ACCT-077/Bookkeeping Part 2 – QuickBooks Pro
Student Learning Outcomes
Learning Domain Category (LDC) / Student Learning Outcome (SLO) / Aligns with Course Objective / Aligns with Department Learning Outcome (DLO)Understanding / SLO-1: Student writes a short-answer to demonstrate understanding of thesteps to create an accounting system using QuickBooks. / Define and explain the structure and nature of bookkeeping and accounting practices and procedures in a small business environment. / Implement accounting concepts using a computerized accounting program such as QuickBooks or Peachtree.
Application / SLO-2: Student applies the steps to create an accounting system using QuickBooks to create one. / Create, set-up and account for service and merchandising small businesses utilizing QuickBooks Pro. / Implement accounting concepts using a computerized accounting program such as QuickBooks or Peachtree.
Analysis / SLO-3: Given specific accounting transactions, student analyzesand determinesthe appropriate module to utilize in QuickBooks. / Analyze the various QuickBooks Pro modules and examine their role in the accounting cycle. / Analyze, evaluate, and report financial information to the appropriate individuals and organizations.
Assessment Rubric for ACCT-077/Bookkeeping Part 2 – QuickBooks Pro
This Rubric will be used to assess student learning outcomes based on learning domain categories using varying levels.
Learning Domain Category (LDC) / Student not present (N/A) / Does Not Meet: 0 / Approaches: 1-2 / Meets: 3-4 / Exceeds: 5 / Score:0-5
Knowledge / No evidence for knowledge / Recalls somecontent and definitions but not always accurately / Identifies most definitions, principles, methodologies and theories accurately / Identifies significant definitions, principles, methodologies and theoriesaccurately
Understand / No evidence for
understanding / Explains/demonstrates ideas, concepts and principles with limited accuracy and irrelevant examples / Explains/demonstrates ideas, concepts and principles with some accuracy and relevant
examples / Explains/demonstrates ideas, concepts and principles accurately and relevant examples
Application / No evidence for application / Applies knowledge and concepts with little consistency or accuracy / Applies knowledge and concepts with some degree of consistently and accuracy / Appliesknowledge and reasoning with consistently and accuracy
Analysis / No evidence for analysis / Breaks downtheories, strategies, and methods into their elements with difficulty / Breaks downtheories,strategies, and methods into their elements with minimal difficulty / Breaks downtheories strategies, and methods into their elements with accuracy
Synthesis / No evidence for synthesis / Integrates relevant knowledge from diverse perspectives with little depth and breadth / Integrates relevant knowledge from diverseperspectives with some depth and breadth / Integrates relevant knowledge from diverse perspectives with depth and breadth
Evaluation / No evidence for evaluation / Determines with a minimal degree of effectiveness
theories, policies, or choices in problem solving / Determines with some degree of effectivenesstheories, policies, or choices in problem solving / Demonstrates ability to assess the effectiveness of theories, policies, or choices in problem solving