ACT Health Reconciliation Recognition Awards 2017

Open to all staff from ACT health staff and community organisations funded by ACT Health


In previous years, there have been two annual awards’ events organised by ACT Health; one in Reconciliation week and one in NAIDOC week. This year, the awards’ ceremony is combined and celebrated on the 13 July 2017.


As part of ACT Health’s Reconciliation Action Plan 2015-18, the directorate has made a commitment to celebrate National Reconciliation Weekby hosting its annual Reconciliation Recognition awards. The awards recognise outstanding initiative and commitment to Reconciliation and achieving health outcomes for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples.

Reconciliation Week was celebrated this year from 27 May to 3 June. The national theme for Reconciliation Week 2017was‘Let’s Take the Next Steps’, which reflects on two significant anniversaries in Australia’sreconciliation journey – 50 years since the 1967 referendum, and 25 years since the historic Mabo decision.


Reconciliation awards are open to all staff from ACT Health and community organisations funded by ACT Health who demonstrate an outstanding commitment to Reconciliation and improving health care delivery and services to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples of the ACT and surrounding region.


ACT Health Annual Reconciliation Awards will be advertised through the All Staff Bulletinand Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health Portal and will include a copy of the nomination form.

The nomination form (copy attached)is to be completed by a Manager who supports the nominee Guide, Nomination Criteria and Nomination Form and submitted to the Executive Director, Policy and Government Relations by no laterthan COB Wednesday, 5 July 2017.


  1. Provide an example of how the nominee has demonstrated leadership and commitment in their role in ACTHealth/community organisation to Reconciliation and improving relationships between Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander patients/clients?
  2. Provide an example of how the nominee has demonstrated leadership and commitment in their role in the ACT Health/community organisation to improving health service delivery to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander patients/clients?
  3. In your view would work colleagues support this nomination?
  4. Is the nominee a member/has been involved in ACT Health’s Reconciliation Action Plan Working Group or other health organisation RAP Working Group?
  5. Has the nominee worked closely with the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities in the ACT and region, and how?


The Executive Director, Policy and Stakeholder Relations will convene a selection panel to review the nominations against the criteria and submit recommendations to the Director-General for endorsement.

Presentation of Awards

This year, the annual Reconciliation Recognition awards will be held jointly with the NAIDOC Award on Thursday 13 July 2017. Nominees, Managers and Executive Directors will be invited to participate in the Reconciliation/NAIDOCevent.

ACT Health Annual Reconciliation Recognition Awards 2017

Nomination Form

Name of Nominee:______

Role and Position:______

Name of Manager

and contact details:______


  1. Provide an example of how the nominee has demonstrated leadership and commitment in their role in the ACT Health/community organisation to Reconciliation and improving relationships between Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander patients/clients?
  1. Provide an example of how the nominee has demonstrated leadership and commitment in their role in the ACT Health/community organisation to improving health service delivery to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander patients/clients?
  1. In your view would work colleagues support this nomination?
  1. Is the nominee a member/or has been involved in ACT Health’s Reconciliation Action Plan Working Group or other health organisation RAP Working Group?
  1. Has the nominee worked closely with the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities in the ACT and region, and how?

Approved by:______



Guide, Nomination Criteria and Nomination Form