Additional Allocations for Large Scale Hall Programming
Whereas: the Residence Halls of UWSP should have an annual $2,400.00 (a maximum of $200.00 per hall per fiscal year) allocated for programming support.
Whereas: it is difficult to gather funding for larger and/or all inclusive programs.
Whereas: it would promote multiple hall interaction
Whereas: Residence Hall students would be exposed to more quality programs
THEREFORE: let it be resolved that the Residence Hall Association set aside a designated sub-account of $2,400.00. This sub-account is to be replenished at the end of each fiscal year. Funding from the sub-account is to come out of the SFO.
THEREFORE: be it further resolved this sub-account’s intended use be for larger events put on by a single Residence Hall, or by multiple Residence Halls.
THEREFORE: be it further resolved with additional funding, multiple Residence Halls have the opportunity to combine efforts to offer large, inclusive, and quality programs for their residents.
THEREFORE: be it further resolved in order to obtain funds for hall events (single or combined), a proposal and estimated budget must be submitted to the Residence Hall Association (RHA) Executive Board by no later than (6) six weeks prior to the scheduled event/program. In the case of immediate fall programs that would take place within the opening month (4 weeks) proposals may be submitted via email () no later than (6) six weeks prior to the event. Pending approval by the RHA Executive Board, the funds will be transferred to the respective hall account.
THEREFORE: be it further resolved that after the hall program has taken place, a written evaluation and detailed budget of the program is to be submitted to the RHA Executive Board; both must be signed by the Hall Director. Any unused funds from the hall program are to be returned to the Large Scale Programming sub-account.
Title: Additional Allocations for Large Scale Hall Programming
Katy Cimino Blake Fowler Lauren Starck Kathryn Hardy