Volunteer Ministry Position Description
Palliative Care Team Member /


This ministry providesactive,compassionatecareforapersonwhosediseaseis no longerresponsivetotraditionaltreatmentaimedatcure, for parishionersintheirhomes,hospitals,hospices,long-termcarefacilities, seniors’lodgesandnursinghomes. It providesthepalliativeordyingpersonwithasenseof belongingandconnectednesstotheirparishcommunityand is part of the call to members ofChrist’sbody toconsole and careforthedyingandtocomfortallwhomourn.


Activities/Responsibilities(list may be added to as locally appropriate)

  • Visits persons or families assigned by the Pastor or Pastoral/Palliative Care Coordinator
  • Provides ongoing spiritual and listening support to the dying and their families as scheduled
  • Visits in a public place, or with an unrelated adult when the bereaved lives alone
  • Refers the dying person to community agencies which may be of help
  • Demonstrates, within capacities, a caring relationship and practical assistance
  • Visits those living alone in teams of two unrelated screened adults or meets in public places
  • Keeps a record of all contact with the palliative person and reports this to the Coordinator
  • Honours strict privacy and confidentiality with those whom they are visiting

Skills, Experience, Personal Traits and Qualifications

  • Must be at least 18 years of age and is a prayerful person in full communion with the Church
  • Has a good reputation within the parish community and desires to serve that community
  • Listens and communicates well and sensitively, understanding grief and the dying process
  • Is comfortable in the presence of sadness, tears, and intense emotion
  • Non judgemental, dependable, with a generous spirit and can maintain strict confidentiality
  • Works well in collaboration with pastor and pastoral care team, attending required meetings
  • Has completed parish and diocesan training and education programs related to pastoral care
  • Knows emergency contacts and procedures
  • Is comfortable with being accountable and is sensitive to the observance of proper boundaries and Diocesan standards of care

Working Conditions

  • This ______year (renewable) term requires _____ hours per week/month
  • First level support and supervision is from the Pastor and/or Pastoral Care Coordinator

Screening Checklist for this High Risk Position at ______Parish

 Completion of a Volunteer Information Form

 Agreement to the Diocesan Model Code of Conduct

Interview conducted

 Personal reference checks

A VS Police Information Check

 Training and orientation to acquire competence and confidence for this ministry

 Supervision, periodic evaluations and participant follow-ups to be conducted


Parish Volunteer Screening CoordinatorPastor

Date ______RC Bishop of Calgary- Rev. April, 2011