5th September 2016

A warm welcome back to all our current families, and a special welcome to those of you who are new to the school. I hope the children have all done lots of practical, interesting things over the summer, and maintained some reading, writing and number activities. Now is the time to get into a really good routine of a little practice every day in these areas, along with plenty more of the practical and interesting stuff!

If you are new to the school, please ask us or other parents if there is anything you are unsure about in these newsletters or any other school communications, everyone will be happy to explain things.

All four Bases are sending out class letters which will give detailed information about things relating to each particular Base. I look forward to a fabulous year of learning and fun with you all.

Achievement Assembly this week

The first achievement assembly of the year will be on Friday 9th September at 2.40pm. All parents, friends and family are welcome to join us. There is one every Friday unless we inform you that it isn’t on.The reception children will only join us for the first part of the assembly to start with.

Reading Challenge

A reminder from the Library that children still have a few days left in which to complete the Summer Reading Challenge – ‘The Big Friendly Read’. The last day to tell the library about the books read is Saturday 10th September.

School Uniform, Water and Snacks

Thank you for the high standards of school uniform that we have seen today. Allitems of clothing and shoes should be clearly named for their swift return when lost. Please make sure the children wear shoes rather than boots or trainers, and that socks are blue, black or white (some highly coloured ones slipped under the radar last term!). Leggings should not be worn in place of tights and long hair should be tied up or back for school.

If we get some hot weather in the early part of the term, please send them in with a sun hat and sun cream if required. All children should bring a named plastic bottle of water every day. Please make sure the children only bring water for the classroom. We also encourage all children in Silver and Gold Bases to bring some fruit each day for snack time (younger children all get a free piece of fruit each day through the government scheme). This is a great way for them to establish healthy eating habits. Please name any containers so they can find their way home! Could we also ask that children with pierced ears only wear small, plain studs, and are able to take them out or put their own tape on them when they change for PE without adult help. If in doubt, don’t let them have them until they are older! No make-up should be worn by children at any time in school. Sorry to bombard you with ‘rules’ but it is good to get these things clear at the start of the school year.

Bourton September Show – 10th September from 2-4pm

Do your bit for the local community!

The annual village show takes place next weekend in St George’s Church. All families in the school are encouraged to take part in this lovely village event; you don’t have to live in Bourton to enter any of the classes.

As a school, we feel it’s really important to help shows like this to survive and thrive. They encourage lots of important skills for children and adults, are very educational for children to visit and raise vital funds for our church. We are sending home a leaflet about the show to every family today and have agreed with the organisers that entry forms can be returned to school by Thursday 8th September at 3.15pm at the latest, with the entry fee, rather than getting entries in by 3rd September as shown in the leaflet.


If your child is absent from school please contact the school office as early as possible on the first day. If we don’t hear from you we will call you to verify the reason they are not in school. Please avoid appointments during the school day where possible and keep holidays out of term time as much as you can. There is a very strong link between low attendance and poor progress which we don’t want for any of our children.


Please continue to park considerately when using the roads around school. Our car park is only large enough to accommodate the staff cars and should not be used when dropping off in the mornings please, blocking spaces means that staff who are contracted to start at 8.50am are sometimes unable to find a space to park in. We have been advised that it is acceptable to park on the side of the main road, but only below the blue gates where traffic can safely pass without crossing a solid white line. Parking by the church is not safe, as traffic is forced to cross the white line close to the dangerous brow of the hill.

School Mobile Phone

The School mobile phone will be used to send messages to you in the event of school closure or for general reminders. We will send to the main mobile number on your contact sheet but if you have changed your number or would prefer us to use another number please let us know.


Please try to go along to PTFA meetings during the year to support the wonderful events that raise huge amounts for us to spend on the children. We have recently got two ‘state-of-the-art’ touchscreens with the help of the PTFA, along with new sound equipment in the Hall, help with the cost of trips and parties/ events for the children. New parents are automatically members of the PTFA and will be welcomed with open arms.

Bourton Parish Council Clerk

The Parish Council are looking for an enthusiastic, computer literate and community minded person to take on the paid position of clerk. It pays about £100 a week for 10 hours work and is a superb way to get to know lots of people in the village.

Please look at the notice on the school notice board, or contact the Chair, Simon Firbank on 01747 840848 if this is of interest to you.

Harvest Festival – Wednesday 5th October at 2.15pm, followed by sale of produce in the Hall at about 3pm

Please come and join us in the church if you can. This year we will be asking for the children to bring fresh produce or other items of food that we will take to the church to be blessed, then donate to the Gillingham food bank or sell in the Hall after the service.


A letter showing the clubs that will run this term will be sent out on Friday. Please let us know if you would like to run or help at a club. Please send back slips quickly so that clubs can start on Monday 12th September.

Last Day – Friday 16th December

We will finish at 1.30pm for Christmas. Any children who can’t be picked up at that time will be looked after at school until 3.15pm.

Breakfast Club

Bourton and Zeals Pre-School are starting a breakfast club from 8am each day. Please contact them on 840537 to arrange places. The club will only be able to continue if it is used, so please give it a try!

Zeals After School Club

Please contact us for details if you’d like to make use of this facility. They are happy to come to Bourton to pick up children at the end of the school day.

M. Salisbury