Ms. Ferrarone: Theatre Arts


“Acting is the only art form, that at its’ finest, is completely invisible.”

Repetition is the foundation of the Meisner Technique. Here’s why:

  1. It heightens awareness of your partner.
  2. It emphasizes LISTENING.
  3. It inspires organic responses.
  4. It illuminates moments when we are not being truthful.

Basic Rules of Repetition:

  1. Don’t allow any pauses.
  2. Don’t ask any questions. (Those lead to telling a story which puts you in your head!)
  3. Don’t start with “I” – place the observation on your partner.
  4. Have whatever experience you may have (laughter, boredom) and continue to stay in repetition.


A pivotal part of repetition is how you begin with your partner. One of you will look away until the exercise begins. At that moment, the person looking away will look at your partner and “take the first thing” you notice about them.It must be a physical observation. (Blue sweater, blond hair, nice eyes, etc.)The key is not to anticipate or try to decide what to say. You merely state the 1stphysical observation that catches your attention.

Exercise 2: “Repeat, Repeat, Repeat”

  • After we practice ‘taking the 1st thing’, we’ll move into repetition. Just repeat what you HEAR.

Exercise 3: “Put It Into Language”

  • The next step is to put it into language. Partner A will change your observation from “Blue sweater” to “You’re wearing a blue sweater.” Conversely, PARTNER B will change their interpretation to “I’m wearing a blue sweater”. (Or, “No, I’m wearing a green sweater”, etc.)

Exercise 4: “Pinch and the Ouch”

  • Our next step is to acknowledge change in your partner’s behavior by continuing our evolution of physical observation. For example: PARTNER A says “You have a nice smile” and PARTNER B repeats “I have a nice smile”. This makes PARTNER A blush. PARTNER B may then observe something like “This makes you uncomfortable” or “You’re blushing”. Then the exercise would continue with repetition of THAT physical observation.

KEY: Don’t try to force a reaction or response. Let the repetition lead you to a discovery. Trust that it will.

“Let the other person happen to you.”- Maggie Flannagan

“The life of your acting depends on your ability to be available to and in response to everything that is actually happening as it’s happening.”- Sandy Meisner

“Humans are in a state of constant adjustment. Actors are the only humans who aren’t!”- Larry Silverburg


“Anger and tears are the lazy actor’s crutches.”

“Try to maintain behavioral flexibility.”