State-wide update
There have been changes to the Industry Consultants positions state-wide.
The positions will remain in place until 30 June 2015.
Due to changes in the public service these positions will now be hosted by HACC funded agencies. There have been some IC resignations across the state and recruitment is underway for these positions in a number of regions to fill these vacancies.
In the Grampians region the position is now hosted by Ballarat and District Nursing and Healthcare but I will continue to work from the Department of Health Regional Office in Ballarat.
The role and function of the IC positions remains broadly the same with the emphasis over the next three years now moving to
· Supporting agencies in the transition to and embedding person centred, enabling support;
· Assisting with the implementation of the ASM communications toolkit and HACC assessment guide;
· Assisting the HACC workforce to identify appropriate training.
· Supporting agencies to develop person centred responses to social support and respite according to the outcomes of the Social Support review.
As a group Industry Consultants have been working together to produce a compilation of case studies which best illustrate the principles of the ASM. These will soon be available on the web. Discussions are underway to develop resources to assist Planned Activity Groups.
Grampians Region update
Regionally we are preparing to hold an ASM reference group meeting to discuss progress so far and seek input from the sector in taking the next steps. To keep the discussion inclusive and lively the invitation to the reference group will vary around the region’s managers. I am hoping to hold the first meeting in the last week of July 2012.
Grampians Region has a number of seeding grants underway.
They are
· A co-location of assessment officers in Ararat
· A partnership development for agencies in the Northern Grampians catchment
· A partnership development for agencies in the Moorabool catchment
· A continuation of the work in the Wimmera PCP area to further develop partnering in a number of catchments
· The development of a PAG network in the eastern end of the region
· Training - Better Questions are the answer for community care workers and social support staff.
Central Office is looking to develop a short readable summary of seeding grants to add to the web resources for ASM.
While much of my work will continue to be meeting with organisations and discussing their progress please remember that I am available to you as a resource for staff or community issues.
Contact details Ph 536402, mobile 0409854317, email
Department of Health
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