This form must accompany each submission of a manuscript to the ACRIN Publications Committee. The completed manuscript and manuscript review form should be sent to .
Please note:
1) All manuscripts must include the American College of Radiology Imaging Network in the manuscript title and the National Cancer Institute must be acknowledged as the funding source, where appropriate, with the following statement: ACRIN receives funding from the National Cancer Institute through the grants U01 CA079778 and U01 CA080098.
2) Manuscripts that report primary aim trial results must be reviewed for comments by the network chair, network statistician, and relevant scientific committee chair prior to submission to the Publications Committee. ACRIN headquarters will assist with coordination of a teleconference call as needed.
Manuscript Title: ACRIN study number(s):
1. Author Information
LeadAuthor’s Name: Telephone #: E-mail Address:
List of all Authors:
2. Writing Team Approval
Prior to submitting the manuscript to the ACRIN Publications committee, the first author is required to send the manuscript to all writing team members (to include anyone who has contributed manuscript content). Have all members of the writing team approved the manuscript for submission to the ACRIN Publications Committee? Yes No If no, please comment.: .
3. Study Information
The Publications Policy requires that the trial principal investigator approve the manuscript prior to submission to the ACRIN Publications Committee. If applicable, has the ACRIN trial principal investigator approved the manuscript? Yes No Not applicable, describe reason:
Imaging Modalities/Procedures (check all that apply)
CT MRI US Mammography (digital)
X-ray PET Nuc Med Mammography (screen film)
RFA PET/CT Bone Scan Cryoablation
Study Type
Screening Diagnostic Staging Treatment Response
Treatment Other: Describe
3. Publication Information
Is this the first review of your manuscriptby the ACRIN Publications Committee? Yes No
Does this manuscript require review by a group other than ACRIN publications? Yes No
If yes, please identify the group:
Type of Work (Check all that apply.)
Initial Primary Aim Follow up Primary AimSecondary Aim Pathology
Follow up Secondary Aim Reader Study CEAQOL
Stat Methods Operations Methods
Other – describe:
Journal(s) Anticipated for Submission (Please list one to three journals in priority order.)
Journal Name / Anticipated Submission DateDo you intend to present study results described in the manuscript at an upcoming conference or meeting? Yes No
If yes, which one(s)
E-mail the form and manuscript to .
Please Note: The chair of the ACRIN Publications Committee will send manuscript reviews to ACRIN publicationsvia for distribution to all writing team members. Prior to journal submission, the lead author is responsible for submitting the final manuscript to ACRIN publications with a Manuscript Submission Form.
Manuscript Review Form: 3-31-111