Tel: 01284 830343 Email:

28th April 2016

Dear Parents/ Carers

Activities week is fast approaching and final arrangements can now be confirmed.

Attached is a timetable of events for all pupils during the week.

School based activities:-

·  School based activities may involve a change to morning break times.

·  School uniform must be worn

Off Site visits:-

·  Sensible walking shoes and waterproof coat and / or sun hat suitable to the weather conditions are required for all visits off site.

Wednesday: London visit

·  Depart school at 7:00am so pupils need to be at school for 6.45am. We expect to return to school for 8pm

·  School uniform must be worn

·  The pupils will require 2 packed lunches including drinks. One can be left on the coach and eaten on the return journey. Sandwiches in disposable wrappings are ideal and reduce the weight being carried by the children.

·  The pupils may take up to £15 to spend at the museum or theatre. All monies are the responsibility of the child. Please ensure your child has a named wallet / purse for the day.

·  Medicines together with a completed disclaimer form must be handed to Mrs Hall on the morning of the visit. If required, please remember to ensure your child takes their travel sickness tablet before they leave home.

·  Throwaway cameras may be taken and the children are expected to take full responsibility for them throughout the day.

·  We will establish a telephone tree should the expected time of return to school change by more than 30 minutes.

This is an action packed week of thrilling activities following a term of focussed learning and formal assessments. Pupils have been reminded that although a ‘different and exciting week,’ school standards and expectations regarding behaviour, courtesy and respect still apply as do the school sanctions for unacceptable behaviour. Should a pupil’s behaviour be felt to place themselves or others at potential risk or potentially spoil the experience for others, their place both school based and off site activities will be withdrawn.

Any outstanding monies must be paid in full by Friday 10th June.

Should you have any queries about any aspect of the week’s activities please do not hesitate to contact me.

Yours Sincerely,

Hilary Hall

Activities Week Leader

Monday 16th May / Pottery with Mrs Mallows
Children will design and make their own pottery / Cinema Afternoon
Lion King at the request of the pupils
Refreshments include popcorn and drinks
Tuesday 17th May / First Aid – St John’s Ambulance
A variety of workshops including Poisons/Burns/Choking & Resus and Recovery / Alternative Sports afternoon
lead by a secondary school PE teacher
School PE kit
Wednesday 18th May / LONDON VISIT
Pupils should:
Arrive at school for 6:45am to depart promptly at 7.00am Have lightweight waterproof coat and rucksack
Wear school uniform Have £15 maximum spending money at the museum & theatre
Return to school: 8pm Have a 2 packed lunches in throw away wrappers and an
additional drink
Transport Museum Visit
Visit will include a workshop looking at iconic London Transport Posters and designing their own
Lunch will be eaten at the museum / The Lion King
Lyceum Theatre
Thursday 19th May / Food Tech and Art & Design Day
20th May / Forest School Day at Frithy Wood Lawshall
Green Light Trust will provide transport on the day. Arrive: normal school time. Return to school: normal time
·  Sensible comfortable clothing which you do not mind getting dirty or wet. Jeans are not recommended, especially if rain is forecast.
·  Please apply sun cream at home.
·  Forest Schools are organising a BBQ for the children’s lunch but please bring a water bottle and fruit snack

ACTIVITIES WEEK: w/c 16th May 2016