Name of Activity: Blackjack
Type of modality / Game (no gambling involved)Type of play / Shared Cooperative
Interaction pattern / Inter-Individual
# of participants required / 2 or more
Equipment/supplies / Table, chairs, deck of cards
Facilities required/environment / Open space/a room/low noise
Sequence/Directions (Details of how a to move through the activity from start to finish)
- All players should gather around the table and sit 2-3 feet apart from each other so that no one will see another player’s cards.
- The dealer/leader must shuffle the deck of cards.
- The dealer/leader should explains the rules of the game:
- The purpose of the game is to be the player with a total of 21 points or the closes player to 21points by adding all the cards in hand.
- A card with a K, Q, or J is equivalent to 10.
- An ace card (A) can be played as a 1 or 11.
- All the other numbers are equal to their face value.
- Dealer/Leader distributes one card to all players facing downward so that no one can see the face of the card (what the card’s value is). The distribution of cards should happen clockwise (from right to left).
- Dealer/Leader distributes a second card to all players. This time the card should be facing upward, so that everyone can see the face of the card (what the card’svalue is). The distribution of cards should happen clockwise (from right to left).
- All players, including the dealer, should check the face of both of their cards(the one facing down and the one already facing up), adding up their totals to see how close they are to 21 points.
- The dealer/leader then asks all players, in a clockwise rotation (right to left), whether they want to “hit” or “stay”:
- Hit means being dealt another card to add more point value to the cards in your hand
- Stay means not being dealt anymore cards; you are satisfied with the point value of the cards you currently have.
- Once the dealer/leader has gone around and asked each player to “hit” or “stay” and dealt to the players who asked for a “hit”, then all players should reveal their hand.
- Whichever player has 21 points in card values or the closest to 21 wins.
- If a player’s hand of cards exceed the point value of 21 then their hand is considered to be a “bust”.
Activity Analysis (What is required of this activity without any adjustments, accommodations, alterations)
Category / SkillsPrimary body position / Sitting
Part of the body required / Hand, mouth (to speak), eyes (to see cards)
Movement / Grasp: 3-jaw or pincer, Picking up, Putting down, Reaching, Releasing , turning/twisting (wrists to turn up and look at the face of the card facing downward)
Physical / Balance: dynamic sitting, Bilateral integration, Fine muscle coordination, Motor control, Active range of motion: upper extremities, Visual-motor integration
Cognitive / Arousal/Alertness, Attention: focused & shared, Calculating, Cognitive flexibility, Concentration, Decision making: simple, Insight, Intellectual knowledge, Judgement, Problem solving: simple, Recognition: number & shape/form, Strategy
Social / Conversation, Heterogeneity, Homogeneity, Maintaining social space, Relating with equals/persons of authority, Regulating behavior, Social conduct, Showing respect & warmth, Showing tolerance
Perception / Auditory, Tactile, Visual functioning
Communication/language / Reception to spoken language, Reception to signs and symbols (card value), Expression of spoken language
Self-care / N/A
Psychological/emotional (possible) / Joy (winning), Guilt (cheating), Pain (losing), Anger (losing), Fear (anticipation of game), Frustration (during decision making)
Ways to SIMPLIFY demands / Ways to make more COMPLEXCognitively /
- Bigger cards
- Cards with all number so you won’t have to remember what a K, Q, J or A is equal to
- Quiet area
- Loud area
- Not explaining the face value of cards
- Play under a time limit
Physically /
- Have card holders
- No chairs, everyone plays standing
- Playing for an extended amount of time
Socially /
- Play with less people (2-3)
- Playing in a casino setting
Other Comments: Here’s my “How To“ video
*Have captions visible at the same time and with examples of hands/hit and stand.