Notes from Northern Local Advisory Committee held on Monday 25 March 2013 at 6:30pm in Northern Office, Patient and Client Council

Present: Stanley Henderson Trevor Wilson John Moore Deane Houston

Janet Montgomery Beth Adger (New Chair)

Jackie McNeill (Area Manager)

Apologies / Edna, Lynn and Hugh McKenna
Trevor / Trevor thanked everyone who attended the PCC Board farewell dinner on 19 March. He spoke of the Northern LAC successes achieved over the past few years and wished Beth (New Chair) and the Committee all the best for the future. Jackie thanked Trevor for his contribution over the years. Trevor departed the meeting at this point.
Jackie explained that Hugh McKenna, new vice-chair, was unable to attend due to short notice given and he had a prior engagement.
Notes of Meeting-
28 January 2013 / Agreed
Matters Arising
Additional Car Parking and Signage at Antrim Area Hospital
City and RVH Signage Update
Local Commissioning Group Funding
NHSCT procedures re: returning of equipment / Jackie had received notification (2 weeks ago) from Judy Nelson, Northern Trust, to say there had been a delay in getting the signs in place. An update is to be sought.
Stanley commented that he was in the car park on Friday around 4.30pm and the condition of the road was very poor, it was described as a ‘sheet of ice’ at the barriers, where you exit.
John suggested we get a copy of the Operational Policy with regard to property maintenance in freezing conditions. Jackie to source and ask what gritting took place on that particular Friday evening.
Jackie updated Beth on these ongoing issues.
The committee were updated re: signage for the City Hospital. Content of an email from Belfast Trust was shared - preliminary proposals for the way finding changes was received from the URS Consultants. It is hoped an order for the new signs will take place soon. The Belfast Trust agreed to keep Jackie informed of progress.
John proposed that after the work is completed we ask for the total cost.
The committee was informed that signs were now in place at the RVH site.
Jackie circulated a resources sheet for information – funding for Northern LAC is £702million.
Enquiries were made with the Trust to establish what effort was made to retrieve crutches (given out at EDs) and magnifiers. The response from Trust puts the onus on the person to return them. The committee suggested that there should be a label or writing on the crutches – return to ED or property of whichever Trust with a telephone number for people to ring.
Western Trust is responsible for Ophthalmology equipment and Regional Ophthalmology services and they responded as follows - magnification aids are provided to patients with reduced vision at NHS low vision clinics and aids are provided on a long term loan basis. Patients issued with low vision aids are reviewed at regular intervals. Patients are advised if they are no longer using the magnification aids and they are still in a reasonable condition they are to be returned to the clinic at the review appointment or alternatively returned to their local rehabilitation services team. Jackie commented again this is a verbal reminder and people may not remember as some are elderly. Such action like placing appropriate wording on the item would inform the patient/ carers of what action to take to return it. Jackie proposed that we find out what is happening in other Trust areas before taking the matter to the PCC Board. / Jackie
Northern LCG Draft Commissioning Plan 2013/2014 / This was circulated prior to the meeting all were asked for comments. Jackie has already written to the LCG asking what patient involvement took place when pulling together the plan – still awaiting response.
GP Access Project / Jackie updated the Committee on this forthcoming project. In preparation for this piece of work, LACs were asked to prioritise issues relating to accessing GP services. A high response was received. Jackie also went to Moneymore Medical Practice and Ballymoney Practice Patient Participation Groups who also fed into the preparation work. Number one issue from the feedback received was, getting an appointment with a GP followed by the length of consultation with a GP. First steering group meeting is tomorrow – Janet will represent the Northern LAC.
Members highlighted different experiences of getting an appointment with their GP. Project will be running for 12 months. John would like to support Janet in the project and when required an extraordinary LAC meeting is to be arranged. Northern LAC members to get copy of notes from Steering Group meetings and members can raise any issues with Janet who can bring this to the Steering Group.
PCC Organisational Review / Jackie updated the group on the organisational review. The PCC are moving from area based to a functional based organization. Area Manager roles will be replaced with the following positions, Head of PPI, Head of Complaints, Head of Information and Advice, Head of External Services (LAC’s come under this function) and Head of Research. John spoke of his concern - ‘if it is not broken, why fix it?’ He wished to know what the evidence base was to convince the PCC that we were actually going to have a change for the better.
Deane said a lot of credit comes because of Jackie’s input. It was explained that the new External Services Manager would lead all the LACs.
Members remained concerned that if you centralize things it may become very generic. Jackie responded saying it was the Northern LAC’s members’ role to ensure that the Northern LAC get their issues heard and progressed.
It was agreed that Jackie ask Sean for evidence to explain this change in structure.
Jackie hoped that the outcome of the interviews would be known tomorrow and once she got confirmation from Head Office communication would be shared with LAC members. Jackie did hope to be at the next meeting. / Jackie
NICON Annual Conference and Exhibition – 6 & 7 March 2013 / Deane enjoyed his attendance at the NICON event – he was there for the second day. He stated that Eddie Rooney was an excellent speaker and he felt some of the other speakers were inspirational. He was glad he went. It will be run again next year and it is anticipated that LAC members will be invited. Any ideas of what members would like to see at it to be forwarded to Jackie.
PCC Board update / Jackie updated on the last meeting – the main issues of interest related to the organisation review and NICON event. A lot of Audit Reports were tabled also as it was the end of the year. Urgent Care Report was approved and it is being launched on 17 April in Stormont at a Health and Social Care Board learning event.
Local Office Update / The number of complainants requiring assistance is remaining high – with record contacts.
Press release / The press release next meeting will be on the new Chair and Deputy Chair - a photograph is to be taken at the next meeting.
Any Other Business / Beth to forward information to Bronte on a new client who wants assistance with a matter.
Stanley raised an issue about the Northern Local Commissioning Group membership – there is only a Chemist from his geographical area on the LCG. Jackie stated that only a certain number sit on the LCG so there cannot be a representative from every town. Members represent their professions for all the Northern Area. Stanley feels there is an imbalance of the membership. Jackie said if members feel there areas are not represented in the LCG Commissioning Plan she would like to learn more about this.
John commented that he attended an ENT Committee meeting arranged by the LCG and has heard nothing from them in ages. Jackie to follow this up.
NHSCT have their Personal and Public Involvement Strategy out for consultation – comments welcomed.
Jackie made members aware of a workshop on 28 March in the Des Allen Suite, Ballymena Showgrounds to discuss housing and support services for people with Learning Disabilities. In particular, it will discuss elderly carers who are very worried they will not always be there to look after their son or daughter - what happens them and what provisions are in place. Flyers were handed out.
Deane raised the issue about Whiteabbey Hospital signage – Jackie has heard nothing else from the Trust and agreed to follow this up and let members know.
John requested that Beth and Hugh’s details be sent out to all LAC members. This will be followed up by office staff. / Beth
Date of next meeting / Monday 20 May 2013, in the Northern Office, Houston’s Mill Site, Broughshane (6:30pm)
A list of further dates of meetings to be drawn up and circulated to all members.