European Local Democracy Weekin Orenburg
from 15 to 21October 2012

№ п/п / Eventandits brief description / Date / Place / Participants
1. / Preparation oflegalreferenceandinformationbookletson the themeof the EuropeanLocal Democracy Week2012"Human Rightsmake for more inclusivecommunities". / Until
15.10.2012 / Distribution at the events according to the plan / Participants of the events
2. / Production and placementof information materials (logos, posters, banners, street banners, etc.),recommended by the Congressof the CouncilofEuropeto be used aspropagandamaterialfor the activitiesof the European Local Democracy Week. / until 15.10.2012 / Centralhighways of the city, venuesof the events / Citizens of Orenburg
3. / Design of a special section of the official website (Internetportal) of the City of Orenburgdedicated to the participation of the municipality in ELDW 2012. The section is identified by its logo and slogan and has links to the ELDW website and Human Rights reference texts. / Design until
Available during the ELDW 2012 / Internetportal
of the City of Orenburg / Users of the Internet portal
4. / Organization of one-dayconsultingcentresin the administrations ofruralcommunitiesof the Northern andSouthernDistrictsof the city onthe topic: "The right of citizens to participateincivicorganizations, politicalparties, tradeunions, etc." / 15.10.2012-
21.10.2012 / Administrations ofrural communities
(on the territory of the municipality of Orenburg) / Residents ofrural communities
5. / Holdingaschoolofyoung politician / 15.10.2012-
21.10.2012 / The park named afterPerovsky / Young people
6. / "Interview with adeputy"on the theme "Human rights make for more inclusivecommunities" / 16.10.2012 / Radio studio"EchoofMoscow" in Orenburg / Listeners of the radio “Echo of Moscow”
7. / Reception of citizensonpersonal problems by the department oflegalaffairsof the Administrationof Orenburg / 17.10.2012 / Office 226
Administration of the city / Citizens of Orenburg applied for the reception
8. / Radio ConferencewithHeadofOrenburgonthe theme "Human rights make for more inclusivecommunities" within the program "LyudiDela" (People of Action) on “Autoradio” / 17.10.2012 / Radio studio“Autoradio” / Listeners of the radio “Autoradio”
9. / Actualconversationon"Implementingrights of children incontemporaryRussia" / 17.10.2012 / Library / School studentsand
a guestlawyer
8. / Discussionlessonon the theme:"Rights.Responsibilities.Beliefs" / 17.10.2012 / Lyceum№ 5 / Lyceum students
10. / Tournament "At the Democratic Orbit" / 18.10.2012 / Professional school№ 41
/ Collegestudents
11. / Youth Forumonthe theme "Man in theworld of people.JuvenileLaw "
/ 18.10.2012 / Senior pupils / Senior pupils
12. / LegalHour"Learning to be a citizen" / 18.10.2012 / Senior pupils / Senior pupilsof Lyceum № 7
13. / Lecture anddiscussion on the topic"Human Rights inRussia: thehistory of the development andcurrent stage" / 18.10.2012 / Turbinnaya street,21а / (Elderly people -residentsof the temporary residencedepartmentof an integratedsocial services center of the Promyshlenny district of​​Orenburg"
14. / "Callthe Mayor" on radio "Echo of Moscow" (programdevoted to the ELDWin Orenburg) / 19.10.2012 / Radio studio"Echoof Moscow" in Orenburg / Listeners of the radio “Echo of Moscow”
15. / Thematic game "I have rights" / 19.10.2012 / Salmyshskaya street19/3 / Pupils of the "Social asylum for children " Dzerzhinsky districtofOrenburg
16. / "Peoplewanttoknow", meetingwiththedeputy of the Orenburg City Council S.V.Stroganov / 19.10.2012 / Library / Senior pupils
17. / Race of opinions"I am a citizen of the 21st century" / 19.10.2012 / Library / Senior pupilsof schools № 44 и
№ 67
18. / An hourof legal knowledge "We all haveequal rights" / 19.10.2012 / Library / Senior pupils
19. / “Days of Open Doors” on the theme "Developmentof active civicresponsibilityin democracy" in all public reception offices of deputies of the Orenburg City Council / 20.10.2012 / Public reception officesof deputies of the Orenburg City Council / Inhabitants of the cityofOrenburg
20. / The program "Frankly speaking" on the airTVC"Region" (program dedicated to the ELDWin Orenburg) / 21.10.2012 / Studio ofTVC “Region” / Television viewers of the channel “Region”