Action: Mr Machin to Forward Correspondence from Lincolnshire Police to the Acting Clerk

Action: Mr Machin to Forward Correspondence from Lincolnshire Police to the Acting Clerk

Minutes of the Barrowby Parish Council Meeting held on Monday 7 July 2014 in the Reading Room, Barrowby

PUBLIC FORUM (6.15pm):

Mr Machin, further to his appearance at the March Parish Council meeting, provided Members with an update in relation to his enquiries regarding the speed of traffic on Low Road. He saidthat he had been in contact with the police who are going to site a portable speed indicating device (SID) in Barrowby. Mr Machin asked the Parish Council to consider the purchase of a SID. He also informed Members that he had been in contact with Mr Thomson, Head of Highways West, in relation to traffic calming but had been informed that this was not a viable option for Barrowby.

Action: Mr Machin to forward correspondence from Lincolnshire Police to the Acting Clerk.

Members resolved to move agenda item 6.1 to allow Mr Moses of Personnel Advice and Solutions Limited to make his presentation. Mr Moses explained that he had been working with Town and Parish Council’s for 10 years. He talked about the roles and responsibilities involved in managing employees and stated that Parish Council’s as an employer do not always have the resources or access to required knowledge in relation to employment law. Mr Moses pointed out several areas of concern in relation to the Parish Council’s generic contract of employment.

Councillor Cupit asked several questions relating to contracts, access to an employee’s medical records and holiday entitlement. The Chairman thanked Mr Moses for his attendance.



1.1.The Chairman Councillor R Cross welcomed Members and thanked them for their attendanceThose in attendance: Councillors B Inglis (Vice-Chairman), P Cupit, V Cross, B Harper, P Harrison, D Markham, R Poore, B Silverwood, M Sutton and Mrs H Wilson (Acting Clerk).


2.1.Apologies were received from Councillor J Churchill and Councillor P Bosworth. The reasons for their absence were noted and accepted.


3.1.CouncillorsCupitand Poore declared their interests in relation to agenda items 9.4 and 10.5.3. Councillor Markham declared his interests in relation to 10.5.3. Councillor Inglis declared his interests in relation to agenda item 9.4.


4.1.The Acting Clerk’s notesfrom the extraordinary meeting on Tuesday 17 June 2014, having been proposed by Councillor Cupitand seconded by CouncillorInglis, were agreed to be a true and accurate record and werepassed by resolution of the council. The notes were signed and dated accordingly by theChairman.

4.2.The Clerk pointed out the error in the minutes dated 2 June 2014 in relation to the payment received from PCraig in item 9.4. The error was amended and initialled and dated by the Chairman.


5.1.South Kesteven District Councillor Bosworth

5.1.1.Not present.

5.2.Lincolnshire County Councillor Churchill

5.2.1.Not present.

5.3.PC Smith or PSCO Mooney

5.3.1.Not present.Councillor Cupit asked that his disappointment in relation to the absence of a police report be recorded.

  1. CLERK’S REPORT (14/045)

6.1.Presentation by Mr Chris Moses of Personnel Advice and Solutions Ltd – See public forum.

6.1.1.The Chairman summarised the service provided by Mr Moses as detailed in his correspondence to the Parish Council (undated) and the associated costs. He went on to say that he would like to appoint Mr Moses to offer advice on current contracts of employment. The Chairman proposed that in the first instance the Parish Council engage with Mr Moses for three months at a cost of £100.00 per month. The proposal was seconded by Councillor Cupit and passed by resolution of the council.

6.2.Update from the Acting Clerk in relation to June’s outstanding actions.

6.2.1.The Clerk informed Members that she had not been able to source a supplier for the seat for the Pastures. There was some suggestion that the seats had been specially made.

Action: Councillor Cupit to liaise with Mr K Harrison.

6.3.Update from Councillor Harper in relation to hedge cutting and highways safety, Low Road.

Councillor Harper informed Members that he had spoken to Mr Bealby who had offered to take a look at the hedge.

6.4.Greenacres & Tree Preservation Orders

The Acting Clerk informed Members that the application for a TPOhad been passed to the relevant office at South Kesteven District Council (hereafter referred to as SKDC) for investigation.

6.5.Royal British Legion (RBL)

Councillor Cupit updated Members following the meeting of the Memorial Hall Committee on 10 June 2014. The Memorial Hall Committee were interested in exploring a joint venture with the RBL but wanted to resolve some queries in the first instance. The RBL have since contacted the National Committee to explain that they have community support to drive the initiative forward. There was some discussion about the Parish Council acting as a third party.

Action: Councillor Cupit to ask Mr Ferens to come to the next meeting.


The Acting Clerk and Councillor Inglis explained that Mr Brothwell had purchased a strimmer to the value of £229.00 and the invoice had been presented to the Acting Clerk for payment. There was a great deal of discussion surrounding this agenda item. The Chairman proposed that the Acting Clerk and Councillor Inglis meet with Mr Brothwell. Councillor Pooreexplained that in his view, the staffing Committee should accompany the Acting Clerk not Councillor Inglis due to his working relationship with Mr Brothwell. It was agreed however, that Councillor Inglis would accompany the Acting Clerk. Councillor Poore asked that his objection to this be noted. Members agreed that they cannot consider approval of the expenditure at this point.

Action: Acting Clerk to arrange a meeting with Councillor Inglis and Mr Brothwell.

6.7.Annual RoSPA Inspection

Councillor Cupit proposed that Playsafety Limited be appointed to carry out the annual inspection. The proposal was seconded by Councillor Poore and passed by resolution of the council.

Action: Clerk to contact RoSPA to arrange the inspection as a matter of urgency.

6.8. The Chairman, with full agreement of the Council, and in accordance with the Public Bodies Act 1960 moved the meeting to closed session to discuss agenda item 6.8 due to the confidential nature of items to be discussed. Following the discussion the meeting was moved to open session.

  1. HIGHWAYS (14/046)

7.1.Grass cutting Budgets – The Acting Clerk informed Members that she had received notification from Lynne Lord, the Grounds Maintenance Coordinator at South Kesteven District Council that the annual amount payable for maintenance of the Pastures would be £788.59. Councillor Cupit reported that P. E. Hempstead & Sons have quoted £46.00 per cut for the Pastures.

The Acting Clerk informed Members that there would be a grant available for the maintenance of Rectory Close, Westry Close and Walkers Way but this is dealt with by a separate department within SKDC. Enquiries with Lincolnshire County Council in relation to a grant for maintenance of their areas is outstanding.

Action: Clerk to pursue the outstanding enquiries for the August meeting.

7.1.1.Members noted the email from Mark Heaton, Area Highways Manager dated 16 June 2014 in relation to grass cutting(circulated by email on 16 June 2014).

7.1.2.Members noted the email from a parishioner in relation to the mowing of verges on Hedgefield

Roadby Lincolnshire County Council (hereafter referred to as LCC).

7.1.3.Councillor Inglis informed Members that the hedge obstructing the footpath on Casthorpe Road had been cut back. The Clerk informed Members that the damaged railings on Casthorpe Road had been reported to the Highways Department.

7.2.Road Sign Replacement (SKDC) – Councillor Inglis reported a number of defective nameplates to the Acting Clerk. Carolyn Baker, the Premises and Facilities Co-ordinator at SKDC has added the defects to the schedule for repair and/or replacement.

7.3.Highways west division programme of scheduled works for 2014-2015- CouncillorCupit noted that the Church Street works had been omitted from the programme.

7.4.September Open Meeting - Members noted that the Area Highways Manager is not available to attend

the meetingscheduled to take place on 1 September 2014.

Action: Clerk to re-arrange the meeting for October.

7.5.Members notes the road closure notification for Main Street from 28 July 2014 to 1 August 2014 for essential maintenance works by Western Power Distribution dated 26 June 2014.

7.6.To receive an update from Members in relation to any other highways defects.

Members reported potholes outside the Greenacres site, at the junction ofReedings Road and High Road and on Low Road at the speed limit sign on the north carriageway.

Action: Acting Clerk to photograph the potholes and report to Mark Heaton.

  1. PLANNING (14/047)

8.1.Councillor Cross informed Members that further planning applications had been received after the agenda had been published.

Application No:S14/1696


Proposal:Re-siting of2 storey dwelling permitted under S14/0381

Location:Coe Farm, Denton Lane, Casthorpe

The Chairman reminded Members that this application had been discussed previously. It was noted that the plans had been amended to move the property 5m eastwards. There were no objections to the proposal.

Application No:S14/1563


Proposal:Erection of dwelling

Location:The Rise, Lawson Lees, Barrowby

Members had no objections to the proposal.

Application No: S14/1772


Proposal:Demolition of existing dwelling and replacement dwelling

Location:Bancroft, Low Road, Barrowby.

The Chairman highlighted the proposed alterations to the existing. Members had no objections to the proposal.

Application No: S14/1739


Proposal:Change of use of land from residential (C3) to light industrial (B1c) and placement of 5 no. steel containers.

Location:Knowles Farm, Barrowby.

Councillor Cupit noted the change of use from residential to industrial. Members proposed that questions be raised in relation the potential increase in traffic onto the busy A52.

Action: Clerk to submit comments to the planning department.

Application No:S14/1809

Applicant:A V Sheardown and Sons

Proposal:Erection of an agricultural anaerobic digestion plant comprising 3 storage clamps, 2 linear digester tanks, feed hopper, process building, gas holder and dryer.

Location:Land at Woolsthorpe Lane, Sedgebrook.

The Chairman explained the proposal to Members. Members had no objections to the proposal but would like to seek assurances from the planning department that the unit will not emit an odour.

Action: Clerk to liaise with the planning department.

9. FINANCE (14/048)

9.1.Members noted that Monday 25 July 2014 is the cut-off date for the July accounts.

9.2Members noted the income received.


Nichols Private Hire22.50

Jane Pick Dancing45.00

Grantham Ramblers15.00

Grantham Bridge Club (Invoice 25)91.87

Grantham Bridge Club (Invoice 7)93.75

Shepherd Memorials (Wiblin)50.00

BGA Rent 2014/20151224.00

Petite Pampering37.00

Refund LRS (Lincs) Ltd10.00

Grantham Bridge Club30.00

WI Meeting7.50

Thomas Private Hire22.50

Louise Comfort Art Class*105.00

Memorial – Wright (Shepherds)*50.00

Memorial – Helmy (Geesons)*160.00

*Income received but not banked.

9.3.Members noted the following cheques issued following the June meeting (approved at the June meeting but not listed on the expenditure report):

Barrowby News (S137)500.00

BGA (S137)50.00


LRS (Lincs) Ltd, Mower BGA245.00

9.4.Members approved the following expenditure:

Scottish Power Electricity DD38.00

Scottish Power Gas DD58.00

Utility Warehouse – Mobile telephone DD14.76

Clothing (Trousers for Community Cleaner)25.00

SKDC, Annual rent, Westry Corner1.00

PE Hempstead & Sons393.48

Mr S Harper, RR Caretaking 300.00

ESPO (Stationery & RR Supplies)245.93

A1 Plumbing Services 174.00

Public Works Loan Board Payment (DD)865.24

Stephen Price Surfacing Ltd (Allotments)3856.80

Councillor Poore Expenses (Mileage)14.85

LALC (Training, Lunch Provision)14.00

Clerk’s Expenses54.96

Councillor Inglis Expenses133.10

Councillor Cupit Expenses67.08

Wages including overtime765.55*

Clean My Windows (June)10.50

HMRC 49.02

Autela Payroll Services 27.00

*To note that the Caretaker has been paid in error by Standing Order.

9.5.Members noted the Pavilion Committee Expenditure:

9.5.1.Caretaker Overtime£10

*The Clerk informed Members that Mr Coulson had been paid twice in June for the Pavilion cleaning. Members agreed to ask Mr Coulson to reimburse the Council the £160.00.

Action: Clerk to liaise with Mr Coulson.

9.6.Members resolved to approve the bank reconciliation which was signed and dated by the Chairman.

Councillor Poore posed a number of questions in relation to the bank reconciliation, the invoice received from LALC for the allotment seminar lunch, the Clerk’s timesheet and receipts.

Action: Clerk to add account numbers to the bank reconciliation.

9.7.The Acting Clerk informed Members that enquiries into setting up the debit card system have been made and are pending and that online banking arrangements areoutstanding.

Action: Acting Clerk to arrange to meet with Councillor Cupit to complete the bank mandate.

9.8.The Acting Clerk informed Members that she had received written confirmation from Mr Jackson confirming his appointment as the Internal Auditor for 2014/2015.

Councillor Cupit informed Members that the account had been received from Streets to the value of £600.00.

Action: Clerk to invite Mr Jackson to the August meeting to report on his findings from the Internal Audit.

10.REPORTS (14/049)

10.1.Reading Room

10.1.1.Councillor Inglis circulated the Reading Room report prior to the meeting.

10.1.2.Councillor Inglis proposed the repair of the thermostatic radiator valve in the toilet at a cost of £85.00. The proposal was seconded by Councillor Cupit and passed by resolution of the council.

Action: Clerk to issue a purchase order.

10.2.Pavilion Committee

10.2.1.Councillor Harper informed Members that the dug-out has been painted and that the AGM is due to take place on Tuesday 22 July 2014.

10.2.2.Councillor Harper asked whether the VAT reimbursement and income would be ring-fenced to the Pavilion Cost Centre. There was general discussion in relation to the agenda item.

Action: Acting Clerk to liaise with Councillor Cupit in relation to VAT and Scribe.

10.2.3.Terms of Reference – It was agreed to defer this item to the August meeting.

10.2.4.Members noted receipt of Mr Coulson’s policy of insurance.

There was debate in relation to the requirement for a DBS (formerly CRB) check for Mr Coulson. Councillor Cross said she had looked into the matter and there was suggestion that as the caretaker would not be in contact with unsupervised children that a DBS check would not be required althoughit was acknowledged that the Pavilion is used by a pre-school. Councillor Cross reported that it is a criminal offence to carry out a DBS check on an individual if it is not required.

Councillor Harper said that Mr Coulson does not clean during the week when the pre-school use the premises and would only come into contact with the children if they called him in to carry out a repair. Members assessed the risk and resolved that a DBS check is not required.

Action: Acting Clerk to write to regular hirers and to inform them of the council’s decision.

10.2.5.The Bank Mandate for the Pavilion Committee Bank Account to be completed upon conclusion of the meeting.

Action: Clerk to submit to the HSBC.

10.2.6.The RFO formally received the Pavilion Committee accounts from Councillor Harper.

10.3.The Chairman, with full agreement of the Council, and in accordance with the Public Bodies Act 1960 moved the meeting to closed session to discuss agenda item 10.3, the Adamstiles Development due to the confidential nature of items to be discussed. Following discussion the Chairman moved the meeting to open session.

10.4.Burial Ground

10.4.1.Councillor Cupit reported that the grave digger is seriously ill hence agenda item 10.4.3. Councillor Cupit reported that he had received a proposal for a memorial from Shepherds. The dimensions of the memorial exceed those stipulated in memorial policy by 2” but Shepherds have asked that Members consider the proposal. Members agreed that the proposed memorial should be compliant with policy.

Action: Councillor Cupit to liaise with Shepherds.

10.4.2.There was general discussion relating to the type of rose to be planted in the memorial garden.

Action: PC to photograph the memorial garden at Grantham cemetery, to look at the cost per rose, establish the quantity required, make a recommendation in terms of colour and investigate spacing.

10.4.3.Councillor Cupit explained that this agenda item arises as the agreed contractor is indisposed due to ill health. He explained that the cost of £1575.00 quoted by Mr Smith includes the cost of materials but proposed that the Parish Council purchase the materials so the VAT can be reclaimed. Councillor Cupit’s proposal was seconded by Councillor Inglis. Five members voted in favour, 4 against with 1 abstention; the proposal was passed by resolution of the Council.


10.5.1.Councillor Markham thanked the Parish Council on behalf of the Barrowby Gardeners Association for the mower which had been put to good use and he advertised their summer BBQ on 20 July 2014 between 12-3pm.

10.5.2.Councillor Cupit reported a saving of £1,200 in respect of the allotment car park work.

10.5.3.Councillor Markham explained that the BGA had been advised to blind and seal the loose chippings surrounding tarmacked car park area at a cost of £400. Councillors Poore, Markham and Cupit left the meeting while the item was discussed. Members resolved to approve the expenditure. Councillor returned to the meeting.

Action: Clerk to raise a works order.

10.5.4.Members noted the complaint received in relation to the pony paddock (circulated on 28 June 2014). The Chairman pointed out that there has been some confusion as it was assumed that the Stockers had re-leased the land but it is in fact a Miss Cheevers who has signed the agreement. There was general discussion in relation to the annual fee and charges for water.

Action: The Chairman will speak to Miss Cheevers to establish the identity of the Irish gentleman frequenting the paddock.

10.6.Health & Safety

10.6.1. It was noted that risk assessments are outstanding. Councillor Cupit reported that the Acting Clerk has undergone training by RoSPA to inspect children’s play areas.

Action: Clerk to add to the August agenda.