Active Grants and Contracts

Grantee: Virginia Commonwealth University

Project Title: Communication & Health Advocacy Training

Project Period: 10/1/2017 – 9/30/2019Grant Award: $199,999Match: $66,906

Project Goal: To increase the knowledge and skills of people with intellectual and developmental disabilities about basic health information and how to communicate more effectively with their healthcare providers and direct support professionals about their healthcare needs and priorities. Modeled from the very successful Leadership for Empowerment and Abuse Prevention (LEAP) grant project previously awarded from VBPD, the Communication & Health Advocacy (CHAT) project will offer one and four session training options to community disability providers so that they may determine which method is best suited to teach the individuals they support about becoming more self-determined and better informed regarding their own healthcare choices.

Grantee: James Madison University

Project Title: Improving Health and Wellness through Empowerment

Project Period: 10/1/2017 – 9/30/2019Grant Award: $182,591Match: $61,500

Project Goal: To create a collaborative community-centered wellness program that serves individuals with disabilities across all demographics of the Shenandoah Valley Region. Through the creation of a wellness coalition and the development of online training modules, organizations will be able to acquire the knowledge, skills, support and resources to offer a spectrum of opportunities for individuals with disabilities. The collaboration, training and support developed and provided will enable individuals with DD to make significant gains in health, wellness, function and community integration.

Grantee: The Arc of Northern Virginia

Project Title: Increasing Access to Disability Resources in non-English Languages

Project Period: 5/1/2017 – 11/1/2018Grant Award: $124,782Match: $41,600

Project Goal: To increase access to information and resources for people with developmental and other disabilities and their families who are speakers of various non-English languages in Northern Virginia. Informational materials relating to Early Intervention, Education, and Transition to Adulthood, and Benefits Planning will be translated into Spanish, Korean, Vietnamese, Arabic and Chinese.

Grantee: disAbility Law Center of Virginia

Project Title: Improving Transportation Planning in Cities and Counties to Increase Access to Community-Based Healthcare

Project Period: 5/1/2017 – 9/30/2018Grant Award: $60,000 Match: $20,000

Project Goal: To ensuring that people with developmental and other disabilities can utilize public transportation to reach community-based healthcare. By working with community stakeholders and through surveys, data and measurable evidence, dLCV will influence local and regional communities to ensure that sidewalks, curb-cuts and routes of travel from public transportation to medical services are accessible.

Grantee: Virginia Hospital Research & Education Foundation

Project Title: Virginia NICU Early Intervention Collaborative

Project Period: 10/1/2016 – 4/30/2018Grant Award: $125,000Match: $41,670

Project Goal: To ensure that families are able to obtain services needed by their infant as efficiently as possible by improving NICU referrals and follow-ups, and enhancing current policies and training programs in hospitals to ensure effective and timely services and supports. The Foundation is partnering with the Virginia Hospital & Healthcare Association’s Center for Healthcare Excellence and hospitals around the state for this initiative.

Grantee: Virginia Department of Education

Title: Development of Adult Curriculum on Critical Decision-Making Points for Students with Disabilities

Project Period: 10/1/2016 – 9/30/2018Grant Award: $150,000Match: $50,000

Project Goal: To improve post-school outcomes and opportunities for employment and higher education through the development and implementation of a training curriculum on critical decision making points for students and families, school and parent resource staff, and others. The project will include in person training, a parent guide in multiple languages, and technology-based training modules.The goal is to ensure that parents are able to make informed decisions at key points regarding testing, diploma options, participation in Virginia’s Standards of Learning or alternative curricula and to understand the impact these decisions have on their child.