Adding sound to a Powerpoint – Open up your slide show.


Select Insert go to the far right Audio ICON and pull down to record audio.

Give the file a name and click the red record button. Click the square to stop when finished.

Click on the sound speaker Icon on your screen and go up to the far right click under Audio tools –Playback select PLAY ACROSS SLIDES in the start menu. This will make sure your audio plays on all the slides. Otherwise the sound will stop after the first slide.

Click on Slideshow- Rehearse timing. The sound will play. Left click through your slides to change them.

After you have finished clicking through the slides it will ask you if you want to save. If the timing works says yes. If not simply select rehearse timing again.

When finished and you’ve tested the slide show. If you’d like to send the sound icon to the back so we don’t see it. Right click on the sound ICON and select send to back to move it behind your slideshow.

Be sure to SAVE the file before closing. Now when you play your slide show back the slides should change automatically and the sound will change with them as you planned.


On the top bar click Insert – Go to the far right and click the audio file icon- select audio from

Find the audio file you want (most likely saved on your :U drive). Double click on the name of the file to insert it.

On the far right click under Audio tools –Playback select PLAY ACROSS SLIDES in the start menu. This will make sure your audio plays on all the slides. Otherwise the sound will stop after the first slide.

Click on Slideshow- Rehearse timing. The sound will play. Left click through your slides to change them.

After you have finished clicking through the slides it will ask you if you want to save. If the timing works says yes. If not simply select rehearse timing again.

When finished and you’ve tested the slide show. If you’d like to send the sound icon to the back so we don’t see it. Right click on the sound ICON and select send to back to move it behind your slideshow.

Be sure to SAVE the file before closing. Now when you play your slide show back the slides should change automatically and the sound will change with them as you planned.