Learning objectives / The purpose of this theoretical and practical integrated course is to offer an in-depth training on how different imaging modalities, coupled with tailored imaging probes able to recognize specific pathologic markers, allow the visualization and quantification of disease evolution and the evaluation of therapy response.
/ Master or PhD students in medicine, biology, chemistry or physicsBasic knowledge of chemistry, imaging modalities, cancer biology
Lectures content and practical work / - Principle of Imaging Probes and Contrast Agents
- MRI/CT/OI/PET/SPECT/US, combined modalities
- molecular imaging at pre-clinical and clinical level
- synthesis, functionalization and delivery of imaging probes
Training methods / 50 % lectures, 40 % lab work and 10 % exercises
Coordination / Registration / Dario Longo / Paola Bardini
Phone: +39 011 6706493 – email :
Scientific advisor : Dr. Dario Longo, PhD
Course language / English
Duration / 10 working days
Course location / Department of Molecular Biotechnology and Health Sciences – Molecular Imaging Center – Turin (ITALY)
Dates / September 23th – October 4th, 2013
Registration fees / All Master and PhD students from the University of Paris Sud XI, INSTN, University of Crete, Abert-Ludwigs-Universitat Freiburg im Breisgau, Technische Universität München, Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Erasmus MC Rotterdam, Karolinska Institutet, University of Lyon 1 and Universitat de Santiago de Compostela will receive a support of the European Commission to attend the course. Others, please send an inquiry to the coordinator:
Registration deadline / August 31th, 2013
Number of participants / 20 participants maximum
Credits / 3 ECTS
Keywords / molecular imaging, MRI imaging probes, synthesis and conjugation, labelling routes, Gd-complexes, CEST agents, PET/CT/MRI/OI/US, oncology, therapies, clinical imaging,
This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. Overall responsibilities are taken by the University of Turin and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.
ACCORDO NUMERO: 2013-1-IT2-ERA10-52973