Technology Committee Meeting Minutes
Wednesday, March 19, 2008, 2:30 p.m.
Library Conference Room
Members Present: T. Johnston, M. Gower, D. Robinson, A. Burks, B. Crabtree, T. Quinn, A. Tate, B. Corlew, J. Burton, C. Haynes, R. Joyner, K. Smith and L. Lea
Ex Officio Members: W. Harris, and M. Knox
1. The committee reviewed the minutes from the February 29, 2008, meeting and approved unanimously with no changes.
2. Information was provided on the library electronic databases, identifying the TAF and Library funding. The TAF portion totaled $270,634.21 and the Library portion totaled $373,270.01. This information allows the committee to review the databases included and to confirm the portion funded through TAF is less than 50% of the total database funding. Motion was made to fund the Library databases submitted for $270,634.21. Motion passed unanimously.
3. Review and discussion of Category 2 – Discipline Specific Equipment. Motion was made to approve the proposals indicated in red. Motion passed unanimously. Discussion of Category 2 included:
· Proposal 925 was ranked low. Is partial funding desired and/or practical? It was noted that the committee usually approves proposals in order of ranking and does not skip over proposals to fund ones that are ranked lower.
· It was discussed that the Science building may not be funded in the near future. The equipment requested could be used prior to the new building. The committee noted that when new buildings are opened, the rotation schedule is thrown off.
· It was noted by the committee that the dollar amount to a specific college is disappropriate.
4. Review and discussion of Category 5 – Master Classrooms. Discussion regarding the asterisk on proposal 901. The Provost has asked for the college to un-restrict this classroom if funding is approved. A motion was made to approve the proposals highlighted in red with the condition that proposal 901’s classroom must change to standard access. Motion passed unanimously.
5. The committee considered the remaining unallocated funds, which were approximately $325,628.76. Discussion turned to the open computer labs. Requests were that the labs be funded at 100% and all labs be treated the same. It was also discussed that if TAF were to fund the labs at 100%, the department’s budget may lose the amount they spend on the lab. This allocation would only be for one year and it would be hard to get the money back in the budget in a subsequent year. It was explained to the committee that the amounts the labs receive are based on budget amounts from five years ago. In the current year, the labs have an account for the department to put their match of expenses for the lab. This will show the true amount spent on the lab for the previous year. The data for this will not be available until after June 30, 2008. The discussion also included the wage increase in the STA program. Motion to fund the increase in student labs for the rate increase in the STA Program of approximately $50,000. Motion passed unanimously. Actual amount of increase is $48,400.
6. Discussion continued on the remaining funds. The committee felt it was important to fund the next three master classrooms on the list. The remaining amount could be given to the top discipline specific proposal not funded. Motion to fund proposals 920, 935 and 943 for a total of $162,725 and the remaining amount of $114,503.76 to partially fund proposal 932. Motion passed unanimously.