Annually, the Central Ohio Organization of Public Purchasers accepts nominations for the chapter’s Manager of the Year and Buyer of the Year awards. Nominees may be submittedto NIGP for consideration by the NIGP Awards Committee for NIGP’s Manager of the Year and Buyer of the Year national award.
It is not a requirement that the Buyer of the Year and Manager of the Year submission originate from the CO-OPP Chapter or from aCO-OPP Chapter Member. A supervisor, co-worker, or person familiar with the CO-OPP Member can submit a nomination for the Buyer of the Year and/or Manager of the Year. An individual can also nominate themselves for one of the awards.
Manager of the Year - CO-OPP may grant the Manager of the Year award to public procurement professionals who have supervisory or management responsibilities. Public Procurement manager functions must include responsibility of overall procurement/material management activities in a specific governmental entity to include the supervision of procurement personnel and/or the display of executive abilities involving economic/financial, technical, statistical, legal, and administrative attributes. Management positions may be totally dedicated to the procurement function or shared with other responsibilities.
Buyer of the Year - CO-OPP may grant the Buyer of the Year award to buyers who have no supervisory or management responsibilities. The Buyer function involves the process of determining the customer requirements, reviewing specifications and requirements, developing and issuing bids, evaluating offers and selecting the vendor, arriving at fair and reasonable price and terms, preparing the contract or purchase order, vendor relations, following up to ensure timely delivery shipping/receiving, inventory and warehousing, and contract administration provisions. Candidates involved in one or more facets of the procurement cycle shall also be eligible, including but limited to: buyers, procurement analysts, contract administrators, warehouse staff including storekeepers, stocking and property accountability, contract oversight such as engineers, and MBE/WBE outreach personnel.
Requirement for eligible nominations:
- the nominee must bea current CO-OPP member
- only activities achieved during previous two years January 1, 2016 thru December 31, 2017 qualify
- for nominee to be submitted to NIGP for national award the following will apply - NIGP Governing Board members as well as members of the Finance, Member, and Talent Councils are ineligible for NIGP’s national awards if they are a current Board Member at time of nomination. This does not prevent the nominee from receiving CO-OPP’s award.
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Process: The selection of a chapter awardee is a multi-step process.
- The Nominator will submit the Nomination Form by March 26, 2018 to the Awards & Scholarship Committee (committee) at
- The committee will confirm chapter membership status of each nominee. The committee will submit nominees that pass this stage and are NIGP members to NIGP for consideration of their national award, unlessnoted otherwise on nomination form.
- The committee will notify the nominee(s) advising of their submission to NIGP and request they complete the Award Acceptance form and submit it with at least one letter or endorsement to the committee. The nominator is encouraged to review the proposed submission to ensure that the nominee’s Narrative reflects achievements related to the criteria of the award.
- The committee willreview the Award Applicationforms, and Letter(s) of Endorsementto score the applications based on the information provided.
The committee will review the nominee’s submission solely based upon the information provided by the nominee, nominator, and letter(s) of recommendation. Each area will be reviewed to determine if a nominee shows sufficient involvement to be considered for the award. These areas includeAgency, Community, Chapter, Institute and other personal and professional societies (regional or national), showing involvement as a Promotor in education and professional development, a Supporter of public procurement, demonstrate a Passion for the vision and mission of NIGP, maintain high ethical and moral Standards, and are Active in community affairs.
The Nomination formis to be submitted to no later than March 26, 2018. Any questions can be submitted to .
Note: To qualify for submission of NIGP’snational awards the nomineemust be a current member of the NIGP.
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Name of Nominee
Phone / Email
Select Award:☐Manager of the Year
☐Buyer of the Year
Does the nominee wish to have their nomination submitted for NIGP’s annual award?
☐ Yes☐ NoIf yes, nominee must have a current NIGP membership.
Nomination Submitted by
Name / Date
Phone / Email
Attach letter of introduction and your experience with the nominee. Then explain in 100 word or less what activities the nominee has with their Agency, Community, Chapter, Institute and other personal and professional societies (regional or national), as a Promotor in education and professional development, a Supporter of public procurement, demonstrate a Passion for the vision and mission of NIGP, maintain high ethical and moral Standards, and are Active in community affairs.
Email all Nomination documents to by March 26, 2018.