Name: Resource Availability Form
Code: F3301 / Edition: 1 / Date: 2004/09/13
Institution Name / ILMT – Milan Polytechnic
Application Code / …..
Contact Person For This Form / Mrs. Ada Giannatelli/ Laura Nestani
Annex Number / Pages / Identification
· Provide the requested information about the institution’s physical resources. The objective is to cover all the infrastructures related to the education processes, including resources for students, academic and administrative staff, and to evaluate their suitability for the course.
· Annexed documents may be provided. In this case fill in the ANNEXES information.
· Further information about completing this document can be found in "xxx".
RESOURCES AVAILABILITYPolicies for access to learning and content materials (A3301)
Technical support for students and staff.
Educational support for students (tutors, advisors)
On-site resources
Classroom m2 for the course for on-site education
Work spaces and equipment for academic and administrative staff
Laboratories and equipment for on-site practices
Agreements with other institutions (public or private) for lab practices
Library m2 for the course for on-site education
Library resources for students and staff
Online resources
Library resources for students
Learning Management System
Communication and student support tools
Learning Material distribution and online access facilities
1) Policies for access to learning and content materials
Given the online nature of the Course, all individuals involved in the teaching process (students, teaching staff and tutors) are required to satisfy the following minimum requirements in relation to computer equipment and Internet connection.
To follow the teaching activities for the Degree Course in Online Computer Engineering, it is necessary to have a computer with a CD-Rom reader, an audio and video card and Internet connection.
The minimum recommended configuration to access the platform and easily utilise its services and teaching materials, online and offline, is as follows:
a) Hardware: processor: Pentium III or another equivalent or better processor; RAM memory: 128 MB or greater; hard disk space: 60 MB; available space for temporary internet files (cache): 20 MB; audio card: 16 bit; audio communication system: speakers or headphones, microphone; video card: 1024x768 pixels; number of colours: 65,536 (16bit); CD-ROM reader: 24x;
b) Software: Operating System: Windows 98 S.E. / 2000 / XP SP1; Browser: Microsoft Internet Explorer; Plug-In: Macromedia Flash 7
c) Internet Connection: speed: 128kbps or greater; enabled for TCP traffic on ports: 80, 8080, 8081, 8084, 8088, 554 and 1533; enabled for UDP traffic on ports: 49418, 1055, 1485 and 1486.
Teaching staff and tutors can connect both from their university workstation and from home. If connecting from home it is possible to be called back and therefore use the Polytechnic line (call-back), or to have connection costs reimbursed for the Online Degree on presentation of the telephone bill.
2) Technical support for students and staff
A technical help desk service will be provided to resolve problems of a technological nature in relation to the information platform (access, visibility of courses) and aspects connected with telecom and multimedia tools and environments (forums, bulletin boards, live sessions, etc)
3) Educational support for students (tutors, advisors)
In addition to organisational help (for problems of an organisational nature), a general tutor (who provides personalised advice with respect to development of the student learning process) and discipline tutors (who help with improving learning), an orientation service on entry and a University stage service will be provided.
4) On Site resources
Given the online nature of the Course, the only contact activity for the Degree Course in Online Computer Engineering is the final examination each semester, for which the following infrastructures will be available for use:
Ø university, to enable students to undertake the tests and make use of University facilities. On the basis of the number of candidates communicated by ILMT on indication from the individual lecturers, the department secretarial services will make available both rooms set up to carry out the tests, and computer rooms with access to multimedia resources and digital communication tools on the pre-established dates at the Como faculty of the Polytechnic (via Castelnuovo 7, Como);
Ø non-university, (hotels, hostels and restaurants), to enable students, coming from all over Italy, to obtain accommodation at reasonable prices. The Como Polytechnic faculty has in fact established agreements in this regard with operators in the area, a list of which can be found at the address> CampusOne > CampusOne - materials for assessors> On line computer engineering; username: valutatore_CRUI; password: valutatore_CRUI.
Availability of libraries and relative equipment:
Students taking the Online Computer Engineering Course may access the library service provided for all students at Milan Polytechnic. The procedure requires that Course students order the desired text by e-mail: if the book is available, it is sent to ILMT and then redirected by courier to the student’s home address; if it is not available, the student is then placed on a waiting list with other University students and waits his turn. On expiry of the loan period, the student must return the text by courier; costs for this will be borne by Milan Polytechnic.
Availability of secretarial services:
Secretarial services are adapted to the requirements of the Course, inasmuch as they are partly, in compliance with student requirements, manageable online directly by the students, by accessing WebPoliself services and information via the Web from any PC connected to the Internet (e.g. registration for examinations, career data, etc.), available 24 hours a day (except for maintenance activities on Saturdays). Students can also make payments of University taxes directly online, by means of credit card (this service was started 3 years ago specifically for this Course, and has since been extended to all Polytechnic Courses).
5) Online resources
At the beginning of the course each student is provided with a username and password which enables access to the Internet platform dedicated to the Online Degree and access to online teaching materials. Originally, the teaching content was provided in a multimedia format on CD ROM: current updating in progress will however see all materials transferred online. In the platform, lecturers also make available specific teaching resources and supplements which can be consulted online. A book loan service is also operating: during the course of each academic year, each student has the right to a pre-established number of free deliveries by courier for the receipt and return of books.
With respect to tools provided by the learning management system, within the platform the student will find, for each subject, a space dedicated to the virtual class.
This space comprises:
- an online agenda where the student will find activities to be carried out during the course of the week
- Teaching material sections
- Online collaborative activities in which they participate
- Forecast test schedules
- A forum for discussions, clarification requests, more in-depth information, etc.
- a bulletin board for organisational type announcements
- a letter box for delivery of exercises and print-outs required by the lecturer
- specific teaching resources (exercises, supplementary materials, etc.)
- a virtual environment known as the live session which is activated on a specific time and date for each subject: this involves a system which incorporates a text chat with a virtual whiteboard, systems for sharing of files and "guided visits" to Internet sites, real time tests, etc
The student can communicate, according to his or her specific requirement, through mail, general forums and subject forums.
F3301 Resource Availability Form
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