Crosswalk of

Actionable Improvement Plans Summaries


* Indicates partially meeting the standard.

Standard I.A: Mission

I.A. The institution has a statement of mission that defines the institution’s broad educational purposes, its intended student population, and its commitment to achieving student learning.

MERRITT: The College will research the feasibility of implementing Distance Education (DE)A.A. degree program(s), expand and improve the DE evaluation methods, and increase DE Student Support Services by 2015-16.


Standard 1.B. Institutional Effectiveness

I.B.1The institution maintains an ongoing, collegial, self-reflective dialogue about the

continuous improvement of student learning and institutional processes.

BCC: Use planning processes to complete and implement BCC Integrated Educational Master Plan for 2015-2024, as well as the Facilities and Technology Master Plans.

IB. 3.The institution assesses progress toward achieving its stated goals and makes

decisions regarding the improvement of institutional effectiveness in an ongoing and

systematic cycle of evaluation, integrated planning, resource allocation,

implementation, and re-evaluation. Evaluation is based on analyses of both quantitative

and qualitative data.

COA: The College will expand institutional research capacity to strengthen qualitative and

quantitative data analysis to inform decision making and prioritization processes.

To provide additional benchmarks and assessment tools to measure progress towards

achieving goals and objectives a comprehensive student and faculty/staff satisfaction survey

will be developed and administered on a systematic cycle.

IB. 6.The institution assures the effectiveness of its ongoing planning and resource

allocation processes by systematically reviewing and modifying, as appropriate, all

parts of the cycle, including institutional and other research efforts.

COA: Following the College and District Strategic Planning model, the College will continue theEducational Master Plan reflection and revision cycle in Spring 2015.

I.B.7.The institution assesses its evaluation mechanisms through a systematic review of their effectiveness in improving instructional programs and student support services, and library and other learning support services.

MERRITT: The College will review and update the Educational Master Plan and the participatory governance handbooks to strengthen institutional effectiveness and to streamline the college’s decision-making processes. In addition, an organized summary of evlautions will be linked to the college’s annual accomplishments. The results will serve as a guide to the strategic planning process. The update and a calendar of regular evaluations for continuous improvement will be completed by spring 2015.


Standard IIA Instructional Programs

II.A.1.b. The institution utilizes delivery systems and modes of instruction compatible with the objectives of the curriculum and appropriate to the current and future needs of its students.

COA: In order to exceed Institutional Set Standards on student achievement and retention, the College will identify online and hybrid student success strategies and provide workshops to faculty and staff.

LANEY: In anticipation of further increase in demand for online offerings, to continue to meet the standard, Laney is Strengthening a strategy and is executing a plan to align with best practices in DE in regard to policy, instructor certification, professional development and quality assurance.

II.A.1.c. The institution identifies student learning outcomes for courses programs, certificates, and degrees; assesses student achievement of those outcomes; and uses assessment results to make improvements.

MERRITT: The College will continue to assess its course student learning outcomes on a three-year cycle. Programs with capstone courses and/or license exams will continue with their established assessment cycles. General education degrees will be assessed starting spring 2015 using course outcome data. Assessment of institutional learning outcomes will be revised in spring 2015 with a college- wide professional workshop that focuses on increased dialogue between disciplines. The Student Learning Outcomes Assessment Committee (SLOAC) will develop and run all workshops and reports.

LANEY: To exceed the standard, we have identified and are in the process of purchasing software that will allow us to unite, in the technical sense, the inherently connected processes of assessment and curriculum improvement. A single system for curriculum inventory, program review, and the management of SLOs, assessment information, and data will enable us to streamline college and district processes, efficiently keep track of changes between cycles, and provide the easiest possible access of information to faculty and administrators. We are maintaining the processes that have worked well historically – collaborative assessment by faculty, use of sound assessment tools, and reflection on and discussion of results.

II.A.2.e.The institution evaluates all courses and programs through an on-going

systematic review of their relevance, appropriateness, achievement of learning

outcomes, currency, and future needs and plans.

COA: To continuously improve and integrate strategic planning, the College will complete the revision, begun in Fall 2014, of the program review and annual program update processes and forms.

To further align District-wide and College strategic planning to student learning outcomes assessment results, the college will complete the revision of the current SLO assessments system to enhance the linkage between student learning outcomes assessment, program planning, resource allocation and future planning needs.

II.A.7.c.Institutions that require conformity to specific codes of conduct of staff, faculty, administrators, or students, or that seek to instill specific beliefs or worldviews, give clear prior notice of such policies, including statements in the catalog and/or appropriate faculty or student handbooks.

MERRITT: The College will review, update and publish the Student Behavioral Manual and Student Code of Conduct and make them accessible in appropriate locations during the 2015-2016 academic year.


Standard II.B. Student Support Services

II.B.1. The institution assures the quality of student support services and demonstrates that these services, regardless of location or means of delivery, support student learning, and enhance achievement of the mission of the institution.

BCC: Fully implement the SSSP and Equity Plans, including orientation,

counseling/advising, and follow-up components.

MERRITT: The College will determine counseling needs during 2014-15 for implementation of the Student Service Success Plan and increase the number of counseling faculty for the 2015-2016 academic years.

II.B.3.The institution researches and identifies the learning support needs of its student population and provides appropriate services and programs to address those needs.

MERRITT: To supplement District research, an on-campus Research Data Specialist will analyze reports to increase data collection with regards to program effectiveness, grant projects, and evaluation of institutional effectiveness. The College will then be able to apply the analysis and data to improvement plans. During the 2015-2016 academic year, the college will seek to hire a full-time Research Data Specialist to aid with these processes.

II.B.3.a.The institution assures equitable access to all of its students by providing appropriate, comprehensive and reliable services to students regardless of service location or delivery method.

MERRITT: The College will assess and expand online student services to include ease of enrollment, accessibility, and ascertain levels of satisfaction. This is scheduled during the 2015-2016 years.


Standard II.C. Library and Learning Resources

II.C.1. The institution supports quality of instructional programs by providing library and other learning support services that are sufficient in quantity, currency, depth, and variety to facilitate educational offerings.

MERRITT: The College will update and expand existing Merritt College Library collections, staff, and funding sources and collaborate to identify additional instructional space for MCL functions and activities. This is scheduled for Spring 2015 and will be ongoing.

II.C.1.a.Relying on appropriate expertise of faculty, including librarians and other learning support services professionals, the institution selects and maintains educational equipment and materials to support student learning and enhance the achievement of the mission of the institution.

BCC: Publicize and widely distribute a budgeting calendar for the College that clarifies expenditures and deadlines for spending, based on funding streams from the District and College.


Standard III. A. Human Resources

III A. 2. The institution maintains a sufficient number of qualified faculty with full-time responsibility to the institution. The institution has a sufficient number of staff and administrators with appropriate preparation and experience to provide the administrative services necessary to support the institution’s mission and purposes.

*LANEY: The College will continue to seek district support to hire full-time faculty and classified staff, an institutional research and planning officer, public information officer/webmaster, instructional assistants and lab technicians, custodians, and other essential professionals. In consultation with Laney College, the district’s Human Resources Department should develop a comprehensive plan to address the need to improve the process of recruitment and hiring.


Standard III.B. Physical Resources

III.B.Physical resources, which include facilities, equipment, land, and other assets, support student learning programs and services and improve institutional effectiveness. Physical resource planning is integrated with institutional planning.

*LANEY: To meet the Standard, the college will fully address the Actionable Improvement Plans in III.B.1.a. and III.B.1.b.

III.B.1. The institution provides safe and sufficient physical resources that support and

assure the integrity and quality of its programs and services, regardless of location or

means of delivery.

COA: To facilitate continuous improvement, in collaboration with District General Services Department of Risk Management, a risk management assessment will be conducted of College facilities with recommendations to the College Facilities or College Health & Safety

Committees. Recommendations will inform the College Maintenance and Repairs Priority Needs List.

*LANEY: To meet the Standard, the college will fully address the Actionable Improvement Plans in III.B.1.a.

III. B. 1.a. The college plans, builds, maintains, and upgrades or replaces its physical resources in a manner that assures effective utilization and the continuing quality necessary to support its programs and services.

BCC: While the College meets the Standard, BCC needs to acquire additional building and facility space in orderto meet growing enrollment and student needs.

MERRITT: The College will work with the District on developing a funded maintenance program that utilizes the principle that “total cost of ownership” is key in the development in the development process for all physical resources including updates to Merritt College’s 60 year-old facilities.

*LANEY: In consultation with Laney College, including its Facilities Planning Committee (FPC), District General Services (DGS) should develop and work toward full implementation of a comprehensive maintenance program that would include: a plan with schedule to address outstanding deferred maintenance; an explicit preventative maintenance program; and replacement of the antiquated work order system with a web-based system. It shall include a study to determine the full engineer and maintenance staffing needs for Laney College with an analysis of deferred maintenance requirements.

In consultation with Laney College, DGS will prepare, ensure full funding for, and execute an updated and comprehensive plan to address, in the short term, major infrastructure renovation needs, including sewer and drain pipe replacement, air handling units and related equipment replacement, air balancing and air volume correction and repair, upgrade of undersized chiller plant, and electrical and gas systems replacement. DGS will adopt a written policy that any renovation work on campus buildings and systems should, to the maximum extent possible, address any and all deferred maintenance items associated with that building or system as part of the contractor scope.

III. B.1.b.The institution assures that physical resources at all locations where it offers

courses, programs, and services are constructed and maintained to assure access, safety,

security, and a healthful learning and working environment.

*LANEY: In close consultation with college leaders, DGS will complete a comprehensive review of campus security policies and procedures as well as safety and security systems and execute a plan to systematically address all recommendations and findings including policies and procedures for hiring security firms and personnel, replacement of stolen equipment and supplies, and scheduled maintenance procedures for carrying out repairs, safety and security system installations, and calibration of all safety-related devices.

The college business and administrative services office will complete an analysis to determine an appropriate custodial staffing level and supply budget for the college to ensure consistent cleanliness on campus. Once determined, the Director of Business and Administrative Services, in collaboration with the president and shared governance entities, will ensure that proper staffing level is achieved. The district will be tasked with ensuring that funding is available to support the appropriate staffing level.

III. B. 2. To assure the feasibility and effectiveness of physical resources in supporting institutional programs and services, the institution plans and evaluates its facilities and equipment on a regular basis, taking utilization and other relevant data into account.

*LANEY: To fully meet the Standard, the College will address the Actionable Improvement Plan III.B.2.a.

III.B.2.a. Long-range capital plans support institutional improvement goals and reflect projections of the total cost of ownership of new facilities and equipment.

*LANEY: Long-term capital planning and on-going facilities development practices will be reviewed, revised, and improved by DGS collaboratively with the college. DGS will address specific matters as part of this effort:

  1. Institute a set of robust DGS/college stakeholder consultation procedures for capital projects;
  2. Develop a viable plan and funding to fully address the college’s infrastructure needs including outstanding long term deferred maintenance;
  3. The college will work closely with DGS and the District Facilities Committee to assure the proposed resolution to create a permanent budget line item for Deferred Maintenance is allocated annually in the General Unrestricted Revenue Budget.
  4. Ensure that Total Cost of Ownership cost principles will be incorporated for facilities planning at the college in partnership with the district including the operation of physical plant and managing all physical resources; and
  5. Develop, adopt, and implement a building renovation policy that fully funds the full scope of renovation work including affected building systems such as plumbing, drains, air handling systems, electrical, and exterior doors.


Standard III. C. Technology Resources

III.C.1. The institution assures that any technology support it provides is designed to meet

the needs of learning, teaching, college-wide communications, research, and

operational systems.

BCC: While the College meets the Standard, BCC will enhance access to up-to-date

technology, including hardware, software, and expansion of wireless internet access.

III.C.1.b.The institution provides quality training in the effective application of its information technology to students and personnel.

MERRITT: The District/College will develop, coordinate, and implement the District’s enterprise system training workshops in order to optimize human resources competence by providing formal training for new employees along with professional development opportunities for existing employees. This is scheduled for Fall 2016.


Standard III.D. Financial Resources

Financial resources are sufficient to support student learning programs and services

and to improve institutional effectiveness. The distribution of resources supports

the development, maintenance, and enhancement of programs and services. The

institution plans and manages its financial affairs with integrity and in a manner

that ensures financial stability. The level of financial resources provides a

reasonable expectation of both short-term and long-term financial solvency.

Financial resources planning is integrated with institutional planning at both college

and district/system levels in multi-college systems.

BCC: While the College meets the Standard, BCC and the District will continue to pursue the

full implementation of the Budget Allocation Model

D.1.b.Institutional planning reflects realistic assessment of financial resource availability, development of financial resources, partnerships, and expenditure requirements.

MERRITT: Merritt College and the Enrollment Management Task Force will develop and enhance target programs for high risk students; and early outreach to local high schools, academic and career pathways, and adult education that will align with the District Budget Allocation Model and State FTES apportionment funding.

*LANEY: Laney College only partially meets the requirements of standard III.D.1.b due to structural funding constraints sustained by funding practices of the District as reflected above and in III.D.1.a. and Standard III.A.1.

Adopt and implement a budget planning and allocation process to ensure that Laney College receives 100% of its budget allocation model (BAM) funding as specified in the BAM and reflected in the Board approved budget. In addition, Laney will advocate for the recovery of $4.5 M of funding not received due to the partial implementation of the BAM.

Standard IV: Leadership and Governance

IV.A.2. b. The institution relies on faculty, its academic senate or other appropriate faculty structures, the curriculum committee, and academic administrators for recommendations about student learning programs and services.

MERRITT: The College will continue to enhance its relationship with faculty by delineating how the 10+1 (academic matters) applies to the Merritt College governance structures and College functions. Reliance on the Academic Senate and appropriate faculty for academic matters will be specified for implementation of college-wide initiatives. In Fall 2015, a graphic outline will be included in the college governance manual.


Standard IV.B. Board and Administrative Organization