Aces High Aviation
Pilot Information Sheet
Renter Information Pilot Information
LastName CertificateNumber
FirstName Certificates or Ratings Held (circle as required)
Address Student Private IFR Com. SEL
City St Zip TotalTime SEL MEL
DateofBirth / / Instrument Complex
DriversLicense# Last90Days
FlightReview / /
AlternatePhone LastIPCifapplicable / /
Employer Medical Date / / Class
Reference Checkouts
ReferencePhone Aircraft Date Instructor
Gmail address (if different) required for scheduling
Credit Card on File Agreement (required)
I ,giveAcesHighAviation
permissiontokeepmycurrentcreditcardinformationonfileand chargeanyunpaidbalancestomycardwhennecessary.I
Card type Account Number Exp Date /
3 digit security code
Name on Card
Signature of Cardholder Mountainous terrain as required
Emergency Contact
Name, phone and Address of Emergency Contact Catalina (12 months)
Page 1 Rev. 7/20/2016
This AIRCRAFT RENTAL AGREEMENT(“Agreement”) is made this day of _, 20_ by
and between Aces High Aviation (referred to herein as “AHA”)whose address is 3501 N Lakewood Blvd, Long
BeachCA90808 and
(“Pilot”) whose address is
(City)(State) (Zip Code) WITNESSTHAT:
This Agreement provides information to all pilots renting aircraft from AHAand governs the rental of aircraft and provision of other services byAHA to Pilot.In consideration of the mutual covenants contained herein andother valuable consideration, theparties heretoagree asfollows:
I.Payment. Payment is duewhen services are rendered. AHA acceptscash,checks,Visa,MasterCard,American Express, and Discover aspayment for services rendered. All outstanding balances will be chargedto the credit card on file. All checks returned for “Insufficient Funds”will incur a service charge in the amount of $35.00 percheck in addition to thecost of services rendered. AHA cannot accept payment for flightinstruction services.
a) UnpaidRental/NoShowFees/Other Balances. The Pilot authorizes AHA to chargeunpaid rental, no showfees, and other fee's, balancesto the credit card listed in thisagreement.
b)PastDueAccount. Pilot’s account must be paid currentto maintain flying privilegeswith AHA. An account past due90 days or morewill result in collection action being taken. The Pilot is responsible for attorneyfees, courtfees, and all other costs arising from any collection action.
c)Noshowfees. Pilots maybe assessed a$25 no showfee if a scheduled flight isn’t canceled prior to the scheduled flight time. Ifthe Pilot is unable to access the schedule the Pilot should call AHAto cancel a flight.
II.Insurance. Current information regardingour insurancemaybe obtainedthrough anyStaffmemberofAHA.
a)Aircraft.In order to meet our insurance obligations, certain typesof aircraftwill require special check out procedures. Please checkwith approvedAHA Flight Instructors/Stafffortheserequirements.
b)Damage.ThePilotagreestopayforanydamagetotheaircraftasaresultofPilot’suseoftheaircraft.ItisthePilot’s sole responsibilityto ensure proper treatmentand handlingof the aircraft and/or equipment,which is being rented tothe pilot. Please ask AHA Staff for detailsregarding additional insurance coverage availability.
c)Deductible. AHA's insurance policycarriesa $2500.00 deductible for moving accidents, and $250.00for non movement accidentsthatthePilotwillbeobligatedtopayintheeventofdamagetoanaircraft.ThePilotmayberesponsibleforany liability to otherpersons, andany costs, damages, losses, including loss ofuse and attorneyfees arising in connectionwith useofanaircraft.
III. Hold Harmless.The Pilot herebyagreesto indemnifyand hold AHA harmless againstany liabilities, claims or damages which result from/or are in connectionwith Pilot’s rentalof an aircraftpursuanttothisagreement;andthe Pilot also agrees to be responsible for the payment of anydamages caused to Pilot, third parties, personal propertyand propertybelonging to third parties, and to the aircraft and/orequipmentwhile in the Pilot’s possession and use.
a)FederalAviationRegulations (FARs).Itis the Pilot’s sole responsibility to complywith all Federal Aviation Regulationsatalltimes.
b)Handling ofAircraft.Withrespecttopre-flight inspections,itisthePilot’s sole responsibility to complywithall FARs and the aircraft manufacturer’s guidelines and any other sourceregulating pre-flight procedures. Anydamage,un airworthy conditions, ormissingdocuments foundduring pre-flight ofthe aircraft must be reported to AHA immediately PRIORTO FLIGHT. Pilotagrees not to accept the aircraft until Pilot issatisfiedwith the aircraft airworthiness, andfunctioning of its equipment andaccessories. With respect to post-flight inspections, it is the Pilot’s sole responsibilityto complywith allFARsand theaircraftmanufacturer’s guidelines and any other sourceregulatingpost-flight procedures. Anydamage found, must be reported toAHA immediatelyand prior toleaving AHA's premises. Anydamage caused bythe Pilot orduring Pilot’suse of the aircraft, and not reported to AHAwill result in terminationofflyingprivilegeswith AHAandcollectionactionbeing taken against the pilot for the cost of repairs.
c)AircraftFlightTime.The Pilot is responsible for checkingthecurrentHOBBS/TACHtime, tothehighesttenth, on the aircraft dispatch. HOBBS/TACH differencesfound prior to startingthe aircraft must be immediatelyreported to AHAStaff for adjustment. Unreported differences are the Pilot’s responsibility.The Pilotwill record on the aircraft dispatch,tothe highest tenth,theendingHOBBS/TACHtimeaftershuttingdown theaircraft.
d)Master/Avionics Switches.ItisthePilot’s responsibility to leave the aircraftwith the master and avionicsswitches turned off after each flight. If itbecomes necessary to recharge or jump start an aircraft becauseof failure to complywiththis rule, the pilot maybe charged for the costs involvedwithcharging or replacing the battery.
e)SecuringofAircraft. It is the Pilot’s responsibilityto secure the aircraft, after each flight,withallmeansprovidedbyAHA (tie-downropes, gust locks, throttle locks, etc.).The Pilot maybe charged a tie-downfeeof $10.00 for failure to complywith this rule. Whensecuring the aircraft awayfromLong Beachitis the pilot’s responsibility toensure that adequate tie downs
are available and secured.
Initial ______
f) Cleanliness. It isthe Pilot’sresponsibility to leave the aircraft interior in aclean condition after each flight. The Pilot maybe charged a cleaning fee of $25.00 for failure to complywiththisrule.
g)Food/Drinks/Smokingin Aircraft.Food, drinks and/or smoking in theaircraft are strictlyPROHIBITED.
The Pilot maybe charged a cleaning fee of $45.00 for failure tocomplywith this rule. Smoking on the ramp, or in the vicinity of anyaircraft and/or fuelingequipmentwithin aradiusof 50 feetisstrictlyPROHIBITED.
h)FlightPlan.AHA recommends that prior to any flightbeyond 50 nauticalmiles; the Pilotshould file a flight planwith FSS.
(AHA providesvarious flight planning forms)
i)WeightBalance.AHArecommendsthatpriortoall flights the Pilot should calculate theweight &balanceoftheaircraft. j) Fees at OtherAirports.The Pilot is responsible for settling all landing,tie-down, handling, and/or any other fees incurred enroute or at the Pilot’s flight destination at the timetheyareincurred.Ifnotsettledatthattime,the
Pilotwill be charged a processing fee $25.00 for failure tocomplywith thisrule.
k)UnpavedAirportLandings. Other than with prior permission, orwhiletrainingwith an AHA Certificated FlightInstructor,thePilotis NOTALLOWEDto conduct any “unpaved airport landings”. “Unpaved Airport Landings” include, but are not limited to: grass, turf, dirt, gravel and/or anyother unstable surface.
l)FlightCurrencywithAHA.It isthe Pilot’ssole responsibilityto complywith all FARs concerning currency. In addition,
AHArequires flight inanAHAaircraftwithinthepreceding90 days. Once a Pilot’s AHA currencyexpires,the Pilotmay be required to have a flight currencycheckoutwith an AHACertifiedFlightInstructor.
m)PilotCertificateMedicalCertificate.AHA requires the Pilot to maintain a copyof Pilot’s current Pilot certificateand
Medical Certificate on filewith AHA. AHA also requires a copyof the Pilot’s validdriver’slicense for identification purposes. TheTSA(Transportation and SecurityAdministration) nowrequires proof ofcitizenship (Original Birth Certificate or Valid Passport ONLY) be PROVIDEDPRIORTOANYTRAININGwhich might result in a Certificate and/or additional rating.
n)NightFlights. It isthe Pilot’s sole responsibility to complywithall FARs concerning night currency.
o) Overnight Rental. The Pilot understandsthat all aircraftrequirea minimum of 3 hours charge per dayfor overnight rental.
p)Long CrossCountryFlights. Anyflight exceedinga 300nm distance from Long Beach needs approval from AHA.
q)AllOperations.The Pilot will onlyrent aircraft inwhichPilot has received a checkoutand forwhich the Pilot’s records with AHA indicate such checkout. Pilots areencouraged toinspect their AHA records periodically. The Pilotwill not conduct commercial operationsincluding flight training in an AHA aircraft unlesswith an AHA approved instructor. Pilotmayonlyuseaircraft for Pilot’s personal pleasure or incidental business purposes. The Pilotwill flyfromthe left seat ONLY, unless approved to flyright seat byan AHACertified FlightInstructor.The Pilotwill not allowanyone else to flytheaircraft.AsaStudent Pilot,carryingofpassengersisstrictlyPROHIBITED. Student Pilots in the solo phase of instruction musthave a currentsign off from their instructorand observe allweather andwind limitations as dictatedbytheir instructor. Student pilotswill make all landingsto a FULL STOP,touch & go landings are strictlyPROHIBITED.
Prior to Soloing AHA Aircraft a Pre-solo stage check must be successfully completed with a flight instructor as assigned by AHA.
r)FlightInstruction. ONLY AHAFlightInstructorsare authorized toprovideflightinstructioninAHAaircraft.
s) AHAFlightInstructorswork ona freelance basis andare notemployees ofAHA.This means that any scheduling, billing or other issues regarding instructors should be handled directlywith the instructor. If mediation is necessaryplease contacttheownersofAHA.
t)Aircraft Rental/Keys.AHA reserves theright to rent any aircraft forwhich the Pilot ismore than 15 minutes late for Pilot’s scheduled time. The Pilot must provide 24 hours notice ofcancellation of a scheduled rental time, with the exception ofweather or sickness. Pilot agrees to returnthe aircraftat the scheduled time. Late returns,which impactAHA rental operationsor flight instruction,mayresult in additional charges.The Pilotwill ensure that the aircraft keyisreturnedwiththe aircraft dispatch before leaving the premises.The Pilot may be charged a lost keyfee of $25.00 for failure to complywith thisrule.
u)AircraftMalfunctions.If during the courseof a rentalflighttheaircraftsuffersamalfunction, making it unsafe or unairworthyforeither continued flight orthe planned operation (night, IFR, etc.). The pilot should contactthe owners oran AHA approved instructor for guidance. The pilot is not to allowany maintenancework to be performed on the aircraftwithout prior approval. AHAwill not beresponsible for incidental travel or other expenses incurred bythe Pilot resulting in maintenance delays. The Pilotwill be responsible for charges incurred prior to the malfunction.
v)Adverse Weather. It is the Pilot’s responsibilityto ensurethat current and forecastweather conditionswill allowthe flight to be completed safely. Ifweather conditions prevent a safereturn to the Long Beach (KLGB) airport, it is the Pilots responsibility to remainwith the aircraft untilit is safe to return. AHA is notresponsible for incidental travel expenses orother chargesincurredbythePilot.AtthePilot’sdiscretion,AHAwill assume responsibilityforreturningtheaircraft.Ifthisoccurs, the Pilotwill beliable for aircraft and pilot time incurred byAHA in returningthe aircraft to the Long Beach,Ca (KLGB) airport, in addition to the rental Charges for the aircraft under no conditionshould a pilot flyan aircraft in questionable weatherinordertoreturnanaircraft.Safetymustalwaysbetoppriority.
w)Off-siteFuelPurchases. AHA aircraft rent “wet”. Fuelwill be providedbySignatureFlight Support. Phone numbers are located on thefront cover of the dispatch books. Each aircraftis on accountwith both providers. Fuel ison request only. Each aircraft should have a “fuel hawk”locatedinit.Itisthepilot’s responsibilityto confirm an adequate amount of fuel prior to departure. Specific fuel requests should be directedto pilotswho have prior schedules. If fuel is purchasedwhile awayfrom Long Beach AHAwill reimburse fuel purchases at the rate posted at AHA, Only If a valid receipt is producedat the time of payment. AHA asksthatpilotsareconscientiousabouttheir fuel purchases to help keep fuelcosts to a minimum.
x) Catalina Flights. Before anyAHA pilots are allowedtoflytoCatalina (KAVX)thepilotmust have approval from an AHA
approved instructor.
y) Big Bear. Before any AHA pilots are allowed to fly to Big Bear (KL35) the pilot must have approval from an AHA
approved instructor.Initial ______
z)InternationalFlights. International flightscan be arranged but onlywith express permission from AHA.
x)UnpaidBalancesAny renterwho maintains a balanceafter 7 dayswill have their scheduling privileges suspendedand will then be required to keep a$1000 depositon account to regain scheduling privileges.
V.Maintenance. Anymaintenance related items that couldinterferewith the safetyofa flight, and squawks found, must be immediatelyreportedtoAHAStaff.Allsquawksmustbeimmediatelyreported and noted on the aircraft squawksheet located in the aircraft dispatchbooks. Any maintenance related action required awayfromhome base requires prior authorization from AHA management.Telephone numbersare located on the front cover of the aircraft binders.
VI.Emergencies. Pilot agrees to report all accidents, both majorand minor immediatelyalongwithanynames and addresses ofwitnesses and involved parties.Pilotwill not allowthe aircraft to be movedunless expressly authorized todo so byAHA or authorities. Pilotwill doall that ispossible toprotect the aircraft fromfurther loss or damage.In the eventof an emergency, the Pilot should immediately contact local authorities, the NTSB if required, and AHA.
VII. GoverningLaw.This agreement shallbe construed and enforced under the lawsof the State of California.
VIII. EntireAgreement. Thisagreement supersedes any prior negotiationsand agreements between the parties regarding the same issuesaddressed herein, and constitute the entire agreement of the parties.
IX.Amendment.This Agreement maybe amended byAHA as required.
X.Certification. Pilot certifies that all information supplied to AHA is true and correct.
IN WITNESSWHEREOF the parties have executed this Agreement on the date firstabovewritten. ACESHIGHAVIATION.
Initial ______
By: (AHA Representative)
(AHA Representative Signature)
Pilot/renter: (Printed Name)
(Pilot/renter Signature)
This signedagreementmust be accompanied bya completed Pilot Information Sheet and an Aircraft
Checkout Quiz if required.