E6 - Te Tarai Vaka Cook Islands
Activity Tender Management Plan
Activity : / [Activity Name]Start date: / [dd mmm yyyy]
This Tender Management Plan provides information on all goods and/or services contracts and grants funded by the Cook Islands Government and/or other funders. It includes corresponding selection processes required to implement an Activity. This form is to be completed after the Activity Design Document and before the Approval Process.
Overview of Procurement Requirements
Provide a brief description from the Concept Note/Activity Design Document. Include any procurement advice sought and the main form and source of funding for the Activity.
Key Dates
Provide below any key dates for this Activity including any dates that contracts must begin on or be completed by. This section should highlight a high level timeframe on the approach to implement the Activity.
Date / DescriptionProcurement Approach
This table indicates what procurement processes may be applicable to any contracts, grants or selection processes required in implementing this Activity. Significant Activities may have more than one tender process. All tender processes should be outlined in this document.
The procurement approach will be: / Open / Closed / Other(please describe)
A closed tender process cannot be undertaken without the prior approval of the tender committee.
The Procurement Policy outlines acceptable circumstances for undertaking a closed tender:
(a) Emergency situations that may adversely and unduly affect life, health or property.
(b) Restricted supplier market locally or specialist or single service provider on the island e.g. Bluesky Cook Islands – only one supplier for telephone systems when supplying telecommunication services.
(c) Restricted number of organisations who provide support, engineering or maintenance services.
(d) A list of reputable suppliers with established working relationship with government exists (annually updated) and has been lodged with the tender committee by the start of the current financial year.
See section 28 of the Procurement Policy for more detail.
Procurement Approach / CommentsQuotation / e.g. Request for Quotation (RFQ) <NZ$30,000
Expression of Interest / The purpose of an EOI is to explore market availability
Open tender / e.g. Request for Proposal (RFP) >NZ$30,000
Closed tender / Must meet criteria for a closed tender
Other (please describe)
Contracting Type
For the known contracts, grants or selection processes required to implement the Activity, this table shows the contracting Types that are likely to be used.
See section 14 in the Procurement Policy for further information.
Contracting Type / CommentsFunding Arrangement
Product and Service
Sales contract
Other (Describe)
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Risks and Impacts
Outline below any and all potential or actual risks that have been identified as part of the procurement process for the implementation of this Activity. You will have identified risks in the Activity Design Document Risk Matrix - Appendix B. The risks below should only apply to the procurement process and the market(s) which you will/may be working in. The Risk Level defines the risk IMPACT on the procurement process as High, Medium or Low.
Risk Description / Risk Level / Proposed Risk ManagementE.G. Tender criteria may not cater for local suppliers / Medium / Tender document to include local preference criteria. Tender Training to be given to interested local suppliers.
Contracting Exemption(s)
Will an exemption or exemptions be required? Yes/No
See section 3 above for relevant exemptions.
Outline below any exemptions that will/may be sought in order to depart from the Cook Islands Financial Policies and Procedures Manual Procumbent Rules in order to implement this Activity.
See section 28 of the Procurement Policy for more detail.
Exemption required / Comments[e.g. Reason for exemption]
Ensure both electronic and hard copies of all documentation is filed to complete the final Evaluation Report. Once finalised, soft and hard copies will be shared with the Tender Committee.
Refer to the Procurement Policy for the following:
Full list of requirements – see Section 26.2
Advertising the Tender – see section 22 and 23
Tender Opening – see section 24
Evaluations – see section 25
Have the relevant sections of the Procurement Policy been read? Yes/No
Any Other Relevant Information
Procurement Advice
Has the Procurement Policy been followed? Yes/No
If seeking a Tender Policy Waiver, see Section 11 for allowed deviations from the Policy which require Tender Committee Approval. Note that a lack of forward planning is not an acceptable reason for urgency nor will it be considered an ‘exceptional circumstance’ for a particular tender Activity. If no written approval is provided by the Tender Committee, funding will not be authorised for release.
Next Steps
Review Section 16: Tender Steps (Open)
Review Section 28: Tender Steps (Closed)
Review Section 8: Quotations
Choose your Tender team – see section 19.
Procurement Complaint process – see section 41-43
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