Activity Information Form

Event: / North Leigh 18 Mile Woodland Hike / Date: / 4th February 2017
Location: / The hike route does a large figure of 8 around Turner Hall in North Leigh.
The hall forms the start and end point as well as the meeting point for lunch.
There are different walks suitable for the different capabilities of teams.
8 miles ideal for Cubs
18 miles ideal for Scouts and Explorers
Meeting place / Turner Hall, Church Rd, North Leigh, Witney, Oxfordshire OX29 6TX
Start time: / Staged starts with teams leaving every 5 mins from 8am
Cost: / £5 per person hiking (price includes a certificate and badge)
Transport details: / Limited car parking available at Turner Hall
Overflow carpark available nearby with mini bus to and from Turner Hall. Go to the hall for directions to overflow parking.
Teams: / Hikers must register in advance and walk in teams
Scouts: min 4 and a max of 6 per team (adult not required)
Cubs and Beavers: min 2 adults per team with up to 6 children
With these basic rules in place teams can be mixed ages and parents, families and friends are welcome to join in. We want this to be a community hike. Child friendly dogs also welcome as long as the owner takes full responsibility and they are kept on the lead.
Wear / Bring: / Walking boots and socks, hats and gloves, waterproof coat and trousers, layers suitable for the weather
Water bottle and snacks. Money for lunch and hot drinks
Hi-visibility jackets to be worn by all hikers
(If your Scout Group can’t provide these email )
Food and drink: / Bacon butties, soup and hot drinks will be for sale for breakfast and lunch at the Turner Hall
Bring a water bottle and snacks for the walk
Water bottle refills will be available at check-in points
Organiser and contact details: / North Leigh Scout Group:
Contact for registration: John Masters
Phone: 07880 382362
Contact details during the event: / Joff Greer
Phone: 07917 197066

Note: All activities will be run in accordance with The Scout Association’s safety Rules. No responsibility for the personal equipment/clothing and effects can be accepted by the organisers and The Scout Association does not provide automatic insurance cover in respect to such items.

Team member activity form

(One form per person to be sent to John Masters with the rest of the team’s forms and full team payment prior to event)

Section details

Group name
Section name
Section leader name
Section leader phone

Team member details

Full name
Date of birth
Emergency contact name
Emergency contact number
Alternative emergency number
Doctor’s name and contact details / Details of any medications currently being taken
Details of any disabilities, conditions, allergies, special needs or cultural needs that might affect this activity / Details of any infectious diseases he/she has been in contact with in the last three weeks

If it becomes necessary for the above named young person to receive medical treatment and I cannot be contacted to authorise this, I hereby give my general consent to any necessary medical treatment and authorise the Leader in charge to sign any document required by the hospital authorities.

Signed (if team member under 18): / Date:
Relationship to young person:

Please tick box if you give permission for the named team member to have their photo taken and included in publicity for North Leigh hike events

Note: The medical profession takes the view that the parent’s/carer’s consent to medical treatment cannot be delegated. This view is explicit in The Children’s Act 1989. Thus, medical consent forms have no legal status and a doctor or nurse insisting on the consent of a parent/carer to a particular treatment has the right to do so.

For this reason we do not recommend that Leaders insist on parents/carers signing the statement above. However, it can be a comfort to medical staff to have general consent in advance from parents/carers or to have a Leader on hand able to sign forms required by medical authorities.