eRecruit Job Aid
Actions Available to Users via the Homepage and Vacancy Dashboard
DateApril 29, 2014
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Table of Contents
Table of Contents
Homepage Actions Available to Users throughout Vacancy Lifecycle
Assigned HR Specialist, Hiring Manager and HR Approving Authority Roles
Access to Vacancy Announcement via Homepage and Vacancy Dashboard
Homepage and Vacancy Dashboard Actions Available to Users throughout Vacancy Lifecycle
There are three main Users assigned to a vacancy during its lifecycle: the HR Specialist, the HR Approving Authority, and the Hiring Official. Each will have access to certain action links for the Vacancy Announcement throughout its lifecycle.
This document illustrates the access and links available to the users above throughout a vacancy lifecycle.
AssignedHR Specialist, Hiring Manager and HR Approving Authority Role Access
The users selected during the Assign Hiring Manager and Approving Authority step of the Workflow will have varying access to the Announcement and Certificates throughout the Vacancy lifecycle.
HR Specialist: eRecruit recognizes this user as the assigned owner of the vacancy. This user will have access to the Vacancy Announcement from their Homepage throughout the vacancy’s lifecycle and will have a link to all Workflow Steps. This user will only have a direct link to the Certificate from their Homepage if they are assigned permission to the Certificate. From the Vacancy Dashboard, this user has full access to the Vacancy Announcement and its Certificates.
HR Approving Authority: eRecruit recognizes this user as having visibility into all Workflow Steps of the Vacancy Announcement. They will see this Announcement from their Homepage when viewing Announcements Assigned “To Me” although the Assigned column will list the name of the HR Specialist role. This user will only have a direct link to the Certificate from their Homepage if they are assigned permission to the Certificate.From the Vacancy Dashboard, this user has full access to the Vacancy Announcement and its Certificates.
Hiring Manager: The Hiring Manager will be able to view the Vacancy Status, Case File and Announcement Preview throughout the lifecycle of the Vacancy. If a Certificate is issued on this Vacancy Announcement, this user will have access from the Vacancy Dashboard. If they are assigned as having permission to the Certificate, the Certificate will also appear on their Homepage. Once a Certificate is expired it is removed from access for this user.
Access to Vacancy Announcement via Homepage and Vacancy Dashboard
1.HR Specialist Homepage
- User will see the Vacancy Announcement on their Homepage and will see the current Workflow Step link under the Action(s) column. Their name will be listed under Assigned.
2.HR Specialist Vacancy Dashboard
- User will have access to all links to Workflow Steps, Vacancy Roles, Previews and Certificates from the Vacancy Dashboard
3.HR Approving Authority Homepage
- User will see the Vacancy Announcement on their Homepage and will see the current Workflow Step link under the Action(s) column. Although the Vacancy Announcement is visible when Assigned “To Me” is selected, the Assigned name listed will be the HR Specialist.
4.HR Approving Authority Vacancy Dashboard
- As the HR Specialist does, this user will also have access to all links to Workflow Steps, Vacancy Roles, Certificates and Previews from the Vacancy Dashboard
- During the Vacancy Approval – HR Approving Authority step of the Workflow, only this user may take action on the Vacancy Announcement.
5.Hiring Manager Homepage
- User will have visibility of the current status of the Vacancy Announcement allowing them to track its progress.
6.Hiring Manager Vacancy Dashboard
- User have ability to view the Vacancy Announcement Status, Position Information, Case File and Vacancy Announcement and Questionnaire Previews, and Certificatesfrom the Vacancy Dashboard.
7.All Assigned Users for this Vacancy Announcement will have access to Certificates from the Vacancy Dashboard
8.Users assigned Permission during the build of the Certificate will have access to Certificates from their Homepage
- HR Specialist and HR Approving Authority
- Hiring Manager
eRecruit: Actions Available to Users via theHomepage and Vacancy Dashboard
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