October 19, 2016

1. Call to Order

  1. Meeting called to order at 4:08pm
  2. List of those present: Chris Glass, Lauren Vasser, Daniel Drury, Autumn Boblitt, Melissa Chapman
  3. List of those absent: Corey Sayre, Lisa Clarke, Lasaundra Cobb

2. Opening Business

  1. Agenda Approval- Before approval, Glass made a small change to the Agenda to include a discussion of the Graduation Ceremony. All approved.
  2. September minutes- to be approved via email.
  3. Review/ Good News Update
  4. Mr. Glass updated Council on Building and Grounds. They are still working on the keyless entry system and changes with keys to the building. These should be installed by Christmas. Central Office is discussing plans to install protective shatter proof laminate on front entrances.
  5. Mr. Glass updated the Council on Academic events that have occurred within the last month.
  6. ACT Boot Camp’s 1st session of the year ended this week. There will also be a Spring session.
  7. Mr. Weber with ICLE made a visit to discuss RTI.
  8. Mr. Glass updated council on sports/extracurricular. Both boys and girls soccer won the district title and are playing in regionals. Band is doing well at competition and will be competing in Regionals and State within the next month.
  9. Public Comment- Marla Seraji, MediaCenter specialist who helps with Graduation, made a comment to the Council about the upcoming Graduation format change. She voiced her concern with changing the color of student gowns. This makes it hard for students who can not afford a gown, plan to use their siblings, or lose a gown/hat prior to the ceremony as she has accumulated extras through the years.

3. Financial Update

  1. Mr. Glass presented a financial update to the council.
  2. With all big purchases for the year done, there is
  3. $12,500 left in the General Fund
  4. $2,750 in Library
  5. $5,500 in department funds (can go into general fund)
  6. $2,500 in technology

4. Accountability Scores

  1. Glass summarized for the parents the recent accountability scores.
  2. ACHS received a Proficient distinction. .5 from being Distinguished. This ranking is based on 5 areas- Gap, Growth, College and Career Readiness, Graduation Rate, and Next Generation Learners.
  3. Positives: Our CCR increased, ACT was 2nd highest in school history (19.6), Graduation Rate went up, Less novice on On Demand, and Math had tremendous success)
  4. Areas for Growth: Gap scores went down- RTI Program working to address this, Large numbers of Apprentice on On-Demand.

5. Graduation Ceremony Format

  1. Students have approached Mr. Glass about a possible change to the Graduation Ceremony, specifically changing the colors of their gown.
  2. Council re-read policy which states if students request a change, the Council can decide to allow a student vote.
  3. Council decided to allow a student vote on gown color choice. Their choices will be between Navy (which we currently use) and Red.

6. Changes to Incentive Policy- 1st reading

  1. Mr. Glass presented to council the 1st reading of the Incentives Policy with a few minor changes. The changes will be on page 3 of the policy.
  2. ‘Lunch passes’ will be changed to ‘Breakfast passes’
  3. The COMPASS test will no longer be used for meeting college readiness so no exemptions can be earned through this test.
  4. Boblitt made a motion to approve the 1st reading. Chapman 2nd the motion.

7. Next Meeting Date/Time

  1. November 16th at 4:00 pm.

8. Adjournment

  1. Vasser made a motion to adjourn at 5:11. Drury 2nd the motion.