Adding an Offline Giftfrom a Company
This documentation explains how to add offline Company Gifts to a Participant, Team or Event to sync over to PHIA.
Few things to remember:
*NOTE: Before entering offline donations, you must first deposit check in bank then follow procedure below.
IMPORTANT: First you need to make sure that the Company already exists in Luminate Online before adding Gift to either the participant, team or event.
Log into Luminate Online and select to “Switch to another Center” to select Your Chapter:
Go to “Constituent360” and select “Constituents”:
Under “First Name”, type in Asterisk “*” and “Last Name” the name of the company. For example:
If the search results returns constituent records, make sure to check to see if the “IsOrganization” is checked off within the constituent record (Scroll down to the bottom to view if its checkoff). If there is no existing record for the Company, you will need to create it.
Go to “Constituent360” and select “Constituents”:
Select :
On the First Name include the Asterisk “*” and Last Name the name of the Company and fill out the remaining field containing the Asterisk symbol. Note, on the Username, Password, and Email Address, you can include generic information for these fields:
Lastly but MOST IMPORTANT (REQUIRED)scroll down until you reach the “Additional Information” section and check off “IsOrganization:”and select “Save”:
Adding Offline Gift to the Event, Team or Participant
Go to “Fundraising” and select “TeamRaiser”:
Under the “TeamRaiser” tab, input the name of the TeamRaiser Event that the participant is associated to and select “Search”:
On the search results, select “Manage”:
Input the First Name, Last Name or Constituent ID of the participant and Select “Search This TeamRaiser”:
Under the search results, select the Name of the participant:
Select “Enter Offline Gift”:
On the 1. Donor Selection, there are two options: “a. Search For Existing Donor” or “b. Create a New Donor”. Since the Abbvie record was created, we will select a. Search For Existing Donor:
Under the search results, select the Record:
ENTERING BANK NAMES AND DEPOSIT DATES FOR A TEAMRAISER EVENT Locate your Chapter Bank Name to apply to #5 Batch ID displayed on the previous page.
Example: HQ-BOA*7/14/16 (for funds deposited in Bank of America on 7/14/16)
*If the Batch ID is entered incorrectly, Finance will be unable to reconcile the item and will contact staff requesting details of the entry.
Select “Process” after the details have been entered.
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