To Become an AHA Instructor
ACLS or PALS Terry Rudd – BLS Katie Wellins – Katie
Each instructor training and course is $250.00
Follow these steps to become an AHA Instructor:
1. Have a current PROVIDER card in the discipline (i.e., ACLS, BLS, PALS, Heartsaver) you wish to teach
2. Align with an authorized American Heart Association Training Center that is accepting new instructors. Find a Training Center near you at Key Medical is CA20801.
3. Complete the American Heart Association’s Essentials CourseOnline for each level.
4. Attend an instructor course (1 day) with Essentials complete and instructor and provider book in hand.
5. Complete an Instructor Candidate Application
6. Observe and participate in an actual course with a regional faculty member or training center faculty.
(Contact Terry Rudd for ACLS/PALS and Katie Wellins for BLS to arrange course)
7. Successful monitoring teaching your first course
Once these requirements are met, your completed paperwork will be sent to the training center that you will be aligned. The training center provides the approval for you as an instructor.
Instructor RequirementsAnAHAInstructorCourseteaches themethodsneededtoeffectively instructothersinresuscitationcourses. The AHA requires that Instructors be at least 16 years ofageforHeartsaverInstructorand BLSInstructorcourses.ACLSand PALSInstructors mustbeatleast 18yearsofageandlicensedorcertifiedinahealthcareoccupation where suchskills are within the provider scope of practice. (AHA Program Administration Manual, 2008).
Instructor Course Completion
Satisfactory performance of the skillslistedintheFacultyGuidefor the course.
Athoroughknowledgeofcourse organization;coursecontent, includingappropriateBLSskills;Instructorresponsibilities;andthe AHAguidelinesforthespecificdiscipline.
Instructor CardIssuance Requirements
InstructorstatusisgrantedafteranInstructorcandidatesuccessfully completesthe InstructorCourse and meets the following requirements:
Within6monthsofsuccessfullycompleting the Instructor Course, the candidatesuccessfullydemonstrateshisorherteachingskillswhile being monitoredduringaProviderorProviderRenewalCourse.A TCF can extend the time requirementto1yearifthere are extenuatingcircumstances.
Required Books and Materials
Core Instructor Course - American Heart Association : 90-1036 - $30 from Training Center Only
Must be completed one-time only for any AHA Instructor.
BLS Instructor
BLS Essentials Online
BLS for Healthcare Providers Instructor Manual (90-1036)
BLS for Healthcare Providers Course & Renewal Course DVD (90-1035)
Stopwatch for testing
BLS HCP Instructor Package (includes Instructor manual, student manual, DVD, stopwatch) (90-1037) / ACLS Instructor
ACLS Essentials Online
ACLS Instructor Manual (90-1011)
ACLS DVD (90-1009)
ACLS Instructor Package (90-1041), Includes:
ACLS Provider Manual (90-1014)
ACLS Instructor Manual (90-1011)
2 ACLS DVDs (90-1009)
ACLS Posters (90-1013)
ACLS Emergency Crash Cart Cards (90-1010)
Stop Watch / PALS Instructor
PALS Essentials Online
PALS Instructor Manual (90-1054)
PALS DVD Set (90-1057)
PALS Posters (90-1055)
PALS Emergency Crash Cart Cards (90-1056)
PALS Instructor Package (90-1058), includes:
PALS Provider Manual (90-1052)
PALS Instructor Manual (90-1054)
PALS DVD Set (90-1057)
PALS Emergency Crash Cart Cards (90-1056)
PALS Posters (90-1055)
Key Medical Resources, Inc. (951)520-3116 FAX: (951) 739-0378