ payments template


To allow potential residents to consider and compare the care homes in North East Lincolnshire, each care home provider needs to identify any top-up fees which they apply, in respect of additional services and facilities provided. The CCG wishes to ensure a consistent approach in the way top-ups information is presented, to facilitate genuine choice for potential residents based on clear and transparent information, in accordance with the Care Act 2014.

This information needs to be read in conjunction with North East Lincolnshire’s Top-ups Toolkit.

First, care home providers need to consider their core offer. This is the offer which is available for all individuals who choose a placement in their care home, and could include:

§  the location of the care home

§  activities within the home and into the community

§  facilities, rooms and spaces within the home

§  a garden area (where readily accessible to all)

Please detail your core offer here:
The Chestnuts is a well established Home, situated in a pleasant central location in Grimsby.
It has easy access to local amenities and transport.
The Chestnuts has three storeys, serviced by stairs and a passenger lift.
The Home benefits from pleasant gardens to the front and rear, and ample car parking to the side of the property.
At the Chestnuts, we believe in ‘life after dementia’, it is our intention that all Residents enjoy normal life experiences as far as possible.
Residents enjoy regular escorted outings, to local garden centres, cafes or pubs and often have a stroll along the sea front (weather permitting).
Other activities our Residents currently enjoy are, baking, crafts, singing, dancing, pamper days and many more.
All our rooms are well decorated and comfortable, some will incur a ‘top-up’, due to their size, view or en-suite facilities. A price list is available on request.
We abide by the ‘Protected Characteristics’ of Equality and Diversity and endeavour to uphold these at all times.

Second, care home providers should consider whether they wish to charge a top-up for any additional services or facilities offered, over and above what is required to meet need.

Does your home charge top-ups? / Yes
Some rooms incur a ‘top up’

Third, if electing to charge top-ups, care home providers need to consider what top-up amount to charge for what additional services/ facilities. Top-ups must relate to services/ facilities which the CCG has not already contracted for. Additional services or facilities may be considered on a room-by-room basis or through grouping rooms together where the offering is similar.

NB if wishing to use room size as a differential on which to base an additional charge (e.g. “standard” size rooms attract no top-up, but “large” rooms do attract a top-up) care home providers will need to give approximate dimensions for rooms to justify the additional sum sought (e.g. “standard rooms” are between x and y square feet, “large rooms” are between x and y square feet).

Top-ups Schedule

Room/s / Top-up charged / Room type / Other features/ explanatory narrative
1, 5, 6 / No top-up / ☒Single room
☐ Shared room
3, 4, 7, 10 / (£10pw if used as a single room) / ☐Single room
☒ Shared room
☐En-suite / If these shared rooms are used as a single room to provide extra space, they attract a top-up
2, 8, 9 / £20pw / ☒Single room
☐ Shared room
☒En-suite / Window overlooking the garden
Please detail the offer of individual rooms:
Room/s / Top-up charged / Room type / Other features/ explanatory narrative
1 & 2 / £20 top up / ☐Single room
X☐ Shared room
☐En-suite / Huge room (5.4m x 4.5m)
Huge bay window, overlooking the front of the Home, large living space.
3 / £30 top up / X☐Single room
☐ Shared room
☐En-suite / Downstairs room, large window, overlooking the gardens
4 & 5 / £20 top up / ☐Single room
X☐ Shared room
☐En-suite / Hugh room (5.4m x 4.5m)
Huge bay window, overlooking the garden of the Home, large living space.
6 / £25 top up / X☐Single room
☐ Shared room
☐En-suite / Large room (5.5m x 2.7m)
7 / £15 top up / X☐Single room
☐ Shared room
☐En-suite / Downstairs room
Medium room (4.4m x 2.75m)
8 / £5 top up / X☐Single room
☐ Shared room
☐En-suite / Downstairs room, overlooking the gardens
9 / £5 top up / X☐Single room
☐ Shared room
☐En-suite / Downstairs room, overlooking the garden.
11 / £15 top up / X☐Single room
☐ Shared room
☐En-suite / Large room (5.5 m x 3.05m)
12 / No top up / X☐Single room
☐ Shared room
14 / £10 top up / X☐Single room
☐ Shared room
X☐En-suite / En-suite facilities.
15 / £10 top up / X☐Single room
☐ Shared room
X☐En-suite / En-suite facilities
16 / No top up / X☐Single room
☐ Shared room
17 / No top up / X☐Single room
☐ Shared room
18 / £10 top up / x☐Single room
☐ Shared room
X☐En-suite / En-suite facilities
19 / £10 top up / X☐Single room
☐ Shared room
X☐En-suite / En- suite facilties
20 / £20 top up (if used as single room) / ☐Single room
X☐ Shared room
☐En-suite / Large room (5.4m x 3.5m)
21 / £15 top up / X☐Single room
☐ Shared room
☐En-suite / Large room (4.7m x 4.3m)
22 / £15 top up / X☐Single room
☐ Shared room
☐En-suite / Large room ( 4.3m x 4.25m)
23 / £10 top up / X☐Single room
☐ Shared room
X☐En-suite / En-suite facilities
24 / £10 top up / X☐Single room
☐ Shared room
X☐En-suite / En-suite facilities
25 / £10 top up / X☐Single room
☐ Shared room
X☐En-suite / En-suite facilities
26 / £20 top up / X☐Single room
☐ Shared room
X☐En-suite / Large room (5.10m x 4.9m) with garden view
27 / Top up £20 / X☐Single room
☐ Shared room
X☐En-suite / Large room (5.65m x 4m)
Garden view
☐Single room
☐ Shared room
☐Single room
☐ Shared room
☐Single room
☐ Shared room
☐Single room
☐ Shared room
☐Single room
☐ Shared room
☐Single room
☐ Shared room
☐Single room
☐ Shared room
☐Single room
☐ Shared room
☐Single room
☐ Shared room
☐Single room
☐ Shared room
☐Single room
☐ Shared room
☐Single room
☐ Shared room