Risk of Harm - Guidance and Training Resources

Activity 3-16

Violent Offending - 'Mike' and 'Janet' Case Study Analysis


Mike was sentenced to 36 months imprisonment for causing grievous bodily harm to a child (boy, aged 3 years). The child was the son of his partner, a young woman with a history of being in relationships with men that were physically violent. Mike’s partner, in her statement, said Mike had been physically violent to her. Both had a serious heroin dependency. The relationship ended when Mike was sent to prison – he denied the charge and has continued to claim he was innocent throughout his sentence. He had previous convictions for violence including a robbery and assault.occ.ABH. He is aggressive in interview and threatens staff, especially when challenged about his behaviour.

  1. Which of the key dynamic risk factors apply to Mike and which don’t appear to?

  1. Describe how you would ‘check out’ whether a particular dynamic risk factor applies to Mike or not, and how you would evidence this.

  1. Prison based staff should also consider whether Mike is suitable for cell sharing or not. Record the evidence for you decision.

  1. What else would you like to know about Mike and why?

New Risk Factors
Additional Sources of Information


Janet has been charged with the murder of her husband, and the attempted murder of her child aged 9 months. She stabbed her husband during an argument, and subsequently attempted to suffocate her child. She panicked and telephoned the police and was found distressed and incoherent at the scene. She has reported a long history of physical abuse by her partner, and claims she attempted to suffocate her child because she was planning to commit suicide and did not want the child to survive her.

  1. Which of the key dynamic risk factors apply to Janet and which don’t appear to?

  1. Describe how you would ‘check out’ whether a particular dynamic risk factor applies to Janet or not, and how you would evidence this.

  1. Prison based staff should also consider whether Janet is suitable for cell sharing or not. Record the evidence for you decision.

  1. Prison based staff should also consider whether Janet should be on ‘suicide watch’. Record the evidence for your decision.

  1. What else would you like to know about Janet and why?

New Risk Factors
Additional Sources of Information

Activity Worksheet: Activity 3-16Page 1

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